Transcript:Bryophyta, Tarn Razorlor and more
It was added on [[{{#explode:31 March 2022| |0}} {{#explode:31 March 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:31 March 2022| |2}}]].
‘Ello you lot! I’ve been ‘March’-ing all over Gielinor this month, delivering your letters and securing replies from Gielinor’s most illustrious personages! (Sorry, I’ve been hanging out in the Varrock Palace Library again. That Reldo chap sure has a way with words!)
Let’s see what they’ve got to say…
To Bryophyta
Giants are all over our world, but we know so little about you. Do moss giants follow Guthix because you seem to love nature so much?
How do you grow such a lush forest in an underground sewer? Are you friends with Obor? And when might we meet another Titan like yourselves?
I love you Mossy Mommy!
Regards, MissingPear
Hello there MissingPear,
We keep ourselves to ourselves, we giants. A long time ago we might have worshipped the gods, but not anymore. We do love nature though! Well, we moss giants do, at least. That’s why we can surround ourselves with such lovely greenery! Whenever we settle in a place for some time, plants start growing all around us. It could be worse – think of what the fire giants have to put up with!
Oh, you know Obor? It seems like ages since we last spoke. Unfortunately we had a bit of a falling-out. If you see him, do pass on my regards – with a big sharp sword, perhaps.
That’s very sweet. I like you too, er… Fleshy Child.
All the best,
To Tarn Razorlor
To Tarn Razorlor,
I write to you in awe and bewilderment after hearing a tale from an adventurer I am friends with. First and foremost, I am so sorry that he actually stole your journal! Some adventurers really just take anything they can get their hands on, don't they?
Now, I'm not as innocent as I could be myself. I listened as he read some of your writing out loud, and I didn't stop him as quickly as I should have. With all this said, I was wondering if you would be willing to provide further insight into this ‘great library’ that was mentioned in one paragraph after another? It's truly shocking to hear that such a facility really exists in Morytania! My mind is overwhelmed pondering over the type of valuable knowledge that might lie there. Antique spell incantations? Esoteric enchanting techniques? Perhaps the secrets behind how Saradomin's army in the God Wars supplied its wizardly troops with magic equipment?
Please, you must shed light on where this great library is located so that its knowledge may be studied and put to use! This is for your own sake as well, as refusing might result in your diary being handed to various scholars for awareness and study, baring anything of intimacy that might lie within its pages...
You attempt to blackmail me, the great Tarn Razorlor? You know nothing of my secrets, Maximax. What do I care if the world discovers my adolescent crush on the Sandwich Lady? I am more powerful than their feeble minds can even comprehend!
I can relate to your search for power, so I’ll give you this: there’s no such great library in Morytania. Drakan stamped out such knowledge eons ago, lest his peons discover the means to their own liberation. I had to travel across the ocean, to Kourend, and glean whatever information I could from the few Morytanian texts that were smuggled out.
Your ruthlessness will serve you well on your quest, Maximax. May you soon find the answers you seek…
Tarn Razorlor
To Thurgo
A while ago I told you about the lost city of Camdozaal, and its sole inhabitant, Ramarno, another Imcando dwarf. I was wondering if you had visited yet, and if not, would you like to?
I'll bring the Redberry Pies,
- SAwesome1018
Hello SAwesome1018,
It’s nice of you to offer me some Redberry Pies. You know they’re my favourite!
The truth is, I don’t think I’m ready to meet Ramarno yet. I’ve spent all this time thinking I was the last EVER Imcando dwarf, and then it turns out there’s one living right around the corner. I suppose I should get over meself and go say hello, but it’s been so long. I wouldn’t know what to say.
I’ll have a think about it, how about that? Just don’t go having all those pies without me!
To the Sphinx & the people of Sophanem
I hope things are going well in your city! I can only imagine your new partnership with the Banks of Gielinor drives a lot of tourism. I've been up to a lot of adventure lately and explored the various tombs and temples around the desert. Jaldraocht had relics and treasures of an ancient god buried within, Uzer held the key to a major demon's banishment, and you are no doubt familiar with my misadventures in Klenter's pyramid and Jalsavrah!
