Transcript:Jack Frost
2019 Christmas event
- Player uses teleport, fade to black, appears in workshop with Anti-Santa.
- Anti-Santa: Ha Ha Ha If it isn't Jack Frost. You look smaller than last time I saw you.
- Jack Frost: A-A-Anti Santa!? What are you doing here?
- Anti-Santa: Your father sent me. Apparently, you've been rather naughty this year.
- Anti-Santa: I'm here to sort you out.
- Jack Frost: What? My dad sent you? No way, he put me in charge of Christmas.
- Anti-Santa: He did and apparently you're doing such an awful job of it, you've ruined it for everyone...
- Anti-Santa: When you think about it, are you sure you're not my son?
- Jack Frost: You're not my father, you're just an ugly bag of bones.
- Jack Frost: I won't let you stop me. Take this!
- Jack Frost casts Water Blast, dealing 0 damage.
- Anti-Santa: Ha Ha Ha. Is that all you've got, Jack?
- Jack Frost: Oh come on! How did that not hurt you?
- Anti-Santa: You're weak just like your father.
- Anti-Santa: I'm gonna slap you back to Lumbridge!
- Anti-Santa casts Fire Surge, dealing 60 damage.
- Jack Frost: Argh!
- Jack Frost: You're going to need a lot worse to defeat me.
- Anti-Santa: Good thing I'm not done yet.
- Anti-Santa: I learned this from an old friend of mine.
- Jack Frost: Ouch!
- Anti-Santa spews out fireballs akin to Vorkath's acid phase, while Jack Frost walks back and forth to dodge them.
- Anti-Santa: You cannot stop me Jack.
- Jack Frost: I'm not finished yet.
- Jack Frost casts Water Blast again, Anti-Santa reflects the blast back as Water Surge.
- Jack Frost: Mummy!
- Jack Frost takes 9 damage.
- Jack Frost: I'm getting out of here. This isn't worth it!
- Jack Frost teleports away.