Transcript:Recruitment Drive

From Illerai

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Starting out

Talking to Sir Tiffy Cashien before starting the quest

  • Player: Hello.
  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: What ho, sirrah. Spiffing day for a walk in the park, what?
  • Player: ...spiffing?
  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Absolutely, top-hole! Well, can't stay and chat all day, dontchaknow! Ta-ta for now!
  • Player: Erm... goodbye.
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Sir Amik Varze

  • Player: Hello Sir Amik.
  • Sir Amik Varze: Hello, friend!
  • Player: Do you have any other quests for me to do?
  • Sir Amik Varze: Quests, eh? Well, I don't have anything on the go at the moment, but there is an organisation that is always looking for capable adventurers to assist them.
  • Sir Amik Varze: Your excellent work sorting out those Black Knights means I will happily write you a letter of recommendation.
  • Sir Amik Varze: Would you like me to put your name forwards to them?
  • Start the Recruitment Drive quest?
  • Yes.
    • Player: Sure thing Sir Amik, sign me up!
    • Sir Amik Varze: Erm, well, this is a little embarrassing, I already HAVE put you forward as a potential member.
    • Sir Amik Varze: They are called the Temple Knights, and you are to meet Sir Tiffy Cashien in Falador park for testing immediately.
    • Player: Okey dokey, I'll go do that then.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • No.
    • Player: No thanks, that doesn't sound like the kind of thing that would interest me...
    • Sir Amik Varze: As you wish adventurer, let's say no more about it.
    • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Sir Amik Varze again

  • Player: Hello Sir Amik.
  • Sir Amik Varze: Hello, friend!
  • Player: Do you have any other quests for me to do?
  • Sir Amik Varze: No, I am afraid not. I suggest you go meet Sir Tiffy in Falador Park, he will be expecting you.
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Sir Tiffy Cashien after starting the quest