The view from atop Jaleustrophos is remarkable, too. Speaking of that view, it's hard to see as of late, but I think I've caught glimpses of ruins to the east and something larger to the south. Some novice treasure hunters have begun to assemble in Nardah and, since I've plundered just about everywhere else, I can only imagine this is where they're headed. Having seen them in action, I must admit I worry for their safety. They're not likely to heed my warnings, so I am writing to you hoping for insight and advice that might keep them alive. What can you tell me about those reaches of the desert?
Regards, Your Favorite Gullible Yet Well-Meaning Adventurer
Oh hello, BadAtNamingPlsHelp. What do you want?
I can hardly tell you how things are going in my city, but Sophanem seems to be doing about as well as it always is. The Devourer is up to her usual tricks, and that poor High Priest is just barely muddling through.
Has your cat been accompanying you on these adventures? Never mind. I’m sure they’ll tell me all about it next time we meet.
Ugh, that place. You don’t want to go there. That abandoned corner of the world is utterly miserable, and more importantly, it’s damp. I suppose there is the old necropolis, which might hold some interest for an adventurer with such a healthy interest in tomb-raiding – and oh yes, it’s sure to be incredibly dangerous. Those workers are doomed! Unless they’re cats, though, it’s completely out of my jurisdiction. Not to mention, I don’t really care. If I intervened in every foolish human endeavour, I’d never get anything done.
Speaking of which, it’s about time for my afternoon sunbathing. Send my love to that cat of yours.
The Sphinx
To Ferox
Now that you've been studying the history of the Wilderness for a while, have you made any interesting discoveries?
From Jade_Mans_Eyes
Greetings, Jade_Mans_Eyes
I’m making steady progress. Poring over old tomes, dusting off ancient tombstones, that sort of thing. I can’t say I’ve discovered much that I didn’t already know; that our little enclave was once part of an Ancient empire, destroyed long ago. Someday I hope to discover exactly what stood here. A fort, perhaps, or some lordly manor.
I did overhear an interesting rumour the other day, though. An adventurer dropped by on his way back to Edgeville and told me about her adventures in the north. She said she’d seen a frozen fortress, sealed with strange magic. I’m sure a place like that would be full of secrets… if it’s even real, of course.
Anyway, I must get back to work. Let me know if you do find anything unusual during your adventures here in the Wilderness. I’m always interested in trustworthy information.
To the Stray Dog
We loves you.
The OSRS Community
When I handed this heartfelt letter over to the Stray Dog, he sniffed it and then took a bite! I think that means he’s happy.
Uh oh, he’s looking mighty peckish. I’d better move on to the next delivery! Nice doggy! Aargh!
To General Graardor
It is rumoured that you are the last known living member of the Ourg race (I hope that doesn't surprise you; I dont know how much you know of the world outside of the 'current' war). I'm wondering if those rumours are true. Are you an Ourg?
There are also rumours that your bones are not Ourg bones, but regular big bones (don't ask me where these stories came from). If you are indeed an Ourg, how come you don't 'drop' Ourg bones?
P.S. I've met an Ourg by the name of Slash Bash (unfortunately he was an undead). Did you know him?
To TheWiseLoner
If that’s true, it’s because the other Ourgs were WEAK and unworthy of battle! The Big High War God made us strong, with bones like steel! If you’ve met Ourgs with weak bones, they must have been inferior. My bones are filled with strength, so I may SMASH our enemies!
Slash Bash was a coward! He fell in battle before we could corner the Chaos God. Now that he’s stopped shirking, he should rejoin the fight. FOR THE GLORY OF THE BIG HIGH WAR GOD! COWARDS WILL BE SMASHED!
Uh oh, the General is a bit riled up. He’s gone and CRUSHED the G.P.D.T. Standard-Issue Quill! I’d better head off, before he does the same to me!