Treasure Trails/Guide/Hot Cold/Beginner

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Map of beginner Hot Cold locations.

Hot Cold clues are clues in which a strange device will tell the player in the chatbox whether the player is Hot (close to) or Cold (far away from) the intended location to dig. This is based on an older children's game.

To find your location, click on the strange device and it will tell you how close you are to the treasure. (if solving a master clue, you will also take some damage). Its temperature is based on the distance of the treasure from the player, measured in the number of steps it would take to reach the treasure, ignoring any obstacles (this is the Chebyshev distance between the player and treasure). Then, teleport or walk to another location, and check to see if the strange device has gotten warmer. Repeat to pinpoint a location. You can also use the list or map to help you find your location. For each location, there is a 9x9 square in which you can dig to find the treasure.

Beginner Clues

The beginner clue strange device can be obtained by talking to Reldo in the Varrock Palace library, while the master clue strange device can be obtained by talking to Jorral in the outpost north-west of West Ardougne.

Location Image Map
Inside the wheat field next to Draynor Village
Atop Ice Mountain
Cow field north of Lumbridge
Patch of mushrooms just north-west of Draynor Manor
North-east of Al Kharid Mine

Chronicle Trick[1]

The Chronicle Trick is an easy way to determine which of the possible locations your clue is at, and is performed as follows:

1. Teleport to the Champion's Guild using the Chronicle, and check the orb

2. If it is Cold, the clue is on Ice Mountain.

3. If it is Hot, the clue is in the Draynor wheat field

4. If it is Very Hot or Incredibly Hot, the clue is in the cow field furthest north of Lumbridge Castle.

5. If Warm, the clue is either north of the Al Kharid mine, or it is behind Draynor Manor. Take a step Eastward and check the orb again. If it is warmer, the clue is in Al Kharid, otherwise, it is behind the Draynor Manor.

  1. ^ From a comment by @pidgeotroll on the YouTube video "The Ultimate F2P Beginner Clue Scroll Guide (OSRS)" by Vannaka