Transcript:2021 Christmas event
This transcript involves dialogue with Squire, Herquin (2021 Christmas event), Cecilia (2021 Christmas event), Hairdresser (2021 Christmas event), Wayne (2021 Christmas event), Larry (2021 Christmas event), Gurl, Buoy, Sir Vyvin (2021 Christmas event), Wyson the gardener (2021 Christmas event), Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX, and the player.
Starting out
Talking to the squire
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello. Merry Christmas!
- Squire: Hi [player name]... I'm so sad, my life is over!
- Player: Over?! What do you mean? It's Christmas, the season of joy!
- Squire: I know, but even that can't help me. I have had such an accident, the likes of which has never been seen before!
- Player: What happened? It can't be that bad?
- Squire: Oh, but it is! It is the Falador Christmas Festival soon, and I am playing the part of Santa for the grotto.
- Player: That explains the outfit! But not the problem.
- Squire: I'm getting to the problem!
- Squire: In my rush to get things ready for the grotto, I put my Santa outfit in the wash...
- Squire: ...with Sir Vyvin's armour, and the armour has gone pink!
- Squire: It's so terrible! A white knight can't have pink armour, they're not pink knights!
- Player: Oh dear, I know your pain! I once put a pair of red underwear in the wash with my white socks. I ended up with pink socks!
- Squire: You have been in such a world ending predicament before?! How did you survive?
- Player: I wore the socks; they looked nice!
- Player: Now I just buy pink socks so they're already pink. That way I don't have to worry about mixing my reds and whites anymore. Small problems require big solutions!
- Squire: That won't work here! Sir Vyvin needs his armour, and it needs to be white. If I can't get rid of the pink, I will be fired from my job, and have nowhere to go!
- Player: Hmm, have you tried washing it again? Maybe the pink will fade a bit.
- Player: Then you just need to wash it over and over until it is white again.
- Squire: I've already tried that. No luck! It's as pink as ever.
- Squire: I do know of a way to fix it, but I don't have the time due to my grotto preparations and squire duties.
- Squire: I am ruined!
- Start the Christmas 2021 Event?
- Maybe I could help! (Yes)
- Player: Maybe I could help you clean the armour? Then you can focus on the other things.
- Squire: Would you really? That would help me out so much!
- Squire: I don't have anything I can pay you with, though. I barely scrape a living together as a squire.
- Player: No payment needed! It is the season of giving after all. Consider it a gift.
- Squire: You'd do that for me?
- Player: Of course! And with my sock experience, I feel like I'm well suited to the job.
- Squire: Thank you! Okay, so, there is a magical cleaning potion, it gets the stains out of anything!
- Squire: We need a few items, and then we combine them using a secret recipe. I have the recipe here, but sadly none of the items.
- Player: Where did you get this secret recipe from?
- Squire: Let's just say I have been in this situation before. Exploding swamp toads and white armour don't mix very well.
- Player: I don't want to know what you were doing with swamp toads, let alone exploding ones.
- Player: Okay, so what items do I need to gather?
- Squire: Luckily it's not too many, only three! Festive white wine, festive cinnamon, and festive holly.
- Player: Any idea where I can find these?
- Squire: Yes! I'll note them down on a bit of paper that you can take with you.
- The squire starts writing.
- Squire: There, I've added some extra details to help you out. You should update it as you go, to keep track of things!
- Squire: Here you go, look after them.
- If the player has a free inventory space:
- Squire: Best of luck. Come back once you've got the items. I'll finish off preparing the grotto.
- Player: I'll do my best, see you soon!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player doesn't have a free inventory space:
- Squire: Oh, you don't have any room for the notes. Come back when you have a space!
- (End of dialogue)
- Sounds like it! (No)
- Player: Sounds like it! It's over for you!
- Squire: Is there nothing you can do to help?
- Player: I am too busy sorry, but good luck!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to the squire again
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello!
- Squire: Hi [player name], will you help me now? The Christmas festival depends on it!
- Maybe I could help! (Yes)
- (Same as above)
- I'm too busy. (No)
- Player: I am still too busy sorry.
- Squire: Okay.
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to the squire again after starting the event
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- If the player hasn't received the notes due to having no space:
- Player: Hey, I'm ready for the notes now!
- If the player has a free inventory space:
- Squire: Here you go, look after them.
- (Same as above)
- If the player doesn't have a free inventory space:
- Squire: Here you go.
- Squire: Oh, you still don't have any room for the notes. Come back when you have a space!
- (End of dialogue)
- I've lost my notes!
- Player: I've lost my notes!
- Squire: Don't worry, I found them earlier. They must have blown into the castle courtyard on the wind!
- Squire: Here you go.
- Squire: Try not to lose them this time!
- Other Christmas event things.
- Player: Hello!
- Squire: Hi [player name], how goes it?
- Player: I haven't got any of the items yet.
- Squire: The festival is getting closer, and Sir Vyvin's armour is still pink. We can't take too long!
- Player: I will get on it right away.
- Squire: Remember to check your notes if you need some help. Good luck!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player hasn't received the notes due to having no space:
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Festive cinnamon
Talking to Herquin
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello!
- Herquin: Hi there [player name], is there anything I can help you with?
- Player: Yes! I am looking for some festive cinnamon, I was told you'd be the guy to talk to.
- Herquin: Festive cinnamon ey, I have some indeed! However I am in a pickle.
- Player: You're in a pickle? But you don't look like you're in a pickle? You're not green!
- Herquin: It's a figure of speech, it means- actually, never mind. I have a bit of a problem!
- Player: Oh, you should have said! What is it? Maybe I can help in exchange for some of that festive cinnamon!
- Herquin: I was hoping you'd say that! I'm baking some gingerbread gnomes for the Falador Christmas Festival, which as you know, is very soon!
- Herquin: The problem is I can't find any chocolate chips, and I need them for the gingerbread gnome decorations. Nobody will like my gnomes if they don't have decorations.
- Player: I see I see, that is a problem indeed! Would you like me to go and grab you some more chocolate chips from the shop?
- Herquin: If it was that easy I'd have done it myself. The shops are out of stock!
- Herquin: I can only think of one thing. My good friend Larry's two children, Buoy and Gurl, often come and visit me during the week.
- Herquin: I always let them take the bags of chocolate chips with them when they go and play, keeps them busy and away from the jewellery!
- Herquin: They always play just south of here, there is a nice grassy area with some bushes and trees to climb.
- Herquin: Maybe they left some bags there. I had an entire box full, so they must have taken them all by accident!
- Player: I'll go and have a look!
- Herquin: Thank you! Search around the bushes south of here. I hope you find some, otherwise we're going to be in real trouble.
