Repeatable events

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Repeatable events listed here are tasks, often Achievement Diary rewards, that can be repeated periodically for experience, coins, or item reward.

Daily events

All daily events reset every day at 00:00 UTC.

Event Requirements Members only? Reset time/minimum wait period Reward/profit
Resource production and approval drop in the kingdom of Miscellania (and potentially Etceteria). Throne of Miscellania—A supply of coins in the coffers (at least 500,000 recommended for maximum profit, or 750,000 if Royal Trouble was completed). Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC Various resources to choose from, depending on what subjects are assigned to gather.
Buy Zaff's battlestaves (7,000 each, noted). None—Completion of the easy, medium, hard or elite Varrock Diary gives the ability to buy more battlestaves (5 with no tasks, 15 with easy, 30 with medium, 60 with hard and 120 with elite tasks) Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC. If the new staves have not appeared after the reset time, log out and in again, or use the world switcher. 5, 15, 30, 60 or 120 battlestaves worth 41,545, 124,635, 249,270, 498,540, or 997,080 coins respectively.

A profit of 6,545, 19,635, 39,270, 78,540, or 157,080 coins respectively.

Collect free pure essence from Wizard Cromperty. Completion of the medium, hard or elite Ardougne Diary gives this ability (100 for medium, 150 for hard, or 250 for elite). Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC 100 pure essence (worth 100 coins), 150 pure essence (worth 150 coins), or 250 pure essence (worth 250 coins).
84 buckets of sand delivered to your bank from Bert in Yanille. Completion of the Hand in the Sand quest. Upon completion of the elite Ardougne Diary, and if toggled on, Bert will automatically deliver to your bank on log in. Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC 84 buckets of sand worth 1,512.
Use the Explorer's ring to cast Low Level Alchemy 30 times for free. Completion of the easy Lumbridge & Draynor Diary and Magic 21 Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC Saves the cost of 30 nature runes, worth 3,210 coins.
Use the Explorer's ring 4 to cast High Level Alchemy 30 times for free. Completion of the Lumbridge & Draynor Diary Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC Saves the cost of 30 nature runes, worth 3,210 coins.
Exchange 30, 60, 120 or 250 noted flax for bow string with the flax keeper. Completion of the easy, medium, hard, elite Kandarin Diary respectively Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC A profit of 2,280, 4,560, 9,120, or 19,000 coins respectively.
Receive 25, 50, 100 or 150 free ogre arrows from Rantz. Completion of the easy, medium, hard, elite Western Provinces Diary respectively Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC 25, 50, 100 or 150 ogre arrows worth 4,575, 9,150, 18,300, or 27,450 coins respectively.
Convert 13, 26 or 39 bones directly into bonemeal and buckets of slime by speaking to Robin in The Green Ghost inn in Port Phasmatys. Completion of the medium Morytania Diary or greater. Morytania legs 2 allow for 13 bones, Morytania legs 3 allow for 26 bones, and Morytania legs 4 allow for 39 bones. Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC Although no profit is made, it cuts down time spent Prayer training.
Claim 40, 80, 120 or 200 random free runes from Lundail. Completion of the easy, medium, hard, elite Wilderness Diary respectively Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC Varies
Purchase 15 herb boxes from Nightmare Zone Reward Chest. 9500 Nightmare Zone points per box Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC Varies. The estimated profit per box based on the percentages in the table is 10,406.4.
Claim 20, 40, or 80 dynamite from Thirus. Completion of the medium, hard and elite Kourend & Kebos Diary respectively Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC 20 dynamite (worth 13,740 coins), 40 dynamite (worth 27,480 coins) or 80 dynamite (worth 54,960 coins).
Use the Fletching cape to search for a bronze crossbow and mith grapple 3 times. Fletching 99 Yes 24 hours, resets at 00:00 UTC 3 bronze crossbow (worth 1,797 coins) and 3 mith grapple (worth 4,395 coins).

Weekly events

Event Requirements Members only? Reset time/minimum wait period Reward/profit
Play the Tears of Guthix minigame. Completion of the Tears of Guthix quest Yes Weekly, resets at 00:00 UTC, 7 days after your last visit (can be played on the same day of the week in UTC as the previous attempt). Requires 1 quest point or 100,000 experience to be gained since it was last played Experience in the player's lowest-levelled skill based on how many tears were collected

See also