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A diseased player

Disease is a status effect which can be caused by any monster found in the crypts of Jiggig: zogres, skogres, the zombie with the ruined backpack and Slash Bash as well as fever spiders. It can also be caused by failing to pick the lock on an Ogre Coffin at Jiggig or by failing to cut a scrapey tree in Trouble Brewing. Every 1.5 minutes, its strength will reduce by 1. It can be reapplied and will reset the disease amount to the max value applied by the source.

When a player has disease, shown by an orange hitsplat (), one of the player's skills, excluding Hitpoints, and Prayer, is reduced by the number on the hitsplat every 18 seconds. Stats are restored one level every minute meaning it can take a long time to naturally recover from reduced stats. If the targeted skill is already level 1, then it will instead reduce the player's Hitpoints.[1]

Wearing an inoculation bracelet provides protection against the effects of disease by preventing the reduction of skill levels, but it does not cure or immunise against disease.

Curing disease

Disease lasts different amounts of time depending on the source. Fever spiders inflict disease that takes 12 minutes to cure on its own. Disease from monsters and ogre coffins in Jiggig takes 15 minutes to cure, and disease from Slash Bash takes 22.5 minutes to cure. Skills gradually recover on their own, but for an instantaneous recovery, potions from Herblore can be used. Restore potions recover Combat skills except Prayer, while Super restore recovers all skills except Hitpoints.

The effects of disease can be countered with Relicym's balm. It will cure most disease in 3 doses (except for Slash Bash's, which will require 4 at its max strength). Instead of clicking the potion, a player may click the now-yellow hitpoints indicator to automatically drink their balm.

Sanfew serum will cure all disease (except for Slash Bash's) in one dose, along with giving a fifteen-minute immunity to disease (it also restores prayer points, cures poison, and gives a six-minute immunity to poison).

The Cure Other, Cure Me, and Cure Group spells in the Lunar spellbook will NOT cure disease.

Disease can be cured by using a Pool of Refreshment in Ferox Enclave or an Ornate rejuvenation pool in a Player-owned house.

Disease is also cured upon death and respawn, including through safe minigames such as the Emir's Arena. This may be easier (and cheaper) than using potions.


  • An early design of this status effect proposed a variety of different diseases one could be infected with, coupled with a corresponding number of cures, though this complexity eventually led to the proposal being abandoned due to appearing unfun.[2]


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