- Player: Trouble? I don't want to be in trouble, I haven't done anything wrong, I'm trying to help!
- Herquin: It's another figure of spee- don't worry. Good luck, come back quick if you find some!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Do you wish to trade?
- (Non-event dialogue) Sorry I don't want to talk to you actually.
Talking to Herquin again
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hi there Herquin!
- Herquin: Have you had any luck yet?
- Player: Not yet, I'm still searching.
- Herquin: That's ok, but don't take too long, the festival is soon. Try searching the bushes south of here, that's where Buoy and Gurl spend most of their time.
- Player: Okay, I'll go and do that now.
- Herquin: Thank you, good luck!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Do you wish to trade?
- (Non-event dialogue) Sorry I don't want to talk to you actually.
Talking to Herquin again after getting one bag of chocolate chips
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hi there Herquin!
- Herquin: Have you had any luck yet?
- Player: I have found some chocolate chips. One bag!
- Herquin: Amazing, that's a great start. May I have them?
- If the player has the dark chips:
- If the player has the white chips:
- Herquin: Thank you, that is a great start. One more bag should do it!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Do you wish to trade?
- (Non-event dialogue) Sorry I don't want to talk to you actually.
Talking to Herquin again after getting another bag of chocolate chips
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hi there Herquin!
- Herquin: Have you had any luck yet?
- Player: I have found some chocolate chips. One bag!
- Herquin: Great, that's the last one I need! May I have them?
- If the player has the dark chips:
- If the player has the white chips:
- Herquin: Two bags should be more than enough thank you.
- Herquin: Here is the festive cinnamon as promised.
- If the player doesn't have a free inventory space:
- Herquin: Oh, you don't have enough space for it! Come back when you have some room.
- (End of dialogue)
- The in-game music stops. A festive jingle sound plays. The in-game music starts again.
- Player: Thank you!
- Herquin: It is no problem. I look forward to seeing you at the festival. I'll make sure to save you a gingerbread gnome!
- Player: If you don't save me one, it'll be bad news for you!
- Herquin: What?
- Player: It's just a saying!
- Herquin: I know, it's just, earlier...
- Herquin: Forget it, see you at the festival!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Do you wish to trade?
- (Non-event dialogue) Sorry I don't want to talk to you actually.
Talking to Herquin after getting both bags of chocolate chips at once
- Select an Option
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hi there Herquin!
- Herquin: Have you had any luck yet?
- Player: I have found some chocolate chips. Two bags!
- Herquin: Two? That's great. May I have them?
- Herquin: Two bags should be more than enough thank you.
- (Same as above)
- (Non-event dialogue) Do you wish to trade?
- (Non-event dialogue) Sorry I don't want to talk to you actually.
Attempting to eat the Chocolate chips
- I don't want to eat these. Herquin needs them for the gingerbread gnomes!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Herquin after getting the festive cinnamon
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello!
- Herquin: Hey [player name]! Thank you for finding those chocolate chips for me. The gingerbread gnomes are coming along nicely!
- If the player didn't lose their festive cinnamon:
- Player: It wasn't a problem at all. I look forward to trying one at the festival!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player lost their festive cinnamon:
- Player: It wasn't a problem at all! I have lost my festive cinnamon though, could I have some more?
- Herquin: You lost it? That was silly! But luckily for you, I have an endless supply.
- Player: Thank you.
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Do you wish to trade?
- (Non-event dialogue) Sorry I don't want to talk to you actually.
Festive holly
Talking to Cecilia
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hi Cecilia!
- Cecilia: Hello [player name]. Merry Christmas! Or, at least it would be merry...
- Player: Would be? What is wrong?
- Cecilia: I run the secret Santa for the Falador Christmas Festival, but it has all gone wrong!
- Player: What do you mean, all gone wrong? Are there not enough presents?
- Cecilia: No, that's not it. I have enough presents, but I don't know who to deliver them to!
- Cecilia: Last year everyone wrote a riddle on their present's nametag instead of a name. I didn't know who to deliver the presents to, so they all went to the wrong people!
- Cecilia: It was a complete disaster! They've done it again this year, but I've made sure to spend time figuring out the riddles so I know who to deliver the presents to.
- Player: That sounds quite fun! So what is the problem then? Sounds like you've got everything figured out.
- Cecilia: I almost have. The festival is about to begin, but there are three presents left to deliver, and I can't figure out who they're meant to go to.
- Player: Maybe I could help, I'm pretty good at solving riddles!
- Cecilia: Would you really? Thank you ever so much! Is there anything I can do to repay you?
- Player: Well, since you mention it, I'm looking for some festive holly.
- Cecilia: Festive holly? I used most of it up for the festival decorations, but I have a little bit left.
- Cecilia: If you can solve the riddles and deliver the presents, I'd be happy to give you the remaining festive holly!
- Player: Sounds fair to me, let's get those presents delivered!
- Cecilia: These are the presents. Each present has a riddle on the nametag, figure out who the present is for and deliver it to them.
- Cecilia: Good luck, I hope you can solve them!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Cecilia again
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Cecilia: How is it going?
- Player: I'm still thinking about it, I haven't solved any yet.
- Cecilia: Thank you. I'm sure you can do it. I believe in you!
- If missing secret santa present:
- Player: It's no problem! I do have a slight problem myself though...
- Cecilia: What is it?
- Player: I have misplaced a present.
- Cecilia: Oh, don't worry! I put a magical spell on all the presents. It teleports them to me if they get lost, just in case something like this happens! One second...
- Cecilia: Found it! Here you go.
- Cecilia: Good luck, try not to lose them again!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Reading the tags on the presents
Read-tag Red Secret santa present
- (End of dialogue)
Read-tag Blue Secret santa present
- (End of dialogue)
Read-tag Green Secret santa present
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to the hairdresser
- I have a present for you!
- Hairdresser: Hello [sir/madam]. Thank you for the gift!
- Player: You're welcome! I'm delivering some of the secret Santa gifts for Cecilia.
- Hairdresser: That's great! I was going to offer to help but I've been very busy doing all the Christmas haircuts.
- Hairdresser: I've been so busy that my scissors are going blunt!
- Player: That must be a lot of haircuts!
- Hairdresser: Loads! But I don't mind, everyone wants to look good for the festival.
- Hairdresser: Thanks, want to wait and see what is inside?
- Player: Sure, hope it's something you like.
- Hairdresser: I'm sure it will be!
- The hairdresser opens the gift.
- Hairdresser: Yes!
- Hairdresser: Some new scissors!
- Player: Isn't that exactly what you wanted? You just mentioned your scissors were going blunt!
- Hairdresser: It is indeed! What a coincidence!