  • Player: Sir Amik Varze sent me to meet you here for some sort of testing...?
  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Ah, [player name]! Amik told me all about you, dontchaknow! Spiffing job you did with the old Black Knights there, absolutely first class.
  • Player: ...thanks, I think.
  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Well, a top-notch fellow like yourself is just the right sort we've been seeking for our organisation.
  • Select an Option
  • Testing...?
    • Player: ...testing? What exactly do you mean by testing?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Jolly bad show! Varze was supposed to have informed you about all this before sending you here!
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Well, not your fault I suppose, what? Anywho, our organisation is looking for a certain specific type of person to join.
    • Player: So... You want me to go kill some monster or something for you?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Not at all, old bean. There's plenty of warriors around should we require dumb muscle.
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: That's really not the kind of thing our organisation is after, what?
    • Player: So you want me to go and fetch you some kind of common item, and then take it for delivery somewhere on the other side of the country?
    • Player: Because I really hate doing that!
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Haw haw haw What a dull thing to ask of someone, what?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: I know what you mean though, I did my fair share of running errands when I was a young adventurer, myself!
    • Player: So what exactly will this test consist of?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Can't let just any old riff-raff in, what? The mindless thugs and bully boys are best left in the White Knights or the Guards, we look for the top-shelf brains to join us.
    • Player: So you want to test my brains? Will it hurt?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Haw Haw Haw That's a good one!
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Not in the slightest... Well, maybe a bit, but we all have to make sacrifices occasionally, what?
    • Player: What do you want me to do then?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: It's a test of wits, what? I'll take you to our secret training grounds, and you will have to pass through a series of five separate intelligence tests to prove you're our sort of
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: adventurer.
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Standard puzzle room rules will apply.
    • Player: Erm... what are 'standard puzzle room rules' exactly?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Never done this sort of thing before, what?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: The simple rules are: No items or equipment to be brought with you. Each room is a self contained puzzle. You may quit at any time.
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Of course, if you quit a room, then all your progress up to that point will be cleared, and you'll have to start again from scratch.
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Our organisation manages to filter all the top-notch adventurers this way. So, are you ready to go?
    • (Shows other options)
  • Organisation...?
    • Player: This organisation you keep mentioning... Perhaps you could tell me a little about it?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Oh, that Amik! Jolly bad form, did he not tell you anything that he was supposed to?
    • Player: No... He didn't really tell me anything except to come here and meet you...
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Well now old sport, let me give you the heads up and the low down, what?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: I represent the Temple Knights. We are the premier order of Knights in Asgarnia, if not the world. Saradomin himself personally founded our order
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: centuries ago, and we answer only to him.
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Only the very best of the best are permitted to join, and the powers we command are formidable indeed.
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: You might say that we are the front line of defence for the entire kingdom!
    • Player: So what's the difference between you and the White Knights?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Well, in simple terms, we're better! Any fool with a sword can manage to get into the White Knights, which is mostly the reason they are so very, very incompetent, what?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: The Temple Knights on the other hand have to be smarter, stronger, better than all others. We are the elite. No man controls us for our orders come directly from
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Saradomin himself!
    • Player: Cool, you mean I get to meet Saradomin?
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Well, uh, not exactly... Sir Vey Lance, our head of operations, is the only one of our order who has ever personally met Saradomin, but everything he tells us to do is done with
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Saradomin's implicit permission.
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: It's not every job where you have more authority than the king, now is it?
    • Player: Wait... You can order the King around?!?!
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Well, not me personally, I'm only in the recruitment side of things dontchaknow, but the higher ranking members of the organisation have almost absolute power over this kingdom.
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Plus a few others, so I hear....
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Anyway, this is why we keep our organisation shrouded in secrecy, and why we demand such rigorous testing for all potential recruits. Speaking of which, are you ready to begin your
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: testing?
    • (Shows other options)
  • Yes, let's go!
    • Player: Yeah, this sounds right up my street. Let's go!
    • If the player does not have an empty inventory or has equipped items:
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Well, bad luck old [gal], you'll need to have a completely empty inventory and you can't be wearing any equipment before we can accurately test you.
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Don't want people cheating by smuggling stuff in, what?
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Come and see me again after you've been to the old bank to drop your stuff off, what?
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If the player has an empty inventory and no equipped items:
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Jolly good show! Now, the training grounds location is a secret so...
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Here we go! Mind your head!
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Oops, ignore the smell! Nearly there!
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: And... Here we are! Best of luck!
      • (End of dialogue)
  • No, I've changed my mind.
    • Player: Well... I don't know... This doesn't really sound like my kind of thing...
    • Player: To be honest, I'd rather go kill stuff for loot than use my mind to work things out...
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Well, it takes all sorts to make the world spin, what? Maybe you'll find a nice job with the Guards sometime.
    • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Sad though, your intelligence file seemed quite promising. Should you change your mind, you come back and let me know, what?
    • (End of dialogue)

The tests

Upon failing a test

  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Oh, jolly bad luck, what? Not quite the brainbox you thought you were, eh?
  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Well, never mind! You have an open invitation to join our organisation, so when you're feeling a little smarter, come back and talk to me again!
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Sir Tiffy Cashien after attempting the tests once

  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Ah, what ho! Back for another go at the old testing, what?
  • Select an Option
  • Yes, let's go!
    • (Same as above)
  • No, I've changed my mind.
    • (Same as above)

