Slang dictionary/D

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Abbreviation Meaning
D/Drag (weapon/armour name) Dragons, Dragon equipment
D2H Dragon 2h sword
DA Former Duel Arena, Desert amulets (e.g. DA4)
Dag, Dagg Dagannoth, dagger
DB Deathbanking, a method of banking/storing items in an Item Retrieval Service (IRS) by intentionally dying in an activity or to a boss which has said IRS mechanic. When done by Ultimate Ironman players, it's usually intentional.
Dbolts, D bolts Dragon bolts
Dbones, D bones Dragon bones
Dbow Dark bow
DC Disconnected, Death Charge
Dced, Dc, Dc'd Disconnected
DCB Dragon crossbow
Dchain Dragon chainbody
Dclaws Dragon claws
DD Asking players to stand on one specific tile (see Death dot below); Dragon dagger, Dragon defender
Ddarts Dragon darts
Ddef Dragon defender
DDP Dragon dagger (p)
DDP+ Dragon dagger (p+) — sometimes mistakenly used instead of DDP++.
DDS, DDP++ Dragon dagger (p++)
Dead content Content or aspects of gameplay that are rarely utilised due to being outclassed or giving no rewards.
Death dot, DD A multicombat player killing tactic where a number of players stand on the same square, making them appear as one player on the minimap.
Def Defence, Defender
Def tank, Defence tank Player with a Defence level of upwards of 90 or higher. Usually a player who is not pure and has Defence as one of their highest combat skills. See tanking.
Dex Dexterous prayer scroll
DFH Dragon full helm
DFS Dragonfire shield. Sometimes erroneously used for Anti-dragon shield.
DFW, DFWard Dragonfire ward
Dh Dharok the Wretched's equipment
Dhally Dragon halberd
Dharok'ing, Dh'ing Getting one's Hitpoints as low as possible while in full Dharok the Wretched's equipment to maximise damage inflicted in battle. Often accompanied with protection prayers.
Dh axe Dharok's greataxe
DHCB, DHC Dragon hunter crossbow
Dhide, D hide, D'hide Dragonhide
DHL Dragon hunter lance
DK(s) Dagannoth Kings
Dinh's, Dinny B, Dinny, Door Dinh's bulwark
Disgraceful A full graceful outfit with intentionally mismatched and clashing colours, usually with a different colour for each piece
Dlegs Dragon platelegs
DM Deathmatch
Dmed Dragon med helm
Dmg Damage
DMM Deadman Mode
Dolo A method of boosting xp/hr or boss kills/hr by playing two accounts at once. Combination of the words "duo" and "solo".
DP Drop party, drop potential, death potential, door partner (to get past the doors in the Waterbirth Island Dungeon), Death Plateau
Dplate Dragon platebody
DPS Damage per Second (amount of damage dealt over time)
Dry To not obtain a desired drop for a long time, usually going over the item's drop rate.
Antonym: see spooned.
DS Dragon spear, Double shot (mainly used in reference to the dark bow and magic shortbow), dragon scimitar
DS1/DS, DS2 Dragon Slayer I and Dragon Slayer II, respectively
Dskirt Dragon plateskirt
DT1/DT, DT2 Desert Treasure I and Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire, respectively, DT2 can also refer to bosses or rings Desert Treasure II unlocks.
Duel Ring of dueling, former Duel Arena
Duke Duke Sucellus
Dusts, Dusties Dust devils
DWH, DWar Dragon warhammer