Transcript:Draul Leptoc
Standard dialogue
- Draul Leptoc: What are you doing in my house...why the impertinence...the sheer dare you violate my personal lodgings....
- Player: I..I was just looking around....
- Draul Leptoc: Well get out! Get out....this is my house....and don't go near my daughter Juliet...she's grounded in her room to keep her away from that good for nothing Romeo.
- Player: Yes....sir....
- (End of dialogue)
Romeo & Juliet
Meeting Draul Leptoc
- Draul Leptoc: What are you doing here? Snooping around...
- I've come to see Juliet on Romeo's behalf.
- Player: I've come to see Juliet on Romeo's behalf.
- Draul Leptoc: What...what...Romeo! Why that good for nothing swine...he's always trying to get the affections of my daughter..that soppy, half brained nincompoop won't ever have the heart of my daughter.
- Draul Leptoc: She deserves someone of character, wit and repose.
- Player: What's so wrong about Romeo?
- Draul Leptoc: Wrong! What's wrong with him...have you actually talked to him? He's nothing but a dim witted upperclass twit, totally useless.
- Draul Leptoc: If he threw a stone at the ground, he'd probably miss! He's totally invisible when it's raining because he's so wet!
- Draul Leptoc: If you started with what's right with him, you'd have much less to consider!
- Player: Well, I admit, he's probably not the sharpest knife in the cutlery draw...
- Draul Leptoc: Sharp? I've seen keener wit in root vegetables. Anyway, stop changing the subject. Get out of here and don't think you can sneak up those stairs to see Juliet, because I'll catch you and then you'll be for it!
- Player: That seems a bit harsh....
- Draul Leptoc: Harsh but fair I think you'll get OUT!
- (End of dialogue)
- I've just come to have a chat with Juliet.
- Player: I've just come to have a chat with Juliet.
- Draul Leptoc: What on earth about? I hope you're not in cahoots with that good for nothing Romeo!
- Player: of course not....why would I be?
- Draul Leptoc: He's been trying to wooo my daughter for an age. Up until now she's had the good sense to just ignore him. I just don't know what's gotten into her recently so that she would give him the time of day.
- Player: Well, love is mysterious! Perhaps one day someone may even learn to love you!
- Draul Leptoc: What! Someone may fall in love with me...what are you trying to insinuate?
- Player: Err...Nothing....I guess I'd better be going now...
- (End of dialogue)
- Oh...just looking around...
- Player: Oh...just looking around...
- Draul Leptoc: Just looking around! This is MY house! You might have at least 'ASKED' to view my considerably well appointed abode...but no, you've just burst in with all the elegance of a Troll at a tea party.
- Player: I can see that you're busy ranting so I'll just nip off and investigate a bit.
- (End of dialogue)
- Ok, thanks.
- Player: Ok, thanks.
- (End of dialogue)
Helping Juliet
If the player has Juliet's message in their inventory
- Draul Leptoc: What are you doing in my house? Up to no good I shouldn't wonder!
- Player: Just a small chore for Juliet, you do have a lovely daughter in her sir.
- Draul Leptoc: Oh...why, thank you...I've always tried to my best...
- Draul Leptoc: ...Hang on! Enough of that smiley talk. I have a daughter and I know what she's like. Don't even think of carrying on anything behind my back, I have the eyes of a hawk, nothing gets past me!
- Sir Draul notices the message!
- Draul Leptoc: Hey! What's that in your hands...looks like a message to me...with Juliet's barely legible scrawl on it...
- Player: Yes, yes, that's probably why I can't read it!
- Player: Sorry, I mean, that's right sir. I'm just popping to the shops to get some groceries for Juliet.
- Player: Right, have to be off now...thanks...
- Draul Leptoc: Groceries!
- Draul Leptoc: Groceries! a time like this, does that girl know what she's putting me through!
- (End of dialogue)
If the player does not have Juliet's message in their inventory
- Draul Leptoc: What are you doing in my house? Up to no good I shouldn't wonder!
- Player: Just a small chore for Juliet, you do have a lovely daughter in her sir.
- Draul Leptoc: Oh...why, thank you...I've always tried to my best...
- Draul Leptoc: ...Hang on! Enough of that smiley talk. I have a daughter and I know what she's like. Don't even think of carrying on anything behind my back, I have the eyes of a hawk, nothing gets past me!
- (End of dialogue)
If the player has delivered Juliet's message to Romeo
- Draul Leptoc: Do you live here? If so, how's about a couple of hundred gold towards the rent eh? Pay your share I don't want to be like that freeloading Romeo!
- (End of dialogue)
Delivering the cadava potion
If player has not given the potion to Juliet
- Draul Leptoc: Hey , what are you doing here?
- Player: Nothing much sir...I promise...I'm just an innocent friend of Juliet's...doing her a few a friend.
- Draul Leptoc: Well, just make sure there's no funny business going on that's all I can say. Do you know why?
- Player: I think I can guess sir...
- Draul Leptoc: There's no need to guess! You can see it in my hawk like eyes, in my cat like ears and my dog like nose...
- Player: Are you saying that you look like an animal sir?
- Draul Leptoc: NO! Not look like an animal! I have the keen 'SENSES' of an animal and I don't miss a thing. Don't even think about trying anything!
- If the player has the Cadava potion in their inventory:
- Draul Leptoc: Hey! What's that in your hands? Looks like some sort of potion to me!
- Player:! Nope! Not a potion! Some medicine...I have a terrible cough ...cough...cough....see?
- Player: >[sic]Except, I can't drink too much or else it makes me feel 'really' tired. One sip of this and the lights go out...I mean, I'm asleep in a minute.
- Draul Leptoc: Sleep!
- Draul Leptoc: Sleep...! How can you even think of such a thing at a time like this? And I hope you have no intentions of sleeping in my house!
- Draul Leptoc: You'll get a bill for rent if I catch you dozing off around here!
- act
- (End of dialogue)
If Juliet has drunk the cadava potion
- Draul Leptoc: My poor Juliet....she's dead...dead! I shouldn't have been so hard on her...she was my lovely daughter. Booo hoooo hooooo!
- (End of dialogue)
After Romeo & Juliet
- Draul Leptoc: I suppose you're quite pleased with yourself now...
- (End of dialogue)
2020 Birthday Event
- Ask about the birthday party.
- Draul Leptoc: My house is going to be ruined, why did I agree to throwing this blasted party?
- (End of dialogue)
- Something else.