Standard dialogue
- Nardok: Psst... wanna buy some weapons?
- What have you got?
- Player: What have you got?
- Nardok: Well, first up there's the normal bone club and bone spear. Good, solid frog-bone, and the spear has an iron tip. Can withstand a lot of punishment, if you know what I mean!
- Nardok: But if you're after something a bit fancier, a bit more sophisticated, there's the bone crossbow and dagger.
- Nardok: These are specially good for getting your prey unawares, but you're not going to get the best out of them unless you've been taught the special technique.
- Nardok: So, you interested?
- I might be.
- Player: I might be.
- (Nardok's Bone Weapons interface opens.)
- No thanks.
- (Same as below)
- What is this special technique?
- Player: What is this special technique?
- Nardok: Special aiming technique. If you hit an enemy with it their defence will get weaker so you can hit them again!
- Nardok: Plus, if you use this technique on an enemy who isn't expecting it, you'll always hit them! Pretty good, eh?
- Nardok: 'Course, there's only a few people who know it, so unless you can get someone to show you you won't be able to do it.
- Player: Zanik showed me how to do it!
- Nardok: Good for you! So, are you interested?
- I might be.
- (Same as below)
- No thanks.
- (Same as below)
- No thanks.
- Player: No thanks.
- Nardok: Yeah, you stay out of trouble.
- (End of dialogue)
- Why are you whispering?
- Player: Why are you whispering?
- Nardok: Well, y'know, it's not the most reputable profession, is it? Selling weapons?
- Player: Why not?
- Nardok: Well, they're used to hurt people, aren't they? That's not considered very, y'know, respectable. Even though the guards use them, and the hunters, they're still considered a bit, y'know, dirty.
- Nardok: Isn't it like that where you come from?
- Player: No, on the surface weapon-making is considered a noble profession.
- Nardok: I don't know, you surface people are strange!
- (End of dialogue)