Transcript:Wily cat

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Standard dialogue

  • Select an Option
  • How are you doing?
    • Player: How are you doing?
    • Wily cat: Purr...I'm happy. [player name] is good to me. But don't start neglecting me now that I've told you that.
    • Player: Don't worry, I won't.
    • (Shows initial options)
  • How old are you now?
    • Player: How old are you now?
    • Wily cat: I feel as old as the last rat I killed and seeing as it was so tender and juicy, it must have been fairly young.
    • (Shows initial options)
  • Where do you want to go?
    • Player: Where do you want to go?
    • Wily cat: Let's go to the sewers of Varrock.
    • (Shows initial options)
  • What do you want to do now?
    • Player: What do you want to do now?
    • Wily cat: I don't know. Master knows me thinks.
    • Player: Is there anywhere in particular that you would like to go?
    • Wily cat: Let's go to the sewers of Varrock.
    • (Shows initial options)