- Player: A coincidence I'm sure. Did you ask anybody for new scissors?
- Hairdresser: No, I never ask for a specific present, where is the fun in that?
- Hairdresser: I may have mentioned the problem to my customers though.
- Player: Who happen to be all the residents of Falador.
- Hairdresser: Yes!
- Hairdresser: Oh, I see what you're saying.
- Player: So is it really a surprise that you got new scissors?
- Hairdresser: No, I suppose not.
- Player: I'm glad you like them though. Always good to get something that you actually want!
- Hairdresser: Tell you what, I really want to try them out. Would you like a haircut?
- Hairdresser: Free of charge of course!
- Go on then!
- Player: Go on then! I could do with a good haircut.
- Hairdresser: Amazing, let's do this. Merry Christmas [sir/madam]!
- Player: Merry Christmas to you too!
- Hairdresser's Salon interface opens.
- No thanks, I like my hair!
- Player: No thanks, I like my hair!
- Hairdresser: But a free haircut is always nice! Are you sure?
- Okay fine, freshen me up!
- Player: Okay fine, freshen me up! I suppose I could do with a good haircut.
- Hairdresser: Amazing, let's do this. Merry Christmas [sir/madam]!
- Player: Merry Christmas to you too!
- Hairdresser's Salon interface opens.
- Yeah I'm sure, I don't need a haircut!
- Player: Yeah I'm sure, I don't need a haircut!
- Hairdresser: Fair enough, I'll find someone else then! Thank you for delivering the present. Are you going to the festival later?
- Player: I will be there!
- Hairdresser: See you there then. Merry Christmas [sir/madam]!
- Player: Merry Christmas!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to the hairdresser again
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello there!
- Hairdresser: Hi [player name]. I hope to see you at the festival!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Wyson the gardener
- I have a present for you!
- Wyson the gardener: For me? Is this my secret Santa present?
- Player: Yes it is. I'm doing some of the deliveries for Cecilia.
- Wyson the gardener: That's nice of you! She's been very busy this year.
- Player: Any idea what it could be?
- Wyson the gardener: None at all, this is exciting! What could it be... a hornless unicorn? Pumpkin pie? A party hat?
- Wyson the gardener: Let's find out!
- Wyson opens the gift.
- Wyson the gardener: It's...
- Wyson the gardener: Woad leaves!!
- Player: Oh no, I'm sorry Wyson!
- Wyson the gardener: Sorry? What ever for? I love woad leaves!
- Player: But don't you have enough already?
- Wyson the gardener: Enough? You can never have enough woad leaves! You can sell them, make dyes from them, even just keep them, so many things!
- Wyson the gardener: I love woad leaves!
- Player: Oh, well that is some good luck then that it's something you like so much!
- Wyson the gardener: Luck? Not at all, I always ask for woad leaves. I get them every year!
- Player: Every year? And you ask for them? Then surely you knew what you were getting?
- Wyson the gardener: Yes, I always know, but I like to pretend I don't, it's more exciting that way!
- Player: Right, okay. I guess that's fair enough. I'm glad you like them!
- Wyson the gardener: I do, very much so! Will you be going to the Falador Christmas Festival?
- Player: Of course! I've got a few more things to do and then I'll go.
- Wyson the gardener: Sounds great, see you at the festival. Merry Christmas!
- Player: Merry Christmas!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Wyson again
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello Wyson!
- Wyson the gardener: Hi [player name]. I hope to see you at the festival!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Wayne
- I have a present for you!
- Wayne: Wow, that's for me? Thank you so much!
- Player: It's not from me, it's your secret Santa present! I don't know who it's from.
- Wayne: But you're not Cecilia?
- Player: I'm helping her out with the deliveries! She was struggling with some of the riddles.
- Wayne: Oh dear, I forgot about the riddles! Poor Cecilia. I'm sure she appreciates you helping her out.
- Wayne: Let's open this up!
- Wyson opens the gift.
- Wayne: Oh my...
- Player: What? Is everything ok?
- Wayne:'s goblin mail! I've ALWAYS wanted goblin mail!
- Wayne: I tried to do a quest once that I needed goblin mail for, but I couldn't find any, so I gave up.
- Wayne: Now I can finish that quest and become an adventurer!
- Wayne: I will slay dragons, hunt demons, save kingdoms! You will soon see me in the guild of Legends!
- Player: I... don't want to put a spanner in the works, but I think you need three goblin mail for that quest.
- Wayne: Three?! How do you know this? How do you know what quest I am on? Are you trying to beat me to the reward?!
- Player: No! Let's just call it a hunch, a strong feeling, a bit of Christmas intuition. You definitely need three!
- Wayne: Hmm okay. Well, I have one goblin mail now. I can ask for another one next year, and one the year after.
- Wayne: And then I will go and help the goblins and become an adventurer!
- Player: That's quite a long time to wait. What if somebody else completes the quest?
- Wayne: They won't. It's a very difficult quest, and only I know the location!
- Player: Isn't it north of Falador? Just past Doric's hut?
- Wayne: What? How do you know?!
- Player: That was a guess, another Christmas intuition!
- Wayne: That's a lucky guess. Please don't tell anybody, and don't venture there yourself, it's too dangerous!
- Player: I won't, it all sounds too scary for me. Goblins, ahhh!
- Player: Good luck on becoming an adventuer!
- Wayne: Thank you! Until I get my goblin mail, feel free to come visit any time. I sell a lot of chainmail myself.
- Wayne: I hope to see you at the festival, maybe we can talk more about adventuring! Merry Christmas!
- Player: Merry Christmas!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Wayne again
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello Wayne!
- Wayne: Hi [player name]. I hope to see you at the festival!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Returning to Cecilia
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Cecilia: Cecilia: How is it going?
- Player: All done! All three presents are delivered, and the recipients are very happy.
- Cecilia: Thank you! Now it IS a Merry Christmas!
- Cecilia: I have that festive holly right here, I made sure to pick the most festive bunch for you.
- Player: Thank you!
- Cecilia: Be careful, it's a bit spiky. Merry Christmas!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Cecilia after getting the festive holly
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Cecilia: Hey [player name]! Thank you for helping me with the presents, I was really stuck with those riddles!
- If the player didn't lose their festive holly:
- Player: I had fun solving them. Some of them were pretty difficult!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player lost their festive holly:
- Player: I had fun solving them! I have lost my festive holly though, could I have some more?
- Cecilia: You lost it? Oops! I have some more though, here you go.
- Player: Thank you. Merry Christmas!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Festive white wine
Talking to Larry
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello Larry, I was wondering if you could help me with something?
- Larry: That depends on what it is! I'm quite busy preparing things for the festival.
