Transcript:Perilous Moons/Journal
Before starting the quest
- I can start this quest by talking to Zuma and Attala at the entrance to Cam Torum.
- Show on Map
- Difficulty:
- Master
- Length:
- Medium
- Storyline:
- Standalone
- Release Year:
- 2024
- Requirements:
- Twilight's Promise
- If Twilight's Promise is completed:
Twilight's Promise
- If Twilight's Promise is completed:
- Level 48 Slayer
- If the player has the skill requirement:
Level 48 Slayer
- If the player has the skill requirement:
- Level 20 Hunter
- If the player has the skill requirement:
Level 20 Hunter
- If the player has the skill requirement:
- Level 20 Fishing
- If the player has the skill requirement:
Level 20 Fishing
- If the player has the skill requirement:
- Level 20 Runecraft
- If the player has the skill requirement:
Level 20 Runecraft
- If the player has the skill requirement:
- Level 10 Construction
- If the player has the skill requirement:
Level 20 Construction
- If the player has the skill requirement:
- Twilight's Promise
- Recommendations:
- Combat Level 75
- If the player has the skill requirement:
Combat Level 75
- If the player has the skill requirement:
- Combat Level 75
After starting the quest
- I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins. Attala agreed to grant me access to Cam Torum in return for dealing with this Creature. I can find it by the Outflow Spring north east of the city entrance.
After defeating the Creature
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.- I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins. I should return to Attala and let her know.
After speaking to Attala
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.- I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. It was suggested I speak to Jessamine in the north of the city to learn more about these Ruins.
After speaking to Jessamine
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.- I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins. When I'm ready, I can enter them in the north of the city.
After entering the Ruins
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins.- I entered the Ruins below Cam Torum with Jessamine. Zuma and Attala decided to join the expedition as well. I should talk to the three of them inside.
After speaking to the trio
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins.- I entered the Ruins below Cam Torum with Jessamine. Zuma and Attala decided to join the expedition as well. Inside, we found a selection of Murals depicting apocalyptic scenes along with an Inscription. Jessamine asked me to establish some Camps elsewhere in the Ruins while she deciphers this Inscription. I can do this using the Supplies that Jessamine's Builders brought in with them.
- I still need to establish Camps in the following areas of the Ruins:
- The Ancient Prison
- (After establishing the camp at The Ancient Prison):
The Ancient Prison
- (After establishing the camp at The Ancient Prison):
- The Earthbound Cavern
- (After establishing the camp at The Earthbound Cavern):
The Earthbound Cavern
- (After establishing the camp at The Earthbound Cavern):
- The Streambound Cavern
- (After establishing the camp at The Streambound Cavern):
The Streambound Cavern
- (After establishing the camp at The Streambound Cavern):
After establishing all camps
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins.- I entered the Ruins below Cam Torum with Jessamine. Zuma and Attala decided to join the expedition as well. Inside, we found a selection of Murals depicting apocalyptic scenes along with an Inscription. I established some Camps elsewhere in the Ruins while Jessamine worked on deciphering the Inscription. I should see if she's worked out what it says.
After Jessamine deciphers the inscription
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins.I entered the Ruins below Cam Torum with Jessamine. Zuma and Attala decided to join the expedition as well. Inside, we found a selection of Murals depicting apocalyptic scenes along with an Inscription. I established some Camps elsewhere in the Ruins while Jessamine worked on deciphering the Inscription.- Having deciphered the Inscription, Jessamine revealed the Ruins to be called Neypotzli, with them being built to house some sort of Emissaries using the power of Earth and Streams. To locate the source of this power, Attala suggested I take some Talismans found by Jessamine to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop.
After showing the Talismans to Nahta
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins.I entered the Ruins below Cam Torum with Jessamine. Zuma and Attala decided to join the expedition as well. Inside, we found a selection of Murals depicting apocalyptic scenes along with an Inscription. I established some Camps elsewhere in the Ruins while Jessamine worked on deciphering the Inscription.Having deciphered the Inscription, Jessamine revealed the Ruins to be called Neypotzli, with them being built to house some sort of Emissaries using the power of Earth and Streams. To locate the source of this power, Attala suggested I take some Talismans found by Jessamine to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop.- I spoke to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop and he enchanted the Talismans found by Jessamine. He told me to take them to Cam Torum's Blacksmith to have them finished off.
