The Emblem Trader can be found within safe confines of the Grand Exchange on Deadman Apocalypse servers, where he runs a version of the Bounty Hunter Shop unique to the game mode.
Archaic emblems can be handed in at the Emblem Trader in exchange for store credit, which can spent on a wide variety of supplies and equipment.
Tier 1 emblems can be exchanged for 100,000 archaic points, while tier 5 emblems will net 1,500,000 archaic points. Tier 5 emblems can be dropped by any monster with a combat level of 100 or above, and have a high chance of being dropped from a monster spawned through a breach.
Item | Price sold at |
File:Super attack(4).png | Super attack(4) | 15,000 |
File:Super strength(4).png | Super strength(4) | 15,000 |
File:Super defence(4).png | Super defence(4) | 15,000 |
File:Ranging potion(4).png | Ranging potion(4) | 30,000 |
File:Magic potion(4).png | Magic potion(4) | 20,000 |
File:Super combat potion(4).png | Super combat potion(4) | 75,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Prayer_potion%284%29.png) | Prayer potion(4) | 15,000 |
File:Super restore(4).png | Super restore(4) | 50,000 |
File:Saradomin brew(4).png | Saradomin brew(4) | 75,000 |
File:Zamorak brew(4).png | Zamorak brew(4) | 20,000 |
File:Stamina potion(4).png | Stamina potion(4) | 50,000 |
File:Extended antifire(4).png | Extended antifire(4) | 25,000 |
File:Antidote++(4).png | Antidote++(4) | 15,000 |
File:Anti-venom(4).png | Anti-venom(4) | 100,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Blighted_bind_sack.png) | Blighted bind sack | 500 |
![](/img_auth.php/Blighted_snare_sack.png) | Blighted snare sack | 1,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Blighted_entangle_sack.png) | Blighted entangle sack | 2,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Blighted_teleport_spell_sack.png) | Blighted teleport spell sack | 3,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Blighted_vengeance_sack.png) | Blighted vengeance sack | 3,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Blighted_ancient_ice_sack.png) | Blighted ancient ice sack | 2,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Blighted_wave_sack.png) | Blighted wave sack | 1,500 |
![](/img_auth.php/Blighted_surge_sack.png) | Blighted surge sack | 2,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Ring_of_wealth_scroll.png) | Ring of wealth scroll | 50,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Magic_shortbow_scroll.png) | Magic shortbow scroll | 100,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Saradomin%27s_tear.png) | Saradomin's tear | 1,500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Rune_pouch_note.png) | Rune pouch note | 1,000,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Looting_bag_note.png) | Looting bag note | 10,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Clue_box.png) | Clue box | 100,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Trouver_parchment.png) | Trouver parchment | 250,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Scroll_of_imbuing.png) | Scroll of imbuing | 1,000,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Ornate_maul_handle.png) | Ornate maul handle | 1,250,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Elite_void_top.png) | Elite void top | 2,500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Elite_void_robe.png) | Elite void robe | 2,500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Void_mage_helm.png) | Void mage helm | 1,500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Void_melee_helm.png) | Void melee helm | 1,500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Void_ranger_helm.png) | Void ranger helm | 1,500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Void_knight_gloves.png) | Void knight gloves | 1,000,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Ancient_halo.png) | Ancient halo | 500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Armadyl_halo.png) | Armadyl halo | 500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Bandos_halo.png) | Bandos halo | 500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Brassica_halo.png) | Brassica halo | 500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Seren_halo.png) | Seren halo | 500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Guthix_halo.png) | Guthix halo | 500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Saradomin_halo.png) | Saradomin halo | 500,000 |
![](/img_auth.php/Zamorak_halo.png) | Zamorak halo | 500,000 |
Items | |
| Corrupted weapons |
Trinkets |
New sigils | |
Returning sigils | |