Perfect Araxxor

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Perfect Araxxor (#561)
Released 11 September 2024 (Update)
Members Yes
Description Kill Araxxor perfectly, without taking damage from Araxxor's Mage & Range attacks, melee attack off prayer, araxyte minions damage, or damage from acid pools.
Tier Master
Monster Araxxor
Type Perfection
League region Morytania Morytania

Perfect Araxxor is a master combat achievement requiring the player to perfectly kill Araxxor.


The task requires the player to achieve one kill without taking any avoidable damage, which includes:

  • Damage off-prayer from Araxxor. For his magic attack, players are not disqualified if the resulting hit is 0, but this still requires having Protect from Magic activated.
  • Damage off-prayer from acidic and mirrorback araxytes. A hit of 0 without the proper protection prayer activated will still disqualify players.
  • Damage from stepping into acid pools
  • Damage from being in the trajectory of Araxxor's Acid Ball
  • Damage from a ruptura araxyte's explosion
  • Reflected damage from mirrorback araxytes

Avoiding hits from acidic araxytes can be done by killing them with a single attack as soon as they spawn. Alternatively, for players without access to Ballistae, all of the green eggs can be destroyed at the start of the fight, preventing the acidic araxytes from spawning. Even accounting for the delay when using a ranged weapon, the araxyte will not have time to attack the player if done fast enough. This allows the player to keep Protect from Melee on at all times throughout the fight.

It may also be beneficial to wait for Araxxor to begin the fight with a white or green egg, as the trajectories of the resulting acid pools can be predicted.

Other tasks

There are 0 Combat Achievement tasks (totalling 0 points) available for Araxxor.



Date Changes
[[{{#explode:25 September 2024| |0}} {{#explode:25 September 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:25 September 2024| |2}}]]

The task's description was changed; previously, it was "Kill Araxxor perfectly."