Standard dialogue
- The Afflicted says one random phrase as described below.
- Afflicted: ~ This person doesn't make any sense at all. ~
- (End of dialogue)
Random phrases
A random phrase will be generated every time Afflicted is spoken to. The phrase consists of 1-6 of the following "words":
- ughugh
- knows'is
- nots
- pirsl
- wot's
- zurgle
- gurghl
- mee's
- seysyi
- sfriess
- says
- Afflicted: sfriess says knows'is says knows'is
- Afflicted: pirsl nots
- Afflicted: nots ughugh mee's
- Afflicted: nots nots nots nots nots nots
- Afflicted: says
Using Serum 207 on Afflicted
- The afflicted turns into a Mort'ton local
- Mort'ton local: Oh... thank you, you used the serum on me. Here have something for your trouble.
- The local gives you [reward].
- (Player receives one of the possible cure rewards.)
- (End of dialogue)
Using Serum 208 on Afflicted
- Mort'ton local: Oh... thank you, you used the permanent serum on me. Here have something for your trouble.
- The local gives you [reward].
- (Player receives one of the possible cure rewards.)
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to a cured villager
- Mort'ton Local: Oh I feel much better for that super serum, I really hate it when I'm afflicted!
- (End of dialogue)