- Player: I'm looking for some festive white wine. I was told you'd be the person to speak to!
- Larry: That would be correct. I'm sorting out refreshments for the festival.
- Larry: I do have some festive white wine here, however I'm wondering if you'd be able to do me a favour first? In return for the festive white wine!
- Player: That sounds reasonable! What can I do for you?
- Larry: Thanks. It's actually my children, Buoy and Gurl, that need help. They want to build a snowman, but I've just been too busy to help them. I feel so bad!
- Player: Ah, so you'd like me to build them a snowman?
- Larry: Yes! Just a simple snowman. It would mean the world to them, and me. I'd be happy to give you some festive white wine in exchange.
- Player: I haven't built a snowman in ages, it should be fun!
- Larry: Thanks again. They'll be so excited. They're both outside playing in the snow, you should speak to them to see what sort of snowman they'd like.
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Larry again before speaking to his children
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hi Larry.
- Larry: Hello, have you spoken to Buoy and Gurl yet?
- Player: Not yet, I'm just about to.
- Larry: Lovely, they're both playing in the snow just west of the house.
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Buoy and Gurl
- Player: Hello Buoy and Gurl!
- Gurl: Hello [sir/madam]!
- Buoy: How do you know our names?
- Player: I had a chat with your dad. He's super busy, so he's asked me to help you build a snowman!
- Gurl: Really? We get to make a snowman?
- Player: Yes! And I'm going to build whatever snowman you want!
- Buoy: Yay! Can it be three snowballs tall?
- Gurl: But I want it to be five tall!
- Buoy: Five is a bad number, it should be three tall!
- Gurl: You're a bad number. Five is so much better.
- Player: Okay, okay, wait a second. Why don't we meet in the middle. How about four snowballs tall?
- Buoy and Gurl think for a second.
- Gurl: Fine, it can be four tall.
- Buoy: Yes, four tall is okay.
- Player: Great. Now, we need to pick what size snowballs we want for each tier. Why don't you take it in turns? You can do two each.
- Gurl: The bottom one should be a huge snowball!
- Buoy: The next one should be big!
- Player: This is working nicely, we're half way! What about the top two parts?
- Gurl: The next one should be a small snowball!
- Buoy: No, it should be little!
- Gurl: But it needs to be small, little would look bad.
- Buoy: It wouldn't look bad. Small is better for decorations.
- Gurl: My decorations will fit on a little one.
- Buoy: Why do you always ruin everything?
- Gurl: You ruin everything with your silly ideas!
- Player: Okay, okay, wait. This clearly isn't working, and I don't want you two to fall out. It's Christmas, we shouldn't be arguing!
- Player: How about I make you both a snowman? It can be whatever height and size you like. One each!
- Gurl: So mine can be five snowballs tall?
- Buoy: And mine can be three snowballs tall?
- Player: Yes, I'll make you both whatever snowman you like!
- Player: What would you both like?
- Buoy: I'd like mine to be three snowballs tall please! And I want the bottom one to be small, the middle one big, and the top one huge!
- Gurl: I'd like mine to be five snowballs tall please! I want the bottom one to be humongous, then large, then normal, then big, and then a little one for the top!
- Player: That's two very different snowmen, I see why this didn't work before!
- Player: What do all these different sizes mean? Humongous? Normal? Little? How big are those?
- Gurl: You silly billy! Humongous is the biggest snowball of course!
- Buoy: Normal is the normal size that you get when you make a snowball normally. It's easy!
- Player: Right, thank you for clearing that up. I'll figure something out.
- Player: What are you two going to do for decorations?
- Buoy: I already know what I want mine to look like!
- Gurl: Me too!
- Player: Why don't you guys find some decorations while I build the snowmen? Then you can add them once I'm done.
- Buoy: Okay [sir/madam]!
- Gurl: We will do that!
- Buoy and Gurl go back to playing in the snow.
- Player: Well, that seems sorted. I should speak to Larry again, and see if he has any advice about building the snowmen.
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Buoy and Gurl before speaking to Larry again
- Player: Hello there!
- Buoy: Have you started making the snowmen yet?
- Gurl: You should talk to dad if you need some help, he knows how to make snowmen!
- Buoy: Yeah, he always used to make really big ones with us!
- Player: Maybe I'll go talk to him and see what advice he has.
- Gurl: He'll say, make them really tall!
- Buoy: He'll say make them shorter, because that's better!
- Buoy and Gurl wander off, arguing about what size snowman is the best.
- Player: I should go and speak to Larry. I'm sure he has some handy advice for me!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Larry after talking to his children
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hey Larry, I've spoken to Buoy and Gurl! I'm going to make them both a snowman!
- Larry: Both? You're making them one each?
- Player: Yep! We tried to settle on an idea for one but they couldn't agree. It seemed easier to just make two.
- Larry: Ah, yes, Buoy and Gurl can be a bit like that. Both very set on what they want.
- Larry: It's a nice thing, but has its draw backs. They struggle to agree on things sometimes!
- Larry: Are you okay making two?
- Player: Yes, if I'm already making one then it's not that much more effort to make another.
- Player: It's the time of giving anyway, and you're giving me the festive white wine in return, so it all balances out!
- Larry: As long as you're sure! I usually dig some snow from the snow piles that form around the city, and then roll that snow into snowballs.
- Larry: You'll need a spade to dig up the snow. There is one outside the front of the house, you're free to take it.
- Player: Thank you. I also noted down the different size snowballs that the children want, so I can check my notes if I forget.
- Player: Then when I've rolled snowballs of the required sizes, I'll pick them up and place them on the spots to build the snowmen!
- Larry: Good planning! There are two areas of scuffed snow on the ground by Buoy and Gurl, they'd make good spots for the two snowmen.
- Larry: Have fun!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Larry after after being told how to make snowmen
- (Transcript missing. edit)
- If the player has not taken the spade from outside the house:
- Larry: Make sure to take the spade from outside the house if you need it[sic]
- (End of dialogue)
Making snowmen
- Buoy/Gurl: That looks good! It needs a [size] snowball next!
- (End of dialogue)
When finished building snowmen
- Buoy: They're done! They're so cool!
- Gurl: Yay! Can we decorate them now?
- Buoy: Yes! Can we decorate them now please [player name]?
- Player: Of course you can. Are they what you wanted?
- Gurl: Mine is perfect!
- Buoy: Mine too. It's just how I wanted it.
- Player: I am happy to hear that. It was harder work than I thought.
- Gurl: You did a good job. Thank you very much [sir/madam].
- Buoy: Yes, thank you [sir/madam]!
- Player: It was no problem. Merry Christmas to you both!
- Buoy and Gurl go to their snowmen to start decorating.
