Blue halloween mask

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Blue halloween mask
Released31 October 2002
Quest itemNo
OptionsWear, Drop
ExamineAaaarrrghhh ... I'm a monster.
Value15 coins
High alch9 coins
Low alch6 coins
Weight0.34 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange6,598 coins (info)
Buy limit5
Daily volume1,070
Advanced data
Item ID1055

The Blue halloween mask is a tradeable cosmetic item. Blue halloween masks can be obtained by completing one of the Halloween holiday events that occur once per year. This also rewards the player with all other holiday items associated with Halloween.

After player decided polls, it was decided that all tradeable rares will be distributed during their corresponding holiday events thus making them seasonal rares and not completely rare, this to prevent them from being worth hundreds of millions of coins again, like in RuneScape.

Previously, they were obtainable during the 2013 Rare Drops event (from 17 June to 24 June) as part of a rare item drop.

Combat stats

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerHead slot table


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:26 February 2015| |0}} {{#explode:26 February 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:26 February 2015| |2}}]]

The item was renamed from "Blue h'ween mask" to "Blue halloween mask".

[[{{#explode:17 May 2005| |0}} {{#explode:17 May 2005| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:17 May 2005| |2}}]]
  • The item was renamed from "Halloween mask" to "Blue h'ween mask".
  • The item's examine was changed from "Aaaarrrghhh ... i'm[sic] a monster." to "Aaaarrrghhh ... I'm a monster."