Crack the Clue

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Crack the Clue! was a special clue-seeker event held over the course of four weeks during 2016, where map clues were released on a RuneScape Forums post.

Over the course of the next four weeks we will be releasing four clues here on the forums. These clues will be solvable in game, allowing you to unlock one piece of a brand new set of cosmetic gear each week!

Once all four have been released, the information they provide can be combined to create a fifth, incredibly challenging clue. The first player to successfully solve this clue will be forever commemorated in game. All players who are able to complete the clue will also receive the fifth and final piece of equipment to complete the set!

— The Old School Team[1]

Completion of each clue will grant players pieces of the clue hunter outfit. This event will stay in-game indefinitely.

Week 1

The first clue was released on 17 June 2016:

The map leads the player to an oak tree south-west of the Fishing Guild and just north of East Ardougne. Don't forget to bring a spade!

Make sure to dig two squares south and one square west of the south-west corner of the oak tree.

Solving this clue will grant the player a pair of clue hunter gloves and clue hunter boots.

Week 2

The second clue was released on 26 June 2016:

The map takes you to the same downward right diagonal two-rocky area place just north of the East Shayzien station of the Lovakengj Minecart Network, where Mogrim resides. Due to an update of Zeah the crack the clue map no longer resembles the in game location. Don't forget to bring a spade!

Solving this clue will grant the player a clue hunter garb.

Week 3

The third clue was released on 1 July 2016:

The map leads the player near the entrance to the Pothole Dungeon north of Tai Bwo Wannai. Don't forget to bring a spade!

Solving this clue will grant the player a pair of clue hunter trousers.

Week 4

The fourth clue was released on 6 July 2016:

The map leads the player between two willow trees south-east of Yanille.

Solving this clue will grant the player a clue hunter cloak.

Final clue

The final clue is solved by combining elements from the previous four clues.

The player must dig near the iron rocks by the cave entrance east of the Clock Tower. They also must have in their inventory a nature rune, one dose of superantipoison, and a pair of leather boots.

Solving this clue will grant the player the helm of raedwald. Upon receiving the helmet, the chatbox will state A selection of the items you are carrying somehow allow you to spot a piece of gear in the ground, which you take.


The first 4 solutions may be found by simply locating the area in game that resembles the crack the clue map, note step 2 no longer can be done like this due to Zeah re-work.

The final solution is far more convoluted and involves:

  • Drawling lines between each of the solutions to find the intersection point. (Monastery)
  • Placing the clues on top of each other to discover a hidden message. When the dotted marking on each clue line up and merge they reveal. (TEN N FIVE W)
  • Placing the clues in such a way that the theta symbols from each clue are on top of each other and in same orientation, reveals the yellow lines form an area in the game with 1 of the items required to complete the step. (Nature rune)
  • To find the other two items draw a line in the orientation the clues thetas is in, and with origin from the solution of that clue step. The intersection point from clues 1 and 4 lead to a tent in Al-Kharid. (Leather boots)
  • Clues 2 and 3 intersect near the observatory. (Anti-poison (1 dose))

Now take all three items in your inventory, head to the monastery and go 10 steps north, 5 steps west, dig and the clue is solved.


  • On April 1st, 2017, upon digging in the incorrect location while attempting to complete a clue scroll, players could receive the message "Congratulations, you have found the Helm of Raedwald!" However, this was an April Fools' Day joke, and the player would also receive the message "jk :P".
  • Upon completion of the final clue, the first player to have done so would have the examine of the helm of raedwald refer to their username. This player was Pikachu Yip.
  1. ^ Mod Ronan. "Crack the Clue!." 1 July 2016. Old School Announcements Forums.