- Player: I should go and speak to Larry. Hopefully he has that festive white wine ready for me.
- (End of dialogue)
Returning to Larry
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hey, the snowmen are both finished. Buoy and Gurl are now happily decorating them!
- Larry: I can see them from the window! They look like they're having fun. Thank you ever so much for doing this.
- Larry: You've made their Christmas, and allowed me to finish my preparations for the festival too!
- Larry: Here is the festive white wine you wanted. I hope you enjoy it!
- Larry: I've picked out a nice cold bottle for you.
- Player: Thank you!
- Larry: Don't drink it all at once!
- Player: I'm not actually planning on drinking it. It's for a magical potion to help the squire with some...!
- Player: You know what, never mind. It'll take too long to explain. Merry Christmas!
- Larry: That does indeed sound like a story for another time. Merry Christmas!
- Larry: Make sure to talk to the children on your way past, I'm sure they'd like to show off their decorations!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Larry after getting the festive white wine
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Larry: Hey [player name]! Thank you for making those snowmen. Buoy and Gurl had a lovely time!
- If the player didn't lose their festive white wine:
- Player: It was no problem. I hadn't made a snowman in years. Reminded me of when I was little!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player lost their festive white wine:
- Player: It was no problem. I hadn't made a snowman in years. Reminded me of when I was little!
- Player: I have lost my festive white wine though, could I have some more?
- Larry: How did you manage that? Luckily I have lots left over from my festival preparations. Here you go.
- Player: Thank you. Merry Christmas!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Buoy and Gurl after getting the festive white wine
- Player: Those snowmen look amazing!
- Buoy: Thank you. Decorating them was quite hard!
- Gurl: Yeah, they took ages to do! Do you like mine?
- Player: It's really good! Reminds me of something actually.
- Buoy: What about mine? Do you like it?
- Player: I like yours too. They both remind me of something!
- Gurl: Mine is Thermy! My favourite monster! She's so big and scary, makes me go woah!
- Buoy: Mine is Tempy! My favourite monster! He lives in the water, a huge mass of angry wet!
- Player: They're both amazing! I didn't know you guys would be so good at decorating.
- Gurl: Dad lets us decorate every year. We get a lot of practice!
- Buoy: Last year we made them into the Fragment of Seren and the King Black Dragon!
- Player: What... really?? I'd like to have seen that. Those sound even more difficult than these two!
- Player: How do you know all these monsters anyway? There is no way your dad would let you anywhere near them!
- Buoy: Dad reads us lots of stories, and we hear about them from passing adventurers, like you.
- Player: You must meet some interesting and cool adventurers!
- Gurl: Not as cool as you though; none of them helped us make our snowmen!
- Buoy: Yes, you're the first to help us make them!
- Player: Well, you're welcome. I really enjoyed it. What are you guys going to do now you're finished?
- Gurl: We're going to go and play! And maybe visit the festival. Will you be there?
- Player: I sure will be. Maybe see you there!
- Buoy: Bye [sir/madam], Merry Christmas.
- Player: Merry Christmas, have fun!
- (End of dialogue)
Cleaning the armour
Talking to the squire
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello!
- Squire: Hi [player name], how goes it?
- Player: I have all the items now. Festive cinnamon, festive white wine, and festive holly!
- Squire: Amazing! Great job. Now we just need to follow the secret recipe to create the magical cleaning potion, and then use it to clean the armour.
- Squire: I hope it works!
- Squire: Ok, are you ready for the recipe?
- Player: I'm listening!
- Squire: Step one, mix the cinnamon and holly into the white wine...
- Squire: ...and that should do it. Magical cleaning potion done!
- Player: That's... it? That's the entire secret recipe?
- Squire: Yes! I'm glad I have it written down, I can never remember it otherwise.
- Player: Well it is very difficult to remember, a whole single instruction...
- Player: Isn't it just mulled wine?
- Squire: Not at all. It's completely different!
- Squire: Firstly we use white wine, not red. We all know that white wine is good at removing red wine stains, so it will work on other red stains too!
- Squire: We add the cinnamon because nobody likes a mouth full of cinnamon, not even stains!
- Squire: And we add the holly because it's spiky, to scare the stain away.
- Squire: See, completely different, you didn't think this through!
- Player: That is some flawless reasoning! Okay, it is definitely not just mulled wine with holly in it.
- Squire: Exactly. So, are you going to make the magical cleaning potion?
- Squire: Just mix the holly and cinnamon into the wine.
- Player: I thought we had to mix the cinnamon and holly into the wine?
- The squire thoroughly checks his recipe.
- Squire: Oh no! You're correct, that was close, good spot! Just mix the cinnamon and holly into the wine.
- Player: I... that's the same... sure. I'll do it right now.
- Squire: Good luck, let me have a look when you've made it!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Mixing the items
Use festive cinnamon with festive white wine
- You combine the ingredients together, adding the festive cinnamon and then the festive holly into the festive white wine, just like the squire said...
- Player: That looks right, I should show this to the squire.
- (End of dialogue)
Use festive holly with festive white wine
- You combined the ingredients together, adding the festive holly and then the festive cinnamon into the festive white wine, in completely the wrong order...
- wait for the explosion...
- ...still waiting...
- ...any moment now...
- Player: That looks right, I should show this to the squire. Turns out that it didn't matter what order we mixed the ingredients together!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to the squire after making the magical cleaning potion
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hey, I've made the potion!
- Squire: Let me have a look at it please.
- Squire: This looks perfect! Exactly how it should look.
- Squire: Like a sort of spiced wine with some spiky plant!
- Player: But nothing like mulled wine with holly in it, right?
- Squire: Right, that's very different!
- Squire: You just need to use this on the armour now. Use a little bit on each piece, and it should clean it.
- Squire: It looks like there is enough in here for three bits of armour, which is exactly the amount we need.
- Squire: What a lucky coincidence that is!
- Squire: Here is the armour.
- Player: Thank you, I'll get the armour cleaned right now.
- Squire: Fingers crossed it works!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to the squire after making the magical cleaning potion
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hey!
- Squire: Hello [player name], have you cleaned the armour yet?
- Player: I've cleaned some of it, the potion is working. I still have to clean the rest though.
- Squire: Good! Keep it up. Once it's all cleaned then we can return the armor to Sir Vyvin and I won't lose my job!
- If any part of the pink armour was lost:
- Player: I have a bit of a problem, I've dropped some of the armour!
- Squire: Don't worry, I've got it right here. Here you go. Try not to drop it again. It's armour, but it's not indestructible!
- (Continues below)
- If any part of the clean armour was lost:
- Player: I've got a little issue. I've dropped some of the clean armour!
