Druidic Ritual

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Druidic Ritual (#18)
Released 27 February 2002 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series None
Lead developer(s) Paul Gower

Druidic Ritual is a novice quest that serves as the introduction to the Herblore skill. It takes place entirely in the vicinity of Taverley and is a fairly short quest.


Start pointMap icon Speak to Kaqemeex in the stone circle north of Taverley. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3486" x="2926" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2926.5,3484.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2926,3484

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyNovice
Official lengthVery Short
DescriptionThe Druids north of Taverley need help making a potion to reclaim the stone circle south of Varrock.
Requirements None
Items required
Enemies to defeat None
League notes

Unlocking Misthalin Misthalin will auto-complete the quest


The stone circle

Speaking to Kaqemeex.

Items required: None.

Speak to Kaqemeex, in the stone circle north of Taverley, which is on a hill to the east side of the road to Burthorpe, and he will tell you that the stone circle south of Varrock used to belong to them but was taken over by the dark wizards. He then tells you that you must speak to Sanfew.


Items required: raw rat meat, raw bear meat, raw beef and raw chicken

Go back south down the road and speak to Sanfew, located upstairs in the big octagonal Herblore shop marked with a herb (which is located two buildings south of the long building containing the Crystal chest), and tell Sanfew that you were sent to help with the ritual to purify the stone circle in Varrock. Sanfew will then tell you that he needs you to place raw rat meat, raw bear meat, raw beef and raw chicken in the Cauldron of Thunder.

The fastest way to obtain these items is to either buy them at the Grand Exchange or teleport to Varrock and run east out of the city. Kill the giant rat next to the south-east mine, then the bear slightly south of the mine. Continue south towards Lumbridge and kill a chicken, then a cow in the pasture. If you don't want to go all the way to Varrock, you can kill the bear near the building just west of ice mountain. The chicken and cow at the farm just south-east of the southern entrance to Falador. Lastly, the giant rat near the graveyard that is just north of the church below Port Sarim.

If you do not wish to spend the time to hunt these animals, or are an Ironman and cannot use the Grand Exchange, you can purchase all four of the meat from Rufus' Meat Emporium if you have the route to Canifis unlocked.

Enchanting the meat

Items required: Raw bear meat, Raw rat meat, Raw chicken and Raw beef.

Cauldron of Thunder location.
Enchanting the meats.

The Cauldron of Thunder is located in Taverley Dungeon. If you are a lower level, it is advised you bring food with you for the next part. Head south of Taverley and down the ladder. When you are down there, keep walking north, past the level 22 and level 25 skeletons until you see two level 19 suits of armour on stands next to a gate.

Note: No matter what combat level you are, the suits of armour will attack you automatically. If you spam click the same gate you can skip the fight entirely.

Kill or ignore it and walk in. You will now see a cauldron. Use the raw meats in your inventory on the Cauldron of Thunder, and you will notice they will turn blue. The meats will change into their enchanted versions: enchanted bear, enchanted chicken, enchanted rat, and enchanted beef.

Going back

Items required: Enchanted bear, enchanted chicken, enchanted rat and enchanted beef.

Leave the dungeon the same way you entered and speak to Sanfew. He will take the meats and tell you to speak to Kaqemeex. Kaqemeex will thank you then tell you about the skill of Herblore.

Congratulations, quest complete!


Required for completing

Completion of Druidic Ritual is required for the following:


This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.