Slang dictionary/M

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Abbreviation Meaning
(m) Mature
M, Mil Million (e.g. 6M = 6,000,000)
MA Mage Arena, located in the deep wilderness; not to be confused with the Mage Training Arena (MTA).
MA1, MA2 Mage Arena I and Mage Arena II miniquests, respectively, sometimes referring to the god capes obtained from the miniquests.
Mage, Mager Referring to the Magic skill, a player who uses Magic more than Ranged or Melee; an NPC wizard; a player with 99 Magic; a player currently using Magic for combat.
Mage bank The bank located within the Mage Arena in Deep Wilderness.
Mage tank Player with high Magic and Defence.
Mager Ket-Zek, Jal-Zek
Main A player's main character; in the context of PVP, an account with no restrictions imposed on its combat stats.
Mass(ing) Fighting a boss or raid (such as the Corporeal Beast or the Chambers of Xeric) alongside many other players (either strangers or clan members). Unique drops are usually considered free for all. Commonly done either for fun or for a slim chance at profit.
Mats Raw materials used in processing skills (eg. ores, logs, Farming crops, Herblore ingredients)
Maul Granite maul, Obsidian maul
Mauler Player who uses a Granite maul, or Obsidian maul as their weapon.
Max, Maxed, Maxing To reach level 99 in all skills ("I maxed yesterday"); to deal the maximum amount of damage in one hit ("my max is 32 with this gear"); a player with a combat level of 126 (often referred to as "maxed cb" or "max melee"). Is also applied to restricted accounts (such as "max med" or "maxed pure").
MB Mage Arena bank or "my bad", meaning sorry.
MD Melee distance
Med (helm) Medium helmet
Med level Short for "medium level" (content, gear, mobs, etc); in context of PVP, an account with between 50-75 attack and/or defence.
Mem(s), Memb(s) Member
MEP1/ME1, MEP2/ME2 Mourning's End Part I and Mourning's End Part II, respectively
Merching, Merch, Merchanting Usually means the buying of an item then selling that same item later on in order to make a profit.
Meta "Most Effective Tactic Available" or the dominant strategy, referring to the best or most popular method used in a scenario such as skill training, bossing, etc.
MH Mahogany Homes, Medium helmet
Mith Mithril
MLM Motherlode Mine
MM1/MM, MM2 Monkey Madness I and Monkey Madness II, respectively
Money snake, Money dragon Terms for Zulrah and Vorkath, respectively; refers to their status as consistent moneymaking methods.
Mory Morytania
Mossies Moss giants
MSB, MSBi Magic shortbow and Magic shortbow (i), respectively
MTA Mage Training Arena, north of the Emir's Arena
Mud(s) Mud runes
Multi Multicombat area
Muta, Mutta, Mut Muttadiles, Mutagen
MVP Most Valuable Player, an award given to the best player of a team.