Sir Ren Itchood

Entering the room

  • Sir Ren Itchood: Greetings friend, and welcome here, you'll find my puzzle not so clear. Hidden amongst my words, it's true, the password for the door as a clue.
  • Select an Option
  • Can I have the clue for the door?
    • If the answer is word 1:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Better than me, you'll not find In rhyming and in puzzles. This clue so clear will tax your mind Entirely as it confuzzles!
    • If the answer is word 2:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: This riddle of mine may confuse, I am quite sure of that. Mayhap you should closely peruse Every word i have spat?
    • If the answer is word 3:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Feel the aching of your mind In puzzlement, confused. See the clue hidden behind His words, as you perused.
    • If the answer is word 4:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: More than words, i have not for you Except the things i say today. Aware are you, this is a clue? Take note of what i say!
    • If the answer is word 5:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Look closely at the words i speak; And study closely every part. See for yourself the word you seek Trapped for you if you're smart.
    • If the answer is word 6:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Rare it is that you will see A puzzle such as this! In many ways it tickles me Now, watching you hit and miss!
    • (End of dialogue)
  • Can I have a different clue?
    • Player: I don't get that riddle...
    • Player: Can I have a different one?
    • If the answer is word 1:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Before you hurry through that door Inspect the words i spoke. There is a simple hidden flaw Ere you think my rhyme a joke.
    • If the answer is word 2:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Twice it is now, i have stated In a rhyme, what is the pass. Maybe my words obfuscated Entirely beyond your class.
    • If the answer is word 3:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: First my clue you did not see, I really wish you had. Such puzzling wordplay devilry Has left you kind of mad!
    • If the answer is word 4:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Many types have passed through here Even such as you amongst their sort. And in the end, the puzzles clear; The hidden word you saught.
    • If the answer is word 5:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Last time my puzzle did not help Apparently, so you've bidden. Study my speech carefully, whelp To find the answer, hidden.
    • If the answer is word 6:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Repetition, once again Against good sense it goes. In my words, the answers plain Now that you see rhyme flows.
    • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Sir Ren Itchood after getting the second clue

  • Select an Option
  • Can I have the clue for the door?
    • (Same as above)
  • Can I have the final clue?
    • Player: I don't get that riddle...
    • Player: Can I have the final clue for the door?
    • If the answer is word 1:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Betrayed by words the answer is In that what i say is the key There is no more help after this Especially no more from me.
    • If the answer is word 2:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Three times now, my riddle said; I hope you finally see the clue. Maybe think on what you've read; Easy when you know what to do.
    • If the answer is word 3:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: For the last time i will state In simple words, the clue. Such tricky words make you irate Having no idea what to do...
    • If the answer is word 4:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Maybe i will do my best; Especially at giving clues. Attempt to help you pass the test! That should help me pay my dues.
    • If the answer is word 5:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Lo! my final speech is now Attended to by you. Study my words, and find out how To understand my clue!
    • If the answer is word 6:
      • Sir Ren Itchood: Repeat myself to give the clue Again, i now do speak. It's hidden in my words - hey you! Now find the answer you seek.
    • (End of dialogue)

Entering the Combination Lock Door

  • If the answer is correct:
    • Sir Ren Itchood: Your wit is sharp, your brains quite clear; You solved my puzzle with no fear. At puzzles I rank you quite the best, now enter the portal for your next test.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • If the answer is incorrect:
    • Sir Ren Itchood: It's sad to say, this test beat you. I'll send you to Tiffy, what to do?
    • You have failed to solve the riddle.
    • (End of dialogue)

Ms. Hynn Terprett

Entering the room

  • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Greetings, [player name]. I am here to test your wits with a simple riddle.
  • If the player has riddle 1:
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Here is my riddle: I estimate there to be 1 million inhabitants in the world of Gielinor, creatures and people both.
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: What would be the number you would get if you multiply the number of fingers on everythings left hand, to the nearest million?
    • Enter amount: (player input)
    • (Continues below)
  • If the player has riddle 2:
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Here is my riddle: I have both a husband and daughter.
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: My husband is four times older than my daughter. In twenty years time, he will be twice as old as my daughter.
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: How old is my daughter now?
    • Enter amount: (player input)
    • (Continues below)
  • If the player has riddle 3:
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Here is my riddle: Which of the following statements is true?
    • Which of the following is true?
    • The number of false statements here is one
      • (Continues below)
    • The number of false statements here is two
      • (Continues below)
    • The number of false statements here is three.
      • (Continues below)
    • The number of false statements here is four.
      • (Continues below)
  • If the player has riddle 4:
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Here is my riddle: Imagine that you have been captured by an enemy. You are to be killed, but in a moment of mercy, the enemy has allowed you to pick your own demise.
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Your first choice is to be drowned in a lake of acid.
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Your second choice is to be burned on a fire.
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Your third choice is to be thrown to a pack of wolves that have not been fed in over a month.
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Your final choice of fate is to be thrown from the walls of a castle, many hundreds of feet high.
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Which fate would you be wise to choose?
    • Select your fate
    • The lake of acid.
      • (Continues below)
    • The large fire.
      • (Continues below)
    • The wolves.
      • (Continues below)
    • The castle walls.
      • (Continues below)
  • If the player has riddle 5:
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Here is my riddle: I dropped four identical stones, into four identical buckets, each containing an identical amount of water.
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: The first bucket's water was at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the second was at 33 degrees, the third at 34 and the fourth was at 35 degrees.
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Which bucket's stone dropped to the bottom of the bucket last?
    • Which bucket's stone dropped last?
    • Bucket A (32 degrees)
      • (Continues below)
    • Bucket B (33 degrees)
      • (Continues below)
    • Bucket C (34 degrees)
      • (Continues below)
    • Bucket D (35 degrees)
      • (Continues below)
  • If the player answered correctly:
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: Excellent work, [player name]. Please step through the portal to meet your next challenge.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • If the player answered incorrectly:
    • Ms. Hynn Terprett: No... I am very sorry. Apparently you are not up to the challenge. I will return you where you came from, better luck in the future.
    • (Continues with failure dialogue.)

