Transcript:Thorvald the Warrior
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Before the Fremennik Trials
- Thorvald the Warrior: Leave me be, outerlander. I have nothing to say to the likes of you.
- (End of dialogue)
During the Fremennik Trials
- Player: Hello!
- Thorvald the Warrior: Hello yourself, outerlander. What brings you to dare speak to a mighty Fremennik warrior such as myself?
- Player: Erm... are you a member of the council?
- Thorvald the Warrior: The Fremennik council of elders? Why, of course I am. I am recognised as one the clans mightiest warriors. What is it to you outerlander?
- Player: Well... I was wondering if you could vote for me to become a Fremennik.
- Thorvald the Warrior: An outerlander wishes to become a Fremennik!?!? Ha! That is priceless!
- Thorvald the Warrior: Well, let us say that I am not totally against this concept. As a warrior, I appreciate the value of brave and powerful warriors to our clan,
- Thorvald the Warrior: and even though you may be an outerlander, I will not hold this against you if you can prove yourself to be fierce of heart in a combat situation to me.
- Player: So how can I prove that? You want to fight me? Come on then, bring it on! Right here, right now, buddy!
- Thorvald the Warrior: Hahahahaha! You certainly show some spirit for an outerlander!
- Thorvald the Warrior: But spirit does not always make a good warrior. It takes both skill and spirit to be so. I have a test that I give all Fremenniks on their path to be a member of the clan.
- Thorvald the Warrior: My test will challenge both your combat prowess and your bravery equally. Should you pass it you will earn my vote at the council, and more importantly my respect for you as a warrior.
- Thorvald the Warrior: So what say you, outerlander? Are you prepared for the battle?
- Select an Option
- Yes
- Player: Am I prepared? I'll show you what combat's all about, you big sissy barbarian type guy!
- Thorvald the Warrior: Hahahahaha! I'm beginning to like you already, outerlander!
- Thorvald the Warrior: Then allow me to present you with my challenge; This ladder here will take you to a place of combat. I have placed a special warrior down there to challenge you.
- Thorvald the Warrior: Battle him to the death, and you will pass my challenge. If at any point you wish to leave combat, simply climb back up the ladder, to leave that place.
- Thorvald the Warrior: If you leave you will of course fail the test. You may retry my test in the future if you fail, but you must stay down there until the death if you wish for my vote at the council.
- Thorvald the Warrior: You must defeat him three times to prove that you are worthy. The fourth time that you fight him will be to the death, so do not show cowardice.
- Player: Is that all? It will be easy!
- Thorvald the Warrior: No, there is one more important rule;
- Thorvald the Warrior: You may not enter the battleground with any armour or weaponry of any kind.
- Thorvald the Warrior: If you need to place your equipment into your bank account, I recommend that you speak to the seer, who knows a spell that will do that for you.
- (End of dialogue)
- No
- Player: No thanks, I'm pretty sure that I can find someone else to vote for me.
- Thorvald the Warrior: Hmm, not so brave after all, outerlander? Perhaps it is for the best. I doubt you have what it takes to pass my challenge.
- (End of dialogue)
Attempting to go down the ladder before accepting his challenge
- Thorvald the Warrior: Outerlander... do not test my patience. I do not take kindly to people wandering in here and acting as though they own the place.
- (End of dialogue)
Attempting to go down the ladder with illegal equipment
- Thorvald the Warrior: You may not enter the battleground with any armour or weaponry of any kind.
- Thorvald the Warrior: If you need to place your equipment into your bank account, I recommend that you speak to the seer, who knows a spell that will do that for you.
- (End of dialogue)
Before completing the Warrior's trial
- Select an Option
- What do I have to do again?
- Player: So what do I have to do to earn your vote at the council again?
- Thorvald the Warrior: I will not offer my vote to anybody whose bravery in combat I do not trust completely. You must go down that ladder and fight your foe to the death.
- (End of dialogue)
- Who is my opponent?
- Player: So, who is my opponent?
- Thorvald the Warrior: Ah, a wise question before entering combat. His name is Koschei the deathless. He is something of a mystery, even to us.
- Thorvald the Warrior: On one of our regular raiding parties, our longship discovered a man in the frozen waters far north-east of here. We took him aboard our ship, thinking he must be dead.
- Thorvald the Warrior: To our amazement he was perfectly healthy, even though he must have been in those deadly icey waters for many weeks.
- Thorvald the Warrior: He has no memory of who he is, or how he came to be there, except for his own name: Koschei. We named him 'The Deathless' because he is seemingly unkillable!
- Thorvald the Warrior: Any combat technique used against him, he learns instantly! He also apparently can heal himself from any wound at will! When he attacks, his weapon moves like a whirlwind!
- Thorvald the Warrior: He can hide his combat level from his opponents at will as well! He is truly a horribly fierce opponent to face! I am only glad that he has chosen to stay here with us!
- Thorvald the Warrior: The daylight makes him feel weak, so we have built him his own battleground beneath this building, where he can train his fiercesome skills without being disturbed.
- Player: But he can't REALLY be unkillable... ...can he?
- Thorvald the Warrior: Some say he cannot die, for he has hidden his heart outside of his body to be kept forever safe in a duck egg.
- Thorvald the Warrior: Others say he has been cursed by the gods to wander this land forever, never knowing any peace in his life, but only combat.
- Thorvald the Warrior: Some claim that the sword he carries is the source of all his power, and if he should lose it, then exactly one minute later, he will turn back into his true form;
- Thorvald the Warrior: A weakened, lame, old man.
- Player: And what do you believe?