- Squire: Don't worry, I've got it right here. Here you go. Try not to drop it again. Its just been cleaned and it'll be covered in dirt!
- (Continues below)
- If the magical cleaning potion was lost:
- Player: I accidentally lost the potion earlier, and I'm not sure what to do.
- Squire: Don't worry, I've got it right here. I found it on the floor. Here you go. Try not to drop it again. It's a glass bottle so it might break next time!
- (Continues below)
- (End of dialogue)
Attempt to wear the armour
Attempt to wear the pink amour
- I don't want to wear that; I might turn pink too!
- (End of dialogue)
Attempt to wear the clean amour
- I don't want to wear that; it's just been cleaned!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to the squire after cleaning the armour
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hey!
- Squire: Hello [player name], have you cleaned the armour yet?
- Player: Yes. It's all clean. The potion worked!
- Squire: That's the best news I've heard all year! I was so worried, thank you for helping me.
- Squire: I've almost finished preparing for the festival too. I just have one last errand to run.
- Squire: Would you take the armour to Sir Vyvin for me, while I take care of this last thing?
- Squire: He's up on the second floor on the east side of the castle.
- Squire: I'll meet you at the festival after! You should come visit the grotto!
- Player: I can do that, I'll take it to him now.
- Squire: Thank you again, you saved me! I'll see you at the festival.
- Player: See you!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to the squire again
- Squire: Hi. Have you delivered the armour to Sir Vyvin yet?
- Player: Not yet, I'll do that now.
- Squire: He's upstairs on the east side of the castle, second floor.
- Player: Thanks!
- (End of dialogue)
If missing any parts of the clean armour
- Player: I've got a little issue. I've dropped some of the clean armour!
- Squire: Don't worry, I've got it right here. Here you go. Try not to drop it again. Its just been cleaned and it'll get covered in dirt!
- (End of dialogue)
Cleaning the armour pieces
- (End of dialogue)
- (End of dialogue)
Full helm
- (End of dialogue)
After cleaning the last armour piece
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Sir Vyvin
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello Sir Vyvin!
- Sir Vyvin: Hello [player name]. How is my armour coming along?
- Player: It's done, all cleaned, no problems. I've got it here!
- You hand the cleaned armour to Sir Vyvin.
- Sir Vyvin: Thank you, it's spotless! Almost too clean. How did he clean it?
- Player: I errr, guess with the normal cleaning stuff!
- Sir Vyvin: You guess?
- Player: Yes, I mean, I'm sure, yes, the normal cleaning stuff!
- Sir Vyvin: You're sure? I could swear I saw him carrying my armour around earlier, and it was pink.
- Player: You did?
- Sir Vyvin: Yes, and I'm pretty sure I saw you cleaning it with a magical cleaning potion.
- Player: Well, I forgot to mention that. It was indeed pink, but it's not anymore! And I did help him with it!
- Player: Are you angry?
- Sir Vyvin: Not at all! This isn't the first time this has happened. I actually keep a few sets of armour since I never know what is going to happen to them.
- Sir Vyvin: My dear squire, while very loyal and dedicated, is quite accident-prone!
- Sir Vyvin: He once dyed a set green in an accident with exploding swamp toads. That was quite something.
- Player: He did mention that. I said I didn't want to know what he was doing with exploding swamp toads.
- Sir Vyvin: Wise decision. It makes me squeamish just thinking about it!
- Sir Vyvin: Thank you for the armour, and thank you for helping my squire sort it out. That was very kind of you.
- Player: Well it is Christmas!
- Sir Vyvin: So it is! Please don't tell him that I know. If he knew I had multiple armour sets, he might not put so much effort into cleaning them in the future!
- Player: Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.
- Sir Vyvin: Thank you, [player name].
- Sir Vyvin: It's about time for the festival to open. I will be heading there shortly, I hope to see you there!
- Player: I'm going to head over now, see you there!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Sir Vyvin again
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hi, Sir Vyvin!
- Sir Vyvin: Hello there [player name], I'm heading to the festival in a minute. I hope to see you there!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to the squire after speaking to Sir Vyvin
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello!
- Squire: Hi. Thanks for giving the armour back to Sir Vyvin. You really saved the day!
- Squire: I'm heading over to the festival now. Will you come and visit? It's just south of the park, near the east bank.
- Player: Of course! I'd like to see the stalls and join in with the festival fun!
- Squire: Make sure you visit the grotto, that's where I will be! You can talk to Cecilia about it, she is running it.
- Squire: She will let you visit Santa! A little birdy told me he has a present for you!
- Player: I'll make sure to visit Santa at the grotto, then. See you there!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to others before going to the grotto
Talking to Sir Vyvin
- Player: Hi, Sir Vyvin!
- Sir Vyvin: Hello there [player name], I'm heading to the festival in a minute. I hope to see you there!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Hairdresser
- Player: Hello there!
- Hairdresser: Hi [player name]. I hope to see you at the festival!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Herquin
- Player: Hello!
- Herquin: Hey [player name]! Are you going to the festival? I'm heading there now with my gingerbread gnomes!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Wayne
- Player: Hello Wayne!
- Wayne: Hi [player name]. I hope to see you at the Christmas festival!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Larry
- Larry: Hey [player name]! I'm going to the festival now, hopefully I'll see you there!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Cecilia
- Cecilia: Hey [player name]! Are you going to the festival? I'm heading there now. I'll be at the grotto!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Wyson the gardener
- Player: Hello Wyson
- Wyson the gardener: Hi [player name]. I hope to see you at the festival!
- (End of dialogue)
Finishing up
- Player: Hi Cecilia. Merry Christmas. The festival looks great!
- Cecilia: I know, it all came together. I'm so proud of everyone.
- Cecilia: Would you like to visit Santa in his grotto? I hear he has a present for you!
- Player: I would love to. Do I need to bring anything with me?
- Cecilia: Nothing at all, just make sure you have a space for the present.
- If the player does not have inventory space:
- Player: I have no space at the moment. I'll come back in a minute when I've freed up some room.
- Cecilia: Okay. Make sure to come back soon, you don't want to miss out on the present!
- (End of dialogue)
- Player: I have space for it!
- Cecilia: Great, then would you like to visit Santa?
- Yes please.
- Player: Yes please.
- Cecilia: Okay, feel free to head in when you're ready. Make sure to check out the rest of the festival afterwards. Merry Christmas!
- Cutscene starts.
- Maybe later.
- Player: Maybe later.
- Cecilia: Okay. Make sure to come back soon, you don't want to miss out on the present!
- (End of dialogue)
Santa cutscene
- Santa: Hi there [player name]! Have you come to visit Santa?
- Player: I have, yes!
- Santa: Well come and say hello, I don't bite!
