Chinchompa (race)
Chinchompas are a species of explosive rodent, three varieties of which are native to the wildlands of Gielinor.
Colonies of wild chinchompas are typically found in woodland areas: the regular grey chinchompa for instance roam the wooded outskirts on the Isle of Souls, the grassy fields of northern Kandarin, as well as the forests stretched along the southern coast of Great Kourend. Their carnivorous counterparts meanwhile live in similar though slightly more exotic locales, such as the jungles bordering the Feldip Hills, and a small secluded valley hidden in north-eastern Tirannwn. A notable exception to this rule is the third and last of the chinchompa species, the black chinchompa. Herds of this variety are unique to a collection of small hills deep in the Wilderness, covered only by dead and sickened trees.
It ought be noted that the exceptionally rare golden-furred type of chinchompa is not to be considered a separate species, but rather likely a result of an aberrant genetic mutation.[1]
Defence mechanisms
The chinchompa is well-known for the unparalleled way it fends off predators: while seemingly harmless, the rodents are in fact highly volatile explosives, and will rapidly detonate the combustible compounds they carry within themselves when harassed. Although this adaptation provides little benefit when it comes to the individual self-preservation of the chinchompa, it is an effect means of group defence for the herd at large.[2] A single detonation can effectively neutralise any future threat, as well as disincentivise predator activity towards the species in general.[3] This demonstrates that the chinchompa is an inherently social animal.
While meant to ward off threats, chinchompas are also known to spontaneously combust on occasion.[4] For this reason, hunters who aim to capture the critter for their own benefit often do so using box traps, which is able to contain and thus partially mitigate any unforeseen discharges.[5]
Chinchompas achieve this explosive capability through the liberal and indiscriminate consumption of food-stuffs, specifically spicy foods.[6] Infrequently, hunters make use of this craving by lacing their box traps with spicy tomato as bait.
Though not the norm, a limited degree of domestication has been recorded for this species. According to an issue of the Postbag from the Hedge for example, the Falador hairdresser keeps a chinchompa named Ridgeley in his salon, whose efforts on the treadmill power the spinning pole outside. Somewhat more enigmatically, Dominic Onion reports that a chinchompa called Nigel was involved in the events that led to Dominic's name, together with his parents and three blurberry specials.[7] Baby chinchompas have been observed to follow around adventurers that prey upon their adult relatives.