Deadman: Apocalypse/Emblem Trader Shop

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The Emblem Trader can be found within safe confines of the Grand Exchange on Deadman Apocalypse servers, where he runs a version of the Bounty Hunter Shop unique to the game mode.

Archaic emblems can be handed in at the Emblem Trader in exchange for store credit, which can spent on a wide variety of supplies and equipment.

Tier 1 emblems can be exchanged for 100,000 archaic points, while tier 5 emblems will net 1,500,000 archaic points. Tier 5 emblems can be dropped by any monster with a combat level of 100 or above, and have a high chance of being dropped from a monster spawned through a breach.


sold at
File:Super attack(4).pngSuper attack(4) 15,000
File:Super strength(4).pngSuper strength(4) 15,000
File:Super defence(4).pngSuper defence(4) 15,000
File:Ranging potion(4).pngRanging potion(4) 30,000
File:Magic potion(4).pngMagic potion(4) 20,000
File:Super combat potion(4).pngSuper combat potion(4) 75,000
Prayer potion(4) 15,000
File:Super restore(4).pngSuper restore(4) 50,000
File:Saradomin brew(4).pngSaradomin brew(4) 75,000
File:Zamorak brew(4).pngZamorak brew(4) 20,000
File:Stamina potion(4).pngStamina potion(4) 50,000
File:Extended antifire(4).pngExtended antifire(4) 25,000
File:Antidote++(4).pngAntidote++(4) 15,000
File:Anti-venom(4).pngAnti-venom(4) 100,000
Blighted bind sack 500
Blighted snare sack 1,000
Blighted entangle sack 2,000
Blighted teleport spell sack 3,000
Blighted vengeance sack 3,000
Blighted ancient ice sack 2,000
Blighted wave sack 1,500
Blighted surge sack 2,000
Ring of wealth scroll 50,000
Magic shortbow scroll 100,000
Saradomin's tear 1,500,000
Rune pouch note 1,000,000
Looting bag note 10,000
Clue box 100,000
Trouver parchment 250,000
Scroll of imbuing 1,000,000
Ornate maul handle 1,250,000
Elite void top 2,500,000
Elite void robe 2,500,000
Void mage helm 1,500,000
Void melee helm 1,500,000
Void ranger helm 1,500,000
Void knight gloves 1,000,000
Ancient halo 500,000
Armadyl halo 500,000
Bandos halo 500,000
Brassica halo 500,000
Seren halo 500,000
Guthix halo 500,000
Saradomin halo 500,000
Zamorak halo 500,000