Lady Table

Entering the room

  • Lady Table: Welcome, [player name]. This room will test your observation skills.
  • Lady Table: Study the statues closely. There is one missing statue in this room.
  • Lady Table: We will also mix the order up a little to make things interesting for you!
  • Lady Table: You have 10 seconds to memorise the statues... starting NOW!
  • (End of dialogue)

After waiting 10 seconds

  • Lady Table: We will now dim the lights and bring the missing statue back in.
  • Lady Table: Please touch the statue you think has been added.
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Lady Table after the statues have shuffled

  • Player: What am I supposed to be doing again?
  • Lady Table: Touch the statue that was brought in after you entered.
  • Lady Table: If you touch the wrong one, you will fail this task, and will be escorted back to Falador.
  • (End of dialogue)

Touching a statue

  • If the statue is correct:
    • Lady Table: Excellent work, [player name]. Please step through the portal to meet your next challenge.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • If the statue is incorrect:
    • Lady Table: No... I am very sorry. Apparently you are not up to the challenge. I will return you where you came from, better luck in the future.
    • (End of dialogue)

Sir Tinley

Entering the room

  • Sir Tinley: Ah, [player name], you have arrived. Speak to me to begin your task.
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Sir Tinley

  • Sir Tinley: Ah, welcome [player name]. I have but one clue for you to pass this room's puzzle: 'Patience'.
  • (End of dialogue)

Interacting with anything before completing the challenge

  • Sir Tinley: No... I am very sorry. Apparently you are not up to the challenge. I will return you where you came from, better luck in the future.
  • (Continues with failure dialogue.)

After completing the challenge

  • Sir Tinley: Excellent work, [player name]. Please step through the portal to meet your next challenge.
  • (End of dialogue)

Sir Kuam Ferentse

Entering the Room

  • Sir Kuam Ferentse: Ah, [player name], you're finally here. Your task for this room is to defeat Sir Leye. He has been blessed by Saradomin to be undefeatable by any blade, so it should be quite a challenge for you.
  • Sir Kuam Ferentse: If you are having problems, remember; A true warrior uses his wits as much as his brawn. Fight smarter, not harder.
  • (Sir Leye spawns.)
  • Sir Leye: No blade may defeat me!
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Sir Leye

  • Sir Leye: AH-HA HA HA! You can NEVER defeat ME! I am blessed by Saradomin himself! NO BLADE MAY DEFEAT ME!
  • (End of dialogue)

Defeating Sir Leye

  • If the player has completed 1-3 rooms:
    • Sir Kuam Ferentse: Excellent work, [player name]. Please step through the portal to meet your next challenge.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • If the player has completed 4 rooms:
    • Sir Kuam Ferentse: Well done, that was your fourth test, you only have one more to go.
    • Sir Kuam Ferentse: Please step through the portal to your final test... ...and good luck, [player name].
    • (End of dialogue)
  • If the player has completed 5 rooms:
    • Sir Kuam Ferentse: Excellent work! You have passed all five of the required tests! Please accept my congratulations!
    • (End of dialogue)