- Santa: Take a seat on my lap!
- Player: I think I'll stand if that is ok.
- Santa: Thank the elves! I can't feel my legs anymore, I've been getting slowly squished into this seat all day.
- Player: Had a lot of visitors then?
- Santa: Loads! It's been non-stop, which is great, but my poor legs. I think they're pancakes now, I'm scared to stand up.
- Player: I'm glad I could give them some time to recover! It's a lovely grotto.
- Santa: Thank you, we couldn't have done all this without you! The food, the drinks, the decorations, the grotto, it's all turned out great because of you.
- Player: It was nothing, I had good fun helping out. I got to meet a bunch of new people, go exploring in the snow, delivered some presents, and built some snowmen!
- Player: I even see Sir Vyvin here, in his clean armour!
- Santa: I saw him too. Thank you for delivering the armour! It looks almost too clean doesn't it?
- Player: Those magical cleaning potions are good at what they do!
- Santa: Do you think he suspects anything?
- Player: Nah. I'm sure he just appreciates how much of a good job you do!
- Santa: I hope so. I don't know what he would do if he knew about the mistakes I've made, he'd probably fire me instantly!
- Player: I have a strong hunch that he wouldn't do anything at all, he's a nice guy.
- Santa: He is a nice guy, that's true. Maybe I should come clean about it?
- Player: Come clean!
- Santa: What?
- Player: Come clean. We've been cleaning the armour. I thought you were making a pun!
- Santa: Oh, I didn't even notice that!
- Santa: Do you think I should tell him though?
- Player: That is up to you, but I definitely wouldn't worry either way. I'd just enjoy Christmas for now!
- Santa: Then I will decide later! Back on the topic of Christmas and the grotto, we would like to say thank you to you.
- Santa: I have a gift for you, it's from all of us. Make sure you open it once you leave the grotto!
- Player: I will, thanks! What is it?
- Santa: It's a surprise! You'll find out when you open it.
- Santa: Now, I am a busy Santa, and I must get back to work! Thank you again for helping us all. You showed some true Christmas spirit!
- Santa: Merry Christmas [player name]!
- Player: Merry Christmas to you too!
- Santa: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!
- Cutscene ends.
- Cecilia: I hope you like your presents... I mean, present. Oops.
- Player: It's ok, I'll pretend I didn't hear that!
- Cecilia: Thank you, I'm just excited! Make sure you open it! Enjoy the rest of the festival. Merry Christmas!
- (End of dialogue)
If the player leaves the cutscene early
- Cecilia: You left before you could get your present from Santa! Come back when you're ready to visit again.
- Cecilia: We'll hold on to it for you!
- (End of dialogue)
Post event
Opening the big present
If the player doesn't have enough space in their inventory
- Player: I think I need some more space before I open that. Looks like I need [number of spaces] more [space/spaces] before I can open it!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Cecilia by the grotto
- Cecilia: Hello [player name], Merry Christmas! Did you like your present?
- Player: Yes, thank you!
- Cecilia: It was from all of us, as a thank you for helping us all!
- Cecilia: I hope you enjoy the rest of the festival. Merry Christmas!
- Player: I'm sure I will. Merry Christmas!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Cecilia in Falador Park
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Cecilia: Hey [player name]! I hope you liked your present. Merry Christmas!
- Player: Merry Christmas to you too Cecilia!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talking to Wayne by the grotto
- Player: Hi Wayne!
- Wayne: Hello [player name]. Lovely festival isn't it?
- Player: It is! Have you been to the grotto yet?
- Wayne: Not yet, just been enjoying some mulled wine. Have you been?
- Player: Yes, I got a present!
- Wayne: That's cool. I think I'll go and visit soon. I hope I get more goblin mail!
- Player: I hope you do! Good luck!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Sir Vivyn by the grotto
- Player: Hello, Sir Vyvin!
- Sir Vyvin: Hi [player name]! Nice to see you here.
- Player: Yes, thank you. I see you're in your armour. It's looking clean!
- Sir Vyvin: Very clean indeed. You didn't tell my squire that I know about the armour did you?
- Player: Of course not, I kept it a secret like you asked!
- Sir Vyvin: Thank you [player name]! Now, may I suggest that you visit the grotto? It always has some good presents.
- Player: Actually, I've already been. I got a present from Santa!
- Sir Vyvin: Oh, ignore me then. I still need to visit the grotto myself.
- Player: I hope you get something nice. Maybe another armour set!
- Sir Vyvin: I don't think I need another set, but we will see! Merry Christmas [player name].
- Player: Merry Christmas to you too!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to the Hairdresser by the grotto
- Player: Hello!
- Hairdresser: Hi [player name]! Are you enjoying the festival?
- Player: Yes, thank you. It's a lovely atmosphere!
- Hairdresser: It is, although there is one major problem.
- Player: Oh, what is it?
- Hairdresser: Everyone is wearing Santa hats so all my hard work can't be seen!
- Player: I'm sure everyone will be showing off their new haircuts after the festival!
- Hairdresser: I suppose I'll have to wait until then. But for now... Santa hats, gingerbread gnomes, and mulled wine!
- Player: That sounds like a good time!
- Hairdresser: It does, and of course not forgetting the grotto too. I'm going to visit Santa soon.
- Player: I visited the grotto earlier. I had a lovely time!
- Player: Hopefully he doesn't give you any more pairs of scissors!
- Hairdresser: I can never have too many pairs of scissors!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Buoy or Gurl by the grotto
- Buoy: Hello ma'am!
- Gurl: Hi [player name], you came to the festival!
- Player: Yes I did. Time to relax after building those snowmen!
- Gurl: Have you been to the grotto yet?
- If the player has not yet received a present from Santa:
- Player: Not yet, but I'll be going soon. I'm hoping to get a present! Have you guys been?
- If the player already received the present from Santa:
- Player: Yes I have, I got a present! Have you guys been?
- Buoy: We haven't been yet. We have to wait until later since dad wants to come with us.
- Player: That's okay, it'll be nice to go together later.
- Buoy: We do have some gingerbread gnomes though[sic]
- Gurl: Yeah we have some gingerbread gnomes. Herquin gave us three each!
- Player: Three each? How are you guys going to eat three each?
- Buoy: Easy! I could eat four if I had that many!
- Gurl: I could eat five!
- Buoy: No you couldn't, you're too tiny.
- Gurl: Yes I could! I could easily eat five! You couldn't even eat four!
- Buoy: I'd eat four before you even eat three, you're so slow.
- Gurl: No you're slow, I'd eat four before you even eat two.
- Player: Hey, hey, it's Christmas! Let's be nice. You both have three, that is more than enough. No need to argue.
- Gurl: I suppose.
