Recipe for Disaster/Another Cook's Quest

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Another Cook's Quest (#100.1)
Released 15 March 2006 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series None
Lead developer(s) James B (framework)

Another Cook's Quest


Start pointMap icon The Cook in Lumbridge Castle's kitchen.
Official difficultySpecial
Official lengthShort
DescriptionThe cook in Lumbridge has a surprisingly small number of ingredients to hand in his kitchen, possibly as a result of an endless stream of newcomers with light fingers taking anything that isn't nailed down from his kitchen.

Luckily, in the past a kind Cook's Assistant was willing to help him in his culinary duties, but now a problem has appeared that could spell... a Recipe For Disaster!

Almost all members may attempt to solve his tricky predicament, and be rewarded accordingly, but only the very elite of Questers will be able to put an end to his problem permanently!
Items required
Enemies to defeat None
League notes

Unlocking Kandarin Kandarin will auto-complete the quest
Unlocking Morytania Morytania will auto-complete the quest
The quest is otherwise not completable. Misthalin Misthalin is required to start the quest, but fruit blast requires Kandarin Kandarin to be unlocked.
Misthalin Misthalin also auto-completes The Dig Site, so the Level 3 certificate cannot be traded in for a fruit blast.


Items required: An eye of newt, a greenman's ale, a rotten tomato, ashes, and a fruit blast (or 8 gold and a knife).

The Cook tells you that he needs a newt's eye, a Greenman's ale, a rotten tomato, and a dirty blast in order to prepare for the centennial feast. If you ask him how to make a dirty blast, he will tell you to add ashes to a fruit blast. He will give you 100 coins to buy everything, and he will allow you to keep the change.

Gathering the ingredients

Creating a fruit blast from scratch
  1. Go to the cocktail bar (north-west corner of the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] of the Grand Tree) and pick up the cocktail shaker spawn on the table. Buy 2 lemons, 1 pineapple, and 1 orange from Hudo.
  2. Run over to where Heckel Funch is (in the south-east corner) to find a Cocktail glass spawn.
  3. Mix the cocktail shaker and select "Fruit Blast."
  4. Use a knife to slice (not dice) the remaining lemon, then pour your cocktail shaker to create a fruit blast.
  5. Finally, use the ashes on the fruit blast to make the dirty blast.

Once you have all 4 items, give them to the Cook. Enter the dining room to open up the rest of Recipe for Disaster.

Congratulations, quest complete! (for now...)