After showing the blacksmith the talismans
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins.I entered the Ruins below Cam Torum with Jessamine. Zuma and Attala decided to join the expedition as well. Inside, we found a selection of Murals depicting apocalyptic scenes along with an Inscription. I established some Camps elsewhere in the Ruins while Jessamine worked on deciphering the Inscription.Having deciphered the Inscription, Jessamine revealed the Ruins to be called Neypotzli, with them being built to house some sort of Emissaries using the power of Earth and Streams. To locate the source of this power, Attala suggested I take some Talismans found by Jessamine to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop.- I spoke to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop and he enchanted the Talismans found by Jessamine. He then sent me to Cam Torum's Blacksmith who finished them off for me. I should now return to Neypotzli and use these Talismans to find the source of power there.
After discovering the talismans' power
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins.I entered the Ruins below Cam Torum with Jessamine. Zuma and Attala decided to join the expedition as well. Inside, we found a selection of Murals depicting apocalyptic scenes along with an Inscription. I established some Camps elsewhere in the Ruins while Jessamine worked on deciphering the Inscription.Having deciphered the Inscription, Jessamine revealed the Ruins to be called Neypotzli, with them being built to house some sort of Emissaries using the power of Earth and Streams. To locate the source of this power, Attala suggested I take some Talismans found by Jessamine to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop.I spoke to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop and he enchanted the Talismans found by Jessamine. He then sent me to Cam Torum's Blacksmith who finished them off for me.- I used the Talismans to find the source of power in Neypotzli. It turned out that this source of power was a creature known as a Nagua. She introduced herself as Eyatlalli and told me that Neypotzli was built to contain three dangerous Nagua called the Moons of Peril. However, before she could tell me more, we were interrupted by a sudden shaking. I should quickly return to the Neypotzli Antechamber and see what happened.
After returning to the antechamber and speaking to Jessamine
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins.I entered the Ruins below Cam Torum with Jessamine. Zuma and Attala decided to join the expedition as well. Inside, we found a selection of Murals depicting apocalyptic scenes along with an Inscription. I established some Camps elsewhere in the Ruins while Jessamine worked on deciphering the Inscription.Having deciphered the Inscription, Jessamine revealed the Ruins to be called Neypotzli, with them being built to house some sort of Emissaries using the power of Earth and Streams. To locate the source of this power, Attala suggested I take some Talismans found by Jessamine to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop.I spoke to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop and he enchanted the Talismans found by Jessamine. He then sent me to Cam Torum's Blacksmith who finished them off for me.I used the Talismans to find the source of power in Neypotzli. It turned out that this source of power was a creature known as a Nagua. She introduced herself as Eyatlalli and told me that Neypotzli was built to contain three dangerous Nagua called the Moons of Peril. However, before she could tell me more, we were interrupted by a sudden shaking.- I returned to the Neypotzli Antechamber to find that Zuma had disturbed the seal keeping the Moons of Peril contained. To restore the seal, Eyatlalli asked me to gather some items to use as part of a ritual.
- I still need to gather the following from within Neypotzli:
- Bream Scales
- (After obtaining Bream Scales):
Bream Scales
- (After obtaining Bream Scales):
- Moss Lizard Tail
- (After obtaining Moss Lizard Tail):
Moss Lizard Tail
- (After obtaining Moss Lizard Tail):
- Moonlight Grub Paste
- (After obtaining Moonlight Grub Paste):
Moonlight Grub Paste
- (After obtaining Moonlight Grub Paste):
After returning to Eyatlalli
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins.I entered the Ruins below Cam Torum with Jessamine. Zuma and Attala decided to join the expedition as well. Inside, we found a selection of Murals depicting apocalyptic scenes along with an Inscription. I established some Camps elsewhere in the Ruins while Jessamine worked on deciphering the Inscription.Having deciphered the Inscription, Jessamine revealed the Ruins to be called Neypotzli, with them being built to house some sort of Emissaries using the power of Earth and Streams. To locate the source of this power, Attala suggested I take some Talismans found by Jessamine to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop.I spoke to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop and he enchanted the Talismans found by Jessamine. He then sent me to Cam Torum's Blacksmith who finished them off for me.I used the Talismans to find the source of power in Neypotzli. It turned out that this source of power was a creature known as a Nagua. She introduced herself as Eyatlalli and told me that Neypotzli was built to contain three dangerous Nagua called the Moons of Peril. However, before she could tell me more, we were interrupted by a sudden shaking.I returned to the Neypotzli Antechamber to find that Zuma had disturbed the seal keeping the Moons of Peril contained. To restore the seal, I gathered some items for Eyatlalli to use as part of a ritual.- Eyatlalli started to perform the ritual to restore the seal keeping the Moons of Peril contained. However, she asked me to directly take them on to keep them distracted until the end of the ritual. I'll need to face all three of them within their chambers in Neypotzli.
