Perfect Zulrah

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Perfect Zulrah (#229)
Released 21 July 2021 (Update)
Members Yes
Description Kill Zulrah whilst taking no damage from the following: Snakelings, Venom Clouds, Zulrah's Green or Crimson phase.
Tier Master
Monster Zulrah
Type Perfection
League region Tirannwn Tirannwn

Perfect Zulrah is a master combat achievement which requires the player to kill Zulrah whilst taking no damage from the following: Snakelings, Venom Clouds, Zulrah's Green or Crimson phase.


To kill Zulrah without being hit, snakelings need to be killed as quickly as possible. They spawn as either melee or magic users, their high accuracy means that they are likely to hit if their attack is not protected against. Ensure distance is kept, pray Protect from Magic, and use a blowpipe to kill the snakelings as they spawn, their NPC IDs are different so you can highlight them for quick differentiation. Strong defensive (ranged) gear and a defensive prayer will minimize chances of being hit off prayer. One or two well-timed Chinchompas can also take out a snakeling clump and allow the player to quickly continue killing the boss.

In general, killing the boss as quickly as possible reduces your chance of being hit by a snakeling, so following advice for achieving record times will maximize chances of completing this task. If resetting to complete this task by itself, players may find the green/ranged rotation to be beneficial to prioritize, as the snakelings spawn almost all together at the start of the kill, and many can be trapped on the far side of the shrine and killed safely from a distance.

Other tasks

There are 0 Combat Achievement tasks (totalling 0 points) available for Zulrah.
