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Cook's Assistant (#1)
Released 4 January 2001 (Update)
Members No
Quest series None
Lead developer(s) Paul Gower

Cook's Assistant is the first RuneScape quest ever released, and one of the six quests available during RuneScape's launch. In the quest, the player must help the Cook of Lumbridge Castle make a birthday cake for Duke Horacio.


Start pointMap icon Speak to the Cook in the kitchen of Lumbridge Castle. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3216" x="3208" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3208.5,3214.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3208,3214

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyNovice
Official lengthVery Short
DescriptionThe Lumbridge Castle cook is in a mess. It is the Duke of Lumbridge's birthday and the cook is making the cake. He needs a lot of ingredients and doesn't have much time.
Requirements None
Items required

To skip most of the quest:

Enemies to defeat None
League notes

Misthalin Misthalin — location requirement
Unlocking Kandarin Kandarin will auto-complete the quest
Unlocking Morytania Morytania will auto-complete the quest


The quest is one of the first quests completed by new players, and is intended to encourage the player to explore the town of Lumbridge. Note, however, that you can skip the collection process by simply bringing a pot of flour, a bucket of milk, and an egg with you before starting the quest; all items are tradeable, and can be purchased on the Grand Exchange. When speaking with the cook with all of these items in your inventory, you will say that you happen to have those items with you, and the cook will ask if you were planning on baking a cake. This will complete the quest in seconds.


A feast for a Duke

The quest start location.

Begin the quest by speaking with the Lumbridge cook, found in the kitchen on the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US] of Lumbridge Castle. He mentions it is Duke Horacio's birthday and that he is supposed to bake the Duke a cake. Unfortunately, however, he has forgotten to buy the ingredients, and asks the player to bring him a bucket of milk, an egg, and a pot of flour.

Bucket and pot

A bucket spawns in the cellar of Lumbridge Castle, and a pot spawns in the kitchen on the centre table. You can also purchase both a bucket and a pot from the Lumbridge General Store, for 2 and 1 coins, respectively.


The location for an egg, found in the coop north of Lumbridge.

Go east out of Lumbridge Castle and run north along the path until you reach the chicken coop north-west of Farmer Fred's house. Go into the coop and pick up an egg.

Bucket of milk

Milking a dairy cow.

With an empty bucket, go north into the cow pasture. Use the empty bucket on a dairy cow to get a bucket of milk. You can optionally talk to Gillie Groats for an explanation on how to milk a cow. She can be found across the river, next to the dairy cow in the eastern Lumbridge cow field.

Pot of flour

With an empty pot, leave the cow pasture and go south-west to the wheat field. Pick some grain, and then enter the Mill Lane Mill, found up the road to the north-east. Climb to the top floor, put the grain in the hopper, then pull the lever and climb back down to the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US]. Finally, use an empty pot on the flour bin (which is now full of flour) to get a pot of flour. You can optionally talk to Millie Miller inside the mill for an explanation on how to make flour.


After collecting the ingredients, speak to the cook to deliver them.

Congratulations, quest complete!


Required for completing

The completion of Cook's Assistant is a requirement to complete the following:


This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.
Click here for a transcript of the quest's journal entry.


  • There is an easter egg in the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest. When you introduce Zanik to the Cook, he tries to offer the quest to her, saying: "In fact, it's a good thing I met you. It's the Duke's birthday today, and I should be making him a lovely big birthday cake. I need eggs, flour and milk..." The player then tells the Cook that Zanik does not have time for that, to which he responds, "It was worth a try." This insinuates that the cook asks all newcomers to bring him supplies.
  • During the 20th Anniversary event it was revealed that the Cook has attempted and failed to bake a cake countless times, explaining his recurring need for ingredients from new adventurers.
  • The Cook at the Servants' Guild of Ardougne references this quest in her dialogue, saying: "Overnight I was fired and replaced by some fool who can't even bake a cake without help!"