Miss Cheevers

Entering the room

  • Miss Cheevers: Greetings, [player name]. Welcome to my challenge.
  • Miss Cheevers: All you need to do is leave from the opposite door to where you came in by.
  • Miss Cheevers: I will warn you that this is more complicated than it may at first appear.
  • Miss Cheevers: I should also warn you that there are limited supplies of the items in this room, so think carefully before using them, or you may find yourself stuck, and have to leave to start again!
  • Miss Cheevers: Best of luck!
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Miss Cheevers once

  • Player: Can you give me any help?
  • Miss Cheevers: No, I am sorry, but that is forbidden by our rules.
  • Miss Cheevers: If you are having a particularly tough time of it, I suggest you leave and come back later when you are in a more receptive frame of mind.
  • Miss Cheevers: Sometimes a break from concentration will yield fresh insight. Our aim is to test you, but not to the point of frustration!
  • Player: Okay, thanks!
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Miss Cheevers a second time

  • Player: Please... I am REALLY stuck... Isn't there ANYTHING you can do to help me...?
  • Miss Cheevers: Well... Look, I really shouldn't say anything about this room, but...
  • Miss Cheevers: When I was attempting to join the Temple Knights I myself had to do this puzzle myself.
  • Miss Cheevers: It was slightly different, but the idea behind it was the same, and I left the notes I had made while doing it hidden in one of the bookcases.
  • Miss Cheevers: If you look carefully you may find them, and they may be of some use to you.
  • Miss Cheevers: I really can't be any more help than that I'm afraid, it is more than my job's worth to have given you the help I already have.
  • Player: Okay, thanks a lot, you've been very helpful!
  • Miss Cheevers: Best of luck with the test [player name], I hope your application is successful.
  • (End of dialogue)

Sir Spishyus

Entering the room

  • Sir Spishyus: Ah, welcome [player name].
  • Player: Hello there. What am I supposed to be doing in this room?
  • Sir Spishyus: Well, your task is to take this fox, this chicken and this bag of grain across that bridge there to the other side of the room.
  • Sir Spishyus: When you have done that, your task is complete.
  • Player: Is that it?
  • Sir Spishyus: Well, it is not quite as simple as that may sound.
  • Sir Spishyus: Firstly, you may only carry one of the objects across the room at a time, for the bridge is old and fragile.
  • Sir Spishyus: Secondly, the fox wants to eat the chicken, and the chicken wants to eat the grain. Should you ever leave the fox unattended with the chicken, or the grain unattended with the chicken, then
  • Sir Spishyus: one of them will be eaten, and you will be unable to complete the test.
  • Player: Okay, I'll see what I can do.
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Sir Spishyus once

  • Player: Listen, this is really annoying me. Can't you just stop the fox eating the chicken or the chicken eating the grain for me, while I carry the other stuff across the bridge?
  • Sir Spishyus: I am afraid not, [player name]. My task is solely to observe your progress, we have explicit instructions not to assist you in any way..
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Sir Spishyus a second time

  • Player: No, but seriously, please? Think of the poor chicken and grain! Being eaten!
  • Sir Spishyus: I am truly sorry, but my hands are tied. I suggest you think carefully before taking any items across the bridge with you, to ensure nothing gets eaten while you are not paying attention.
  • Sir Spishyus: This is the only help I may give you...
  • Player: Well, thanks I guess...
  • (End of dialogue)

Attempting to cross the precarious bridge with too much weight

  • Player: I really don't think I should be carrying more than 5 Kg across that rickety bridge...
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Sir Spishyus after failing the challenge

  • Sir Spishyus: No... I am very sorry. Apparently you are not up to the challenge. I will return you where you came from, better luck in the future.
  • (Continues with failure dialogue.)

Finishing up

  • Player: I believe I've managed to pass the tests!
  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Oh, jolly well done! Your performance will need to be evaluated by Sir Vey personally, but I don't think it's going too far ahead of myself to welcome you to the team!
  • Congratulations! Quest complete!