Transcript:Workman (wheelbarrow)
(Redirected from Transcript:Workman (wheelbarrow)
This transcript involves dialogue with Workman, Dig Site workman, Museum guard, Sinco Doar, Tinse Torpe, and Guard.
Overhead dialogue
Picking up a load from the Digsite
- Dig Site workman: Got another load for ya!
- Workman: Great, just what my arms need!
Taking a break while travelling to Varrock, just before reaching the gate
- Workman: Ohhh, time for a break.
- Workman: Time I got moving...
Upon reaching the gate next to the museum guard after leaving the Digsite
- Museum Guard: Keep 'em coming!
- Workman: Bleah
Upon reaching Varrock Museum, while unloading the wheelbarrow near the Dig Site specimen rocks
- Workman: Another lot for ya!
- [Sinco Doar/Tinse Torpe]: Alright, thanks!
- Workman: Off we go again!
Upon leaving Varrock, near the guards stationed at the eastern exit
- A guard will be chosen at random to respond to the workman.
- If the chosen guard is not under attack from a player:
- Workman: How's it going, officers?
- Guard: Another boring day.
- Workman: Nothing new there.
- If the chosen guard is under attack from a player:
- Workman: How's it going, officers?
- Guard: I'm being slaughtered!
- Workman: Nothing new there.
- If all of the guards are currently dead:
- Workman: How's it going, officers?
- Workman: Oh, they're all dead.
Upon reaching the gate next to the museum guard after leaving Varrock
- Museum Guard: Don't dawdle there!
- Workman: Yeah, yeah, I'm movin' guv.
Taking a break while travelling to the Digsite
- Workman: Hmm, time for a break.