Ethically Acquired Antiquities/Quick guide

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Start pointMap icon Inspect the empty display on the ground floor of the Grand Museum in Civitas illa Fortis. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3167" x="1720" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[1720.5,3165.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 1720,3165

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyNovice
Official lengthShort
DescriptionInvestigate a mysterious theft from the Fortis Grand Museum.
Items required None
Enemies to defeat None


  • Inspect the empty display case in the north-east corner of the Grand Museum in Civitas illa Fortis to start the quest(Chat 1)
  • Talk to Curator Herminius in the middle of the museum. Talk about the empty display case(Chat 4)
  • Investigate the tools behind the display case.
  • Inspect the display case again.
  • Talk to the citizens, academics, and tourists around the room about their suspicions until one mentions a mysterious individual.
  • Talk to Regulus Cento by the quetzals south-west of the museum(Chat 2)
  • Go east and talk to a Trader Crewmember (charter ship crewmember) about the suspicious man (1 inventory space required) (Chat 31)
  • Go to the crafting shop south-east and get the sail repaired by Artima(Chat 21)
  • Go back to the Trader Crewmember and talk about the suspicious man again(Chat 3)
  • Head to Port Sarim talk to Trader Stan or any of the Trader Crewmembers who are located at the most south dock(Chat 3)
  • Talk to Betty in the runeshop in north-west Port Sarim(Chat 2)
  • Read the note you receive
  • Talk to Curator Haig Halen in Varrock Museum about Xerna's Diadem(Chat 1) - Option 2 if Bone Voyage is complete
  • Pickpocket him for the storeroom key.
  • Open the storeroom in the north-east part of the museum and search the crates.
  • Go back and talk to Haig Halen selecting option 1 to begin the scene(Chat 1) - Option 2 if Bone Voyage is complete
  • Select options that will shame Haig Halen
  • Return to the Grand Museum in Civitas illa Fortis and talk to Curator Herminius to complete the quest(Chat 4)
