Vampyre Slayer

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Vampyre Slayer (#8)
Released 28 January 2001 (Update)
Members No
Quest series None
Lead developer(s) Paul Gower

Vampyre Slayer is a free-to-play quest that takes place in Draynor Village. The player is asked to slay the terrifying vampyre count Draynor terrorising the village that lives in a large mansion just north of Draynor, with the help of an experienced vampyre slayer.


Start pointMap icon Speak to Morgan in his house in Draynor Village, just north of Ned's house. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3270" x="3098" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3098.5,3268.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3098,3268

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyIntermediate
Official lengthVery Short
DescriptionThe people of Draynor Village live in constant terror. Their numbers are dwindling, all due to the foul creature lurking in the manor to the north known as a vampyre.
Requirements Able to defeat a combat level 34 vampyre with a very high health recovery rate.
Items required
Enemies to defeat Count Draynor (level 34)
League notes

Misthalin Misthalin — location requirement


A Vampyre Threat

<mapframe align="left" text="Morgan's location." plane="0" width="200" y="3269" x="3099" height="200" zoom="2" mapID="0">


X/Y: 3099,3269


</mapframe> Speak to Morgan in his house in Draynor Village, just north of Ned's house. Morgan will tell you that a vampyre is causing distress and wants you to kill it.

To receive some garlic, go upstairs of Morgan's building and look for a cupboard. Open and search the cupboard to receive the garlic.

Morgan will also tell you to go to the Blue Moon Inn in Varrock, and talk to Dr Harlow.

The Ex-slayer

<mapframe align="right" text="Dr Harlow's location at The Blue Moon Inn." plane="0" width="200" y="3397" x="3222" height="200" zoom="2" mapID="0">


X/Y: 3222,3397


</mapframe> Go to Varrock and head to The Blue Moon Inn located south of Varrock Square. Once inside, talk to Dr Harlow. Tell him Morgan needs his help. He will want you to buy him a beer. Find the bartender, buy a beer, and then talk to Dr Harlow. He will talk about vampyres and give you a stake. Next, buy a hammer from a general store if you don't already have one. You can buy the hammer from the Varrock General Store, which is just north of Blue Moon Inn. The closest general store to Draynor is in Lumbridge. There is also a hammer spawn point upstairs in the Falador furnace room.

Count Draynor

Items needed: weapon, armour, food, garlic, hammer and a stake.

A player fights against Count Draynor.

Now that you have the required items, you must now fight the vampyre. Make sure you have a weapon, armour, food, garlic, a hammer and the stake. Go to Draynor Manor. Once inside, go down the large stairs on the east side of the building. There will be a coffin in the centre of the room. Open it and the vampyre, Count Draynor, will pop up and attack you. If you have garlic, the Count will be weakened, though he will still pose a huge threat to players with a low combat level. Count Draynor can be safespotted by running to the corner between the right side of the staircase and the wall, then stepping on the same tile as Count Draynor to cause him to take that corner tile, then stepping one more tile to the right to attack him diagonally. Getting him to move into the corner can take several attempts. The candles around the Count's coffin will also "burn your feet" if you stand on top of them, but they deal no damage. When you defeat the Count, you will automatically stab him with the hammer and the stake.

You can exit Draynor Manor through the exit in the eastern-most room or teleport.

  • If the player does not have a hammer with them, they will receive a tooltip: "You are unable to push the stake far enough in" and will be unable to kill the Vampyre.
  • If the player takes too long to kill Count Draynor, he will return to his coffin and heal to full health, and the player will have to start the fight all over again.
  • You can set-up a Dwarf Multi Cannon in this area.

Congratulations, quest complete!



Required for completing

Completion of Vampyre Slayer is required for the following:


This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:4 June 2020| |0}} {{#explode:4 June 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:4 June 2020| |2}}]]

The word "vampire" within the quest's name and dialogue was changed to "vampyre" for lore consistency.


  • Players who complete this quest with an Attack level of 1 will gain 19 Attack levels, resulting in an Attack level of 20.
  • This counts towards your slayer task if tasked with vampyres