Perfection of Apmeken

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Perfection of Apmeken (#437)
Released 30 November 2022 (Update)
Members Yes
Description Complete 'Perfect Apmeken' and 'Perfect Ba-Ba' in a single run of the Tombs of Amascut.
Tier Grandmaster
Monster Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode
Type Perfection
League region Desert Desert

Perfection of Apmeken is a grandmaster combat achievement which requires the player to complete Perfect Apmeken and Perfect Ba-Ba in a single run of the Tombs of Amascut raid.


The Path of Apmeken does not need to be completed in 3 minutes, as is normally required for Perfect Apmeken. Additionally, it and Perfect Ba-Ba do not need to be completed in succession.

As death invocations do not need to be enabled, players that complete Perfect Apmeken and then fail Perfect Ba-Ba can all die and re-attempt Perfect Ba-Ba without having to redo Perfect Apmeken.

Other tasks

There are 0 Combat Achievement tasks (totalling 0 points) available for Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode.
