Transcript:Surgeon General Tafani

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Standard dialogue

  • Player: Hi!
  • Surgeon General Tafani: Hi. How can I help?
  • Can you heal me?
    • Player: Can you heal me?
    • If the player is on a PvP world:
      • Surgeon General Tafani: Sorry, I'm not on duty.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If the player is on a Deadman world:
      • Surgeon General Tafani: PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!
      • Player: I was... looking to be healed.
      • Surgeon General Tafani: No way, I'm out of here just as soon as I've packed up my stuff!
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If the player has full Hitpoints:
      • Surgeon General Tafani: You look healthy to me!
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If the player does not have full Hitpoints:
      • Surgeon General Tafani: Of course!
      • Surgeon General Tafani heals you for 21 Hitpoints.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • Do you see a lot of injured fighters?
    • Player: Do you see a lot of injured fighters?
    • Surgeon General Tafani: Yes I do. Thankfully we can cope with almost anything. Jaraah really is a wonderful surgeon, his methods are a little unorthodox but he gets the job done.
    • Surgeon General Tafani: I shouldn't tell you this but his nickname is 'The Butcher'.
    • Player: That's reassuring.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • Do you come here often?
    • Player: Do you come here often?
    • Surgeon General Tafani: I work here, so yes!
    • Surgeon General Tafani: You're silly!
    • (End of dialogue)
  • (If the player does not have 99 Hitpoints:) Can you tell me about your cape?
    • Player: Can you tell me about your cape?
    • Surgeon General Tafani: Certainly! Skillcapes are a symbol of achievement. Only people who have mastered a skill and reached level 99 can get their hands on them and gain the benefits they carry.
    • Surgeon General Tafani: The Cape of Hitpoints doubles the speed of your hitpoints replenishing when worn. Is there anything else I can help you with?
    • (End of dialogue)
  • (If the player has 99 Hitpoints:) Can I buy a Skillcape of Hitpoints from you?
    • If the player is on a PvP Arena world:
      • Player: Can I buy a Skillcape of Hitpoints from you?
      • Surgeon General Tafani: Sorry, I'm under orders to not sell capes right now.
      • You cannot do that on this game world.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • Skillcape
      • Player: Can I buy a Skillcape of Hitpoints from you?
      • Surgeon General Tafani: Why, certainly my friend. However, owning such an item makes you part of an elite group and wearing it will double the speed of your hitpoints replenishing.
      • Surgeon General Tafani: Such a privilege will cost you 99,000 coins.
      • Sorry, that's much too pricey.
        • Player: Sorry, that's much too pricey.
        • Surgeon General Tafani: I'm sorry you feel that way. Still if you change your mind...
        • (End of dialogue)
      • Sure, that's not too expensive for such a magnificent cape.
        • Player: Sure, that's not too expensive for such a magnificent cape.
        • If the player does not have at least 99,000 coins:
          • Player: But, unfortunately, I don't have enough money with me.
          • Surgeon General Tafani: Well come back and see me when you do.
          • (End of dialogue)
        • If the player has at least 99,000 coins but not enough inventory space:
          • Surgeon General Tafani: Unfortunately all Skillcapes are only available with a free hood, it's part of a skill promotion deal; buy one get one free, you know. So you'll need to free up some inventory space before I can sell you one.
          • (End of dialogue)
        • If the player has at least 99,000 coins and enough inventory space:
          • (Player receives a Hitpoints cape and hood.)
          • Surgeon General Tafani: Wear this cape in good health, my friend.
          • (End of dialogue)
    • Hood
      • Player: May I have another hood for my cape, please?
      • Surgeon General Tafani: Most certainly, and free of charge!
      • Tafani hands you another hood for your skillcape.
      • (End of dialogue)