SMW Subobject for Rock cakesLeague Region: kandarinImage: File:Counter (Gu'Tanoth).pngUses infobox: SceneryObject ID: 2793Release date: 7 May 2003Is members only: trueIs variant of: Counter (Gu'Tanoth)
SMW Subobject for EmptyLeague Region: kandarinImage: File:Counter (Gu'Tanoth, empty).pngUses infobox: SceneryObject ID: 2792Release date: 7 May 2003Is members only: trueIs variant of: Counter (Gu'Tanoth)
A counter can be found in Gu'Tanoth's market. At level 15 Thieving, and after partial completion of the Watchtower quest, players may steal rock cakes from it. Each successful steal awards 6.4 Thieving experience.