- Thorvald the Warrior: I believe you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. He is a fearfully powerful warrior, but more importantly; He is on OUR side, not against us.
- Thorvald the Warrior: He is content testing the battle skills of anyone taking their Fremennik trials of manhood, and I am content knowing that should an enemy ever invade our town,
- Thorvald the Warrior: while our warriors are out on a raiding party, Koschei will be able to hold off ANY invader long enough for us to make our return.
- (End of dialogue)
- Can't I do something else?
- Player: I don't really like fighting that much... Isn't there something else I can do to earn your vote at the council of elders?
- Thorvald the Warrior: Yes of course outerlander! If you bring me five raw sardines then I will vote for you instead!
- Player: REALLY?!?!?
- Thorvald the Warrior: HAHAHAHAHAHA! No, of course not! You are stupid, even by outerlander standards!
- Thorvald the Warrior: If you want my vote, you must pass my trial. It is as simple as that.
- (End of dialogue)
After defeating Koschei the Deathless
- Congratulations! You have completed the warrior's trial! (Koschei disappears in a puff of smoke, the player receives a Fremennik blade)
Oh dear, you are... somehow still alive?
- Thorvald the Warrior: Hahaha! Well fought outerlander! Now come down from there, you have passed my trial with flying colours!
- Player: But... I don't understand... I did not manage to beat Koschei...
- Thorvald the Warrior: I did not say you had to, outerlander! All I asked was that you fought to the death! And you did! The death was your own!
- Thorvald the Warrior: I was not interested in how strong you are! I was interested in how BRAVE you are! You fought a superior enemy to your very last breath - THAT is bravery.
- Thorvald the Warrior: I would be honoured to represent you to the council as worthy of being a Fremennik after watching that superb battle!
After completing Thorvald's trial
- Player: So can I count on your vote at the council of elders now Thorvald?
- Thorvald the Warrior: Absolutely! I watched the entire battle, and was extremely impressed with your bravery in combat!
- (End of dialogue)
Trying to climb down the ladder after completing the trial
- Player: I'd really rather not go back down there again, now that I have Thorvald's vote at the council of elders.
- (End of dialogue)
During the Merchant's trial
- Select an Option
- Ask about the Merchant's trial
- Player: I don't suppose you have any idea where I could find a brave and powerful warrior to act as a bodyguard?
- Thorvald the Warrior: Know you not who I am outerlander? There are none more brave or powerful than me amongst all the Fremennik!
- Thorvald the Warrior: However... The role of bodyguard is below me, as a noble warrior. You might as well ask me to babysit the children!
- Player: Is there no way you would do this for me?
- Thorvald the Warrior: There is but one way outerlander. Since I was steeled in battle, I have dreamt of earning my place at the Champions Table in the Long Hall.
- Thorvald the Warrior: It is a tradition amongst us that the bravest and strongest are honoured with a table of champions to drink and feast all that they can in our Long Hall.
- Thorvald the Warrior: Unfortunately, there are only a fixed number of places available at the table, and these places were all filled many moons ago by others.
- Thorvald the Warrior: Although my worthiness is undeniable, the only way I may take my place is if one of those already there die, or give up their place to me voluntarily.
- Player: So you want me to go kill one of them off for you? Make it look like an accident?
- Thorvald the Warrior: WHAT? No, no, not at all! I am shocked you would suggest such a thing!
- Thorvald the Warrior: If you can persuade one of the Revellers to give up their Champions' Token to you so that I might take their place, you may have my contract as a bodyguard.
- Player: Okay, I'll see what I can do.
- (End of dialogue)
- Ask about becoming a Fremennik
- (Same as above)
Before getting the Champions token
- Select an Option
- Ask about the Merchant's trial
- Player: I don't suppose you have any idea where I could find the token to allow your seat at the champions table?
- Thorvald the Warrior: You will need to persuade one of the revellers in the Long Hall to give up their token, and their place, in deference to my own worthiness somehow.
- (End of dialogue)
- Ask about becoming a Fremennik
- (Same as above)
After getting the Champions token
- Select an Option
- Ask about the Merchant's trial
- Player: I would like your contract to offer your services as a bodyguard.
- Thorvald the Warrior: Oh you would, would you outerlander? I have already told you, I will not demean myself with such a baby sitting job until I can sit in the Longhall with pride.
- Player: It's a good thing I have the Champions' Token right here then, isn't it?
- Thorvald the Warrior: Ah... well this is a different matter. With that token I can claim my rightful place as a champion in the Long hall!
- Thorvald the Warrior: Here outerlander, I can suffer the indignity of playing babysitter if it means that I can then revel with my warrior equals in the Long Hall afterwards!
- Thorvald the Warrior: Here outerlander, take this contract; I will fulfill it to my utmost.
- (Thorvald takes the Champions token and gives the player Warrior's contract)
- (End of dialogue)
- Ask about becoming a Fremennik
- (Same as above)
After getting Warrior's contract
- Select an Option
- Ask about the Merchant's trial
- Player: You didn't take much persuading to 'lower' yourself to a bodyguard.
- Thorvald the Warrior: You misunderstand, outerlander. Normally I will only battle for a noble cause, but have never been recognised as a true champion here.
- Thorvald the Warrior: With this Champion's token, I can stand alongside my warrior brethren in the Long Hall, and revel in the glories of past victories together!
- (End of dialogue)
- Ask about becoming a Fremennik
- (Same as above)
Standard dialogue
- Player: Howdy Thorvald!
- Thorvald the Warrior: And greetings to you too. It is good to see new blood entering the Fremennik; we gain our strength by bringing new warriors into the tribe.
- (End of dialogue)