Unrequired Antifire

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Unrequired Antifire (#55)
Released 21 July 2021 (Update)
Members Yes
Description Kill Cerberus without taking damage from any lava pools.
Tier Elite
Monster Cerberus
Type Perfection
League region Asgarnia Asgarnia

Unrequired Antifire is an elite combat achievement which requires the player to kill Cerberus without taking any damage from her lava pool attacks.


The lava pool attack is indicated when Cerberus growls "Grrrr", launching three markers around the arena - one on the player's position at the time the mechanic was initiated, and two around it. The markers have a 3x3 AoE so it is important to completely avoid the areas the pool is at. It is recommended to use Ranged when attempting this achievement as the markers have a delay when launched at a distance, allowing the player to quickly move out of the way. This attack is initiated when Cerberus falls below 200 health and is performed on every attack that ends in 0 or 5 on her attack rotation.

Alternatively, the player can simply kill Cerberus before she has a chance to use the mechanic.

Other tasks

There are 0 Combat Achievement tasks (totalling 0 points) available for Cerberus.
