Mill Lane Mill

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Mill Lane Mill
Released4 January 2001 (Update)
League regionMisthalin Misthalin
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Advanced data

Mill Lane Mill is a windmill on the road from Lumbridge to Draynor Village, just south of the Champions' Guild across the River Lum. Inside is Millie Miller who teaches the player how to make flour, for help during the Cook's Assistant quest.

On the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US] of the mill is a flour bin where up to 30 flour is collects after being milled, ready to be put in an empty pot. On the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] are millstones, which automatically grind grain into flour before sending it to the flour bin below. The 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US] has a hopper which is where grain is added. Hopper controls nearby must be operated to start the process for each grain in the hopper, sending it down to the millstones, then to the collection flour bin.

Milling flour requires grain and an empty pot, for each grain, to collect the flour.

Treasure Trails

Searching the crates on the top floor is the solution to a hard cryptic clue: Four blades I have, yet draw no blood; Still I turn my prey to powder. If you are brave, come search my roof; It is there my blades are louder.
