Transcript:Imp Catcher

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This transcript involves dialogue with Wizard Mizgog and the player.

Starting out

Talking to Wizard Mizgog

  • Player: Give me a quest!
  • Wizard Mizgog: Give me a quest what?
  • Select an Option
  • Give me a quest please.
    • Player: Give me a quest please.
    • Wizard Mizgog: Well seeing as you asked nicely... I could do with some help.
    • Wizard Mizgog: The wizard Grayzag next door decided he didn't like me so he enlisted an army of hundreds of imps.
    • Wizard Mizgog: These imps stole all sorts of my things. Most of these things I don't really care about, just eggs and balls of string and things.
    • Wizard Mizgog: But they stole my four magical beads. There was a red one, a yellow one, a black one, and a white one.
    • Wizard Mizgog: These imps have now spread out all over the kingdom. Could you get my beads back for me?
    • Start the Imp Catcher quest?
    • Yes.
      • If the player already has all four beads in their inventory:
        • Player: Well this is a surprising turn of events!
        • Wizard Mizgog: What?
        • Player: Well I just so happen to have all of those beads on me!
        • Wizard Mizgog: Are you saying that you stole my beads all this time and I’ve been blaming these imps!?
        • Player: No, not at all! I just found them throughout my travels and presumed somebody would need them at some point.
        • Wizard Mizgog: Bah! Fine.
        • (Continues in Quest complete section.)
      • If the player does not have all four beads in their inventory:
        • Player: I'll try.
        • Wizard Mizgog: That's great, thank you.
        • (End of dialogue)
    • No.
      • Player: I've better things to do than chase imps.
      • Wizard Mizgog: Well if you're not interested in the quests I have to give you, don't waste my time by asking me for them.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • Give me a quest or else!
    • Player: Give me a quest or else!
    • Wizard Mizgog: Or else what? You'll attack me?
    • Wizard Mizgog: Hahaha!
    • (End of dialogue)
  • Just stop messing around and give me a quest!
    • Player: Just stop messing around and give me a quest!
    • Wizard Mizgog: Ah now you're assuming I have one to give.
    • (End of dialogue)

Finding the beads

Speaking to Wizard Mizgog with no beads

  • Wizard Mizgog: So how are you doing finding my beads?
  • Player: I've not found any yet.
  • Wizard Mizgog: Well get on with it. I've lost a white bead, a red bead, a black bead, and a yellow bead. Go kill some imps!
  • (End of dialogue)

Speaking to Wizard Mizgog with some beads

  • Wizard Mizgog: So how are you doing finding my beads?
  • Player: I have found some of your beads.
  • Wizard Mizgog: Come back when you have them all. The colour of the four beads that I need are red, yellow, black, and white. Go chase some imps!
  • (End of dialogue)

Finishing up

Giving the beads to Wizard Mizgog

  • Wizard Mizgog: So how are you doing finding my beads?
  • Player: I've got all four beads. It was hard work I can tell you.
  • (Continues in Quest complete section.)

Quest complete

  • Wizard Mizgog: Give them here and I'll check that they really are MY beads, before I give you your reward. You'll like it, it's an amulet of accuracy.
  • You give four coloured beads to Wizard Mizgog.
  • Wizard Mizgog places the four beads on the table and casts a spell on them.
  • The wizard hands you an amulet.
  • Congratulations! Quest complete!