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Released20 March 2024 (Update)
RaceDwarf (Imcando-descendant)
QuestPerilous Moons
LocationCam Torum
League regionVarlamore Varlamore
ShopThe Runic Emporium
OptionsTalk-to, Trade
ExamineShe's got all your spellcasting needs covered.
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Advanced data
NPC ID13036

Nahta is the owner of the Runic Emporium in Cam Torum, which sells an assortment of runes. During Perilous Moons, players must speak to her to have water and earth talismans enchanted to react to naguanil.

When asked where she gets her runes from, she will refuse, telling the player that prior to the opening of the kingdom's borders, Cam Torum was the sole supplier of runes to Varlamore. Despite the drop in prices due to a new supply chain from the mainland, she tells players that having a local source of runes is still beneficial, which is why she will not share the information with them. Players wearing a ring of Charos(a) are able to attempt to charm her, but she will see through the ring's powers and tell them it will not work on her.


Sells at: 100.0% • Buys at: 60.0% • Change per: 0.1%
in stock
sold at
bought at
Air rune50006s (10t) 4 2 5
Water rune50006s (10t) 4 2 5
Earth rune50006s (10t) 4 2 5
Fire rune50006s (10t) 4 2 5
Mind rune30006s (10t) 3 1 3
Body rune30006s (10t) 3 1 8
Chaos rune10009.6s (16t) 90 54 102
Nature rune50012s (20t) 180 108 107
Law rune50012s (20t) 240 144 127
Death rune50012s (20t) 180 108 160
Air rune pack1006s (10t)Not sold
Water rune pack1006s (10t)Not sold
Earth rune pack1006s (10t)Not sold
Fire rune pack1006s (10t)Not sold
Mind rune pack506s (10t)Not sold
Chaos rune pack306s (10t)Not sold


This article on an NPC has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations with this NPC.Expression error: Unrecognised word "span".


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:24 April 2024| |0}} {{#explode:24 April 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:24 April 2024| |2}}]]

Nahta's rune prices in the Runic Emporium now increase a rate of 0.1% per missing stock, decreased from 1%.
