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Standard dialogue

  • Player: Hello there.
  • Tarquin: Hello old bean. Is there something I can help you with?
  • Who are you?
    • Player: Who are you?
    • Tarquin: My name is Tarquin Marjoribanks.
    • Tarquin: I'd be surprised if you haven't already heard of me?
    • Player: Why would I have heard of you Mr. Marjoribanks?
    • Tarquin: It's pronounced 'Marchbanks'!
    • Tarquin: You should know of me because I am a member of the royal family of Misthalin!
    • Player: Are you related to King Roald?
    • Tarquin: Oh yes! Quite closely actually.
    • Tarquin: I'm his 4th cousin, once removed on his mothers side.
    • Player: Er... Okay. What are you doing here then?
    • Tarquin: I'm canoeing on the river! It's enormous fun! Would you like to know how?
    • Yes
      • Player: Could you teach me about canoes?
      • If the player has 1-11 Woodcutting:
        • Tarquin: Well, you don't look like you have the skill to make a canoe.
        • Tarquin: You need to have at least level 12 woodcutting.
        • Tarquin: Once you are able to make a canoe it makes travel along the river much quicker!
        • (End of dialogue)
      • If the player has 12-99 Woodcutting:
        • Tarquin: It's really quite simple. Just walk down to that tree on the bank and chop it down.
        • Tarquin: When you have done that you can shape the log further with your axe to make a canoe.
        • Tarquin: My personal favourite is the Stable Dugout canoe. A finer craft you'll never see old bean!
        • Tarquin: A Stable Dugout canoe will take you pretty much the length of the Lum river.
        • Tarquin: Of course there are other canoes.
        • (Continues below)
      • If the player has 12-26 Woodcutting:
        • Tarquin: Further up river, near the Barbarian Village, I saw some darned fool 'canoeing' on a log!
        • Tarquin: Unfortunately, you don't have the skill to create anything more than one of those logs. I dare say it will only get 1 stop down the river!
        • Tarquin: Still, I'm sure it will satisfy one such as yourself.
        • Player: What's that supposed to mean?
        • Tarquin: Do not profane the royal house of Varrock by engaging me in further discourse you knave!
        • Player: Pfft! I doubt he even knows the King!
        • (End of dialogue)
      • If the player has 27-41 Woodcutting:
        • Tarquin: You seem to be quite handy with an axe though!
        • Tarquin: I'm sure you can build a Dugout canoe. Not as fine as a Stable Dugout but it will carry you 2 stops on the river.
        • Tarquin: I should imagine it would suit your limited means.
        • Player: What do you mean when you say 'limited means'?
        • Tarquin: Well, you're just an itinerant adventurer!
        • Tarquin: What possible reason would you have for cluttering up my river with your inferior water craft!
        • (End of dialogue)
      • If the player has 42-56 Woodcutting:
        • Tarquin: Ah! Perfect! You can make a Stable Dugout canoe! One of those will carry you to any civilised place on the river.
        • Tarquin: If you were of good pedigree I'd let you join my boat club. You seem to be one of those vagabond adventurers though.
        • Player: Charming!
        • Tarquin: Be off with you rogue!
        • (End of dialogue)
      • If the player has 57-99 Woodcutting:
        • Tarquin: Well ... erm. You seem to be able to make a Waka!
        • Player: Sounds fun, what's a Waka.
        • Tarquin: I've only ever seen one man on the river who uses a Waka. A big, fearsome looking fellow up near Edgeville.
        • Tarquin: People say he was born in the Wilderness and that he is looking for a route back.
        • Player: Is that true!
        • Tarquin: How should I know? I would not consort with such a base fellow!
        • (End of dialogue)
    • No
      • Player: No thanks, not right now.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • Can you teach me about Canoeing?
    • Player: Can you teach me about canoes?
    • (Same as above)