- I still need to face the following Moons of Peril:
- The Blood Moon
- (After facing The Blood Moon):
The Blood Moon
- (After facing The Blood Moon):
- The Blue Moon
- (After facing The Blue Moon):
The Blue Moon
- (After facing The Blue Moon):
- The Eclipse Moon
- (After facing The Eclipse Moon):
The Eclipse Moon
- (After facing The Eclipse Moon):
After facing the Moons of Peril
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins.I entered the Ruins below Cam Torum with Jessamine. Zuma and Attala decided to join the expedition as well. Inside, we found a selection of Murals depicting apocalyptic scenes along with an Inscription. I established some Camps elsewhere in the Ruins while Jessamine worked on deciphering the Inscription.Having deciphered the Inscription, Jessamine revealed the Ruins to be called Neypotzli, with them being built to house some sort of Emissaries using the power of Earth and Streams. To locate the source of this power, Attala suggested I take some Talismans found by Jessamine to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop.I spoke to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop and he enchanted the Talismans found by Jessamine. He then sent me to Cam Torum's Blacksmith who finished them off for me.I used the Talismans to find the source of power in Neypotzli. It turned out that this source of power was a creature known as a Nagua. She introduced herself as Eyatlalli and told me that Neypotzli was built to contain three dangerous Nagua called the Moons of Peril. However, before she could tell me more, we were interrupted by a sudden shaking.I returned to the Neypotzli Antechamber to find that Zuma had disturbed the seal keeping the Moons of Peril contained. To restore the seal, I gathered some items for Eyatlalli to use as part of a ritual.Eyatlalli started to perform the ritual to restore the seal keeping the Moons of Peril contained. However, she asked me to directly take them on to keep them distracted until the end of the ritual.- I confronted and distracted all three of the Moons of Peril, allowing Eyatlalli to complete the ritual. I should now return to her and the others.
After quest completion
I spoke to Zuma, a Priest of Ranul, and Attala, a Dwarven Official, at the entrance to Cam Torum. They were having a disagreement about some sort of Ruins found beneath the city. However, before I could learn more, we were informed that a Creature had escaped from these Ruins.I dealt with the Creature that had escaped from the Ruins and I was granted access to Cam Torum in return. Within the city, I was invited by Jessamine to join her expedition into the Ruins.I entered the Ruins below Cam Torum with Jessamine. Zuma and Attala decided to join the expedition as well. Inside, we found a selection of Murals depicting apocalyptic scenes along with an Inscription. I established some Camps elsewhere in the Ruins while Jessamine worked on deciphering the Inscription.Having deciphered the Inscription, Jessamine revealed the Ruins to be called Neypotzli, with them being built to house some sort of Emissaries using the power of Earth and Streams. To locate the source of this power, Attala suggested I take some Talismans found by Jessamine to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop.I spoke to Nahta in Cam Torum's Magic Shop and he enchanted the Talismans found by Jessamine. He then sent me to Cam Torum's Blacksmith who finished them off for me.I used the Talismans to find the source of power in Neypotzli. It turned out that this source of power was a creature known as a Nagua. She introduced herself as Eyatlalli and told me that Neypotzli was built to contain three dangerous Nagua called the Moons of Peril. However, before she could tell me more, we were interrupted by a sudden shaking.I returned to the Neypotzli Antechamber to find that Zuma had disturbed the seal keeping the Moons of Peril contained. To restore the seal, I gathered some items for Eyatlalli to use as part of a ritual.Eyatlalli started to perform the ritual to restore the seal keeping the Moons of Peril contained. However, she asked me to directly take them on to keep them distracted until the end of the ritual.I confronted and distracted all three of the Moons of Peril, allowing Eyatlalli to complete the ritual. With the Moons of Peril contained, Cam Torum is now safe. However Eyatlalli promised me further rewards if I assisted her in keeping them imprisoned.
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