- Buoy: I'm not sure I can actually eat all these, I'm already quite full on my first one.
- Player: See, you're both still on your first one, but that is okay. No need for a competition. Just enjoy the gingerbread gnomes and the festival!
- Buoy: Okay [player name].
- Gurl: Okay ma'am.
- Player: Merry Christmas to you both, I hope you have a fun time at the grotto later!
- Gurl: Merry Christmas!
- Player: ...and remember, no more arguing!
- Buoy and Gurl wander off eating their gingerbread gnomes. They're chatting happily, no arguing in sight.
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Larry by the grotto
- Larry: Hi there [player name]!
- Player: Hi Larry! I can smell the festive mulled wine from across the festival!
- Larry: I know, smells lovely doesn't it. Would you like a bottle?
- Larry: You can have one for free for being such a help earlier with the snowmen.
- Yes, please!
- Player: Yes, please!
- Larry: Great. Here you go, nice and warm.
- Larry: Careful, it's got a bit of a kick. Merry Christmas!
- Player: Noted! Merry Christmas!
- (End of dialogue)
- No, thank you.
- Player: No, thank you.
- Larry: That's okay, means there is more for me!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Larry in his house
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Larry: Hey [player name]! Make sure to stop by my stall at the festival. I'll give you some mulled wine!
- Player: I'll make sure to, can't beat some mulled wine!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.
Talk to Wyson the gardener by the grotto
- Player: Hi Wyson!
- Wyson the gardener: Hello [player name]! How are you doing?
- Player: Very well thank you. I can't decide if I want some gingerbread gnomes or mulled wine!
- Wyson the gardener: Why not both? It is Christmas after all!
- Player: That is a very good point. In that case, which should I get first?
- Wyson the gardener: That is a better question! Personally I favour the gingerbread gnomes. Can't beat gingerbread and chocolate.
- Player: You make a compelling argument. Gingerbread gnomes it is!
- Wyson the gardener: Then again I also favour mulled wine. The warm, comforting, and spiced goodness. Can't beat that either.
- Player: You make another compelling argument. Now my decision is even harder!
- Wyson the gardener: I'm sure you'll survive! I'm going to go and visit the grotto, see you around.
- Player: Enjoy, I went earlier, it was great!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Herquin by the grotto
- Herquin: Hello [player name]!
- Player: Hi Herquin! How are the festive gingerbread gnomes doing?
- Herquin: Fantastic! Selling like hotcakes.
- Herquin: Would you like one? I'll give you one for free for being such a help earlier. I couldn't have made them without you!
- Yes, please!
- Player: Yes, please!
- Herquin: Good choice! Here you go.
- Herquin: Enjoy it. Merry Christmas!
- Player: Thank you, I shall. Merry Christmas!
- (End of dialogue)
- No, thank you.
- Player: No, thank you.
- Herquin: Suit yourself, but I don't blame you. They're very moreish!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Herquin in the gem store
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- Player: Hello!
- Herquin: Hey [player name]! Make sure to stop by my stall at the festival. I'll have some gingerbread gnomes for you!
- Player: That sounds lovely, I'll definitely stop by!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Do you wish to trade?
- (Non-event dialogue) Sorry I don't want to talk to you actually.
Talking to Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX by the grotto
If the player completed the 2021 Halloween event
- Player: Hi there.
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: Hi [player name]! How are you doing? Enjoying the festival?
- Player: I am thank you. Are you enjoying it?
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: Yes! It's just the thing I needed. I've had a bit of a hard time recently.
- Player: Oh, really? What happened?
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: I don't want to talk about it too much. But around Halloween time, I was adventuring, and I came across Death.
- Player: Death himself?!
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: Yeah! And I was so scared. I lost my rune scimmy that I'd worked so hard to get.
- Player: That was you?
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: What do you mean?
- Player: I err... may have been hiding behind a tree when you came across Death. I saw the whole thing!
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: Why didn't you help?!
- Player: Death is pretty terrifying, and I was with Iffie. I was worried about her.
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: I suppose that is fair.
- Player: I feel horrible, I should have helped!
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: It's ok, because guess what I got from the grotto?
- Player: I don't know? A Santa hat? Sailing boat? An egg?
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: A brand new rune scimmy!
- Player: Oh, that's awesome! Santa must have known you needed one!
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: I guess! So don't feel too bad. I'm doing well now, and I've even leveled up quite a bit since then!
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: And we're both here at this lovely festival!
- Player: That is true. I'm glad you're doing well, and I hope you enjoy your new scimmy!
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: I plan to slash and chop many things!
- Player: Have fun with that! Merry Christmas!
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: Merry Christmas [player name]!
- (End of dialogue)
If the player did not complete the 2021 Halloween event
- Player: Hi there.
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: Hi [player name]! How are you doing? Enjoying the festival?
- Player: I am thank you. Are you enjoying it?
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: Yes! It's just the thing I needed. I've had a bit of a hard time recently.
- Player: Oh, really? What happened?
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: I don't want to talk about it too much. But around Halloween time, I was adventuring, and I came across Death.
- Player: Death himself?!
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: Yeah! And I was so scared. I lost my rune scimmy that I'd worked so hard to get.
- Player: That sounds terrible!
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: It was. But that's why I need this festival, it has really cheered me up! And best of all, I got a new rune scimmy from the grotto!
- If the player has not yet received a present from Santa:
- Player: That's great! I'm going to go to the grotto soon. I hope I get something good.
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: I'm sure you will. I'll keep my finger crossed for you.
- Player: Enjoy the rest of the festival. Merry Christmas!
- (Continues below)
- If the player already received the present from Santa:
- Player: That's awesome! I went to the grotto earlier too, it was great!
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: I hope you get something you like?
- Player: I did, thank you, it was a pretty cool present. Enjoy the rest of the festival. Merry Christmas!
- (Continues below)
- Xi_plzPetDogz_xiX: You too. Merry Christmas [player name]!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to the Squire in Falador castle
- Talk about the Christmas event.
- If the player has lost their notes:
- I've lost my notes!
- Player: I've lost my notes!
- Squire: Don't worry, I found them earlier. They must have blown into the castle courtyard on the wind!
- Squire: Here you go.
- Squire: Try not to lose them this time!
- (End of dialogue)
- Other Christmas event things.
- Player: Hello!
- (Same as below)
- If the player still has their notes:
- Player: Hello!
- Squire: Hi [player name]. Merry Christmas! Thanks for visiting me at the grotto, I hope you liked your present!
- Squire: I'll be heading back there in a second, just grabbing some more presents. It has been super busy!
- Player: Well I don't want to keep Santa waiting. I'll see you there. Merry Christmas!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has lost their notes:
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about other things.