Transcript:Elder Guard
Standard dialogue - Corner guard at Awowogei
- Elder Guard: Move!
- (End of dialogue)
Standard dialogue - Entrance guard at Awowogei
- If the player wishes to enter Awowogei's throne room:
- Elder Guard: Grrr ... What do you want?
- Player: I must speak with Awowogei on a subject of great import.
- Elder Guard: As you wish.
- The player is let into Awowogei's throne room.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player wishes to leave Awowogei's throne room:
- Elder Guard: Grrr ... What do you want?
- Player: I would like to leave now.
- Elder Guard: As you wish.
- The player is let out of Awowogei's throne room.
- (End of dialogue)
If the player is not wearing a M'speak amulet prior to Monkey Madness II completion, dialogues are replaced with a line of Monkey language.