
From Illerai
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New Items

New Items
Name ID Members Tradeable in GE Equipable Stackable Noteable Options Placeholder Cost
Wine of zamorak 23489 No No No No No Drop No 1
Larran's key 23490 Yes No No Yes No Drop Yes 90
null 23491 No No No No No Drop Yes 1
null 23492 No No No No No Drop No 1
null 23493 No No No No No Drop No 1
null 23494 No No No No No Drop No 1

Removed Items

Removed Items
Name ID

Diff Items

Diff Items
Name ID Key Previous Value New Value
null 22329
name Null null
xan2d 572 512
yan2d 0 741
zan2d 0 1980
inventoryModel 2521 37278
zoom2d 1940 1284
yOffset2d 1 3
interfaceOptions ['Wear', None, None, None, 'Drop'] [None, None, None, None, 'Drop']
colorFind 25238 8784,2974,8640
colorReplace -2608 8107,8103,9129

Non-Player Characters

New NPCs

New NPCs
Name ID Combat Level Options
Ancient Fungi 8690 109 Pick
Ancient Fungi 8691 109 None
Noterazzo 8692 No Combat Level Talk-to, Trade
Diango 8693 No Combat Level Talk-to, Trade, Holiday-items, Redeem-code
Brian 8694 No Combat Level Talk-to, Trade
Leke quo Keran 8697 No Combat Level Talk-to, Trade
Monk of Zamorak 8698 23 Attack
Larran 8699 No Combat Level Talk-to

Removed NPCs

Removed NPCs
Name ID

Diff NPCs

Diff NPCs
Name ID Key Previous Value New Value
null 471
name Fungi null
actions ['Pick', None, None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 74 109
varpIndex -1 1306
Dark wizard 472
name Fungi Dark wizard
standingAnimation 3328 808
walkingAnimation 3328 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Pick', None, None, None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 86 20
widthScale 220 128
heightScale 220 128
rotationSpeed 900 32
models [12640] [208, 181, 251, 292, 170, 176, 265]
Invrigar the Necromancer 473
name Zygomite Invrigar the Necromancer
standingAnimation 3324 808
walkingAnimation 3323 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
combatLevel 74 20
ambient 10 0
contrast 10 0
rotationSpeed 900 32
recolorToFind 6371,7386,7376,10301,3491 25238,8741,6798
recolorToReplace 10448,15434,21563,24751,1843 10508,10508,10508
models [12641] [208, 181, 251, 292, 170, 176, 265]
Dark wizard 474
name Zygomite Dark wizard
size 2 1
standingAnimation 3324 808
walkingAnimation 3322 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
combatLevel 86 7
widthScale 220 128
heightScale 220 128
ambient 10 0
contrast 10 0
rotationSpeed 900 32
models [12641] [208, 181, 246, 292, 170, 176, 265]
Mugger 505
name Bob Mugger
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', 'Repair', None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 6
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,4550,6798,-22464 17825,8741,10341,10324,19986,10353
recolorToReplace 1934,794,6806,10508,6806 6674,1569,6554,6554,6554,6674
models [235, 254, 246, 292, 151, 176, 276, 185, 326] [20749, 310, 9450, 176, 25665]
Witch 506
name Shop keeper Witch
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 25
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,-11139 25238,8741,-26722,27548,8741
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,45,4550,4391 10508,10508,10508,4550,10508
models [215, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181] [405, 470, 348, 353, 428, 361, 377]
Witch 507
name Shop assistant Witch
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 25
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,-11139 25238,8741,-26722,8741
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,10508,4550,4391 10508,10508,10508,10508
models [235, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181] [405, 470, 348, 353, 428, 361, 377]
Black Knight 508
name Shop keeper Black Knight
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 33
widthScale 130 128
heightScale 124 128
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 6798,5652,-11139,8741,25238 61,10004,24,41,57,4626
recolorToReplace 3996,8,7355,15405,-25437 8,8,8,0,8,8
models [215, 245, 246, 305, 25867, 10301, 177, 12138, 181] [218, 306, 164, 179, 268, 185, 518]
Black Knight 509
name Shop assistant Black Knight
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 33
widthScale 120 128
heightScale 120 128
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,-11139,7475 61,10004,24,41,57,4626
recolorToReplace 8844,4769,9903,4550,4391,4391 8,8,8,0,8,8
models [217, 246, 305, 25867, 10980, 177, 11339, 181] [218, 306, 164, 179, 268, 185, 518]
Highwayman 510
name Shop keeper Highwayman
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 5
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,4550,-11139 7700,11200,926,8741,25238
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,10508,4647,4647,4391 12,-10860,12,8076,-1627
models [215, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181] [215, 246, 292, 170, 176, 254, 185, 243, 323, 519]
chatheadModels [53] [53, 76]
Highwayman 511
name Shop assistant Highwayman
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 5
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,4550,-11139 7700,11200,926,8741
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,10508,4647,4647,4391 12,-10860,12,8076
models [390, 421, 467, 332, 353, 358] [215, 246, 292, 170, 176, 254, 185, 243, 4604, 519]
chatheadModels [113] [48, 76]
Chaos druid 512
name Shop keeper Chaos druid
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 13
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,4550,-11139 25238,8741,6798
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,10508,4647,4647,4391 687,687,127
models [215, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181] [235, 181, 249, 292, 170, 176, 260]
Pirate 513
name Shop assistant Pirate
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 23
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,4550,-11139 25238,8741
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,10508,4647,4647,4391 1950,5652
models [390, 421, 467, 332, 353, 358] [211, 246, 292, 173, 176, 271, 181, 490, 236]
chatheadModels [113] [50, 68]
Pirate 514
name Shop keeper Pirate
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 23
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,-11139 6798,8741,-22464
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,127,4550,4391 10508,10508,4550
models [215, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181] [215, 252, 299, 159, 176, 259, 193, 236, 518]
chatheadModels [67] [53, 84, 68, 36]
Pirate 515
name Shop assistant Pirate
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 26
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,4550,-22464,-11139 6798,8741,-22464
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,4647,4647,4391 10508,937,4550
models [390, 421, 467, 332, 353, 358] [215, 250, 299, 159, 179, 259, 190, 236, 518]
chatheadModels [113] [53, 82, 68, 31]
Pirate 516
name Shop keeper Pirate
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 23
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,-11139,4626 8741,6798,-26391
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,10326,4550,5551,5648 8078,6854,8078
models [215, 245, 247, 302, 163, 176, 254, 181] [388, 469, 348, 353, 434, 417, 410, 490]
chatheadModels [53, 78, 79] [111, 136, 126]
Thug 517
name Shop assistant Thug
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 10
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,-11139 25238,8741
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,10508,4550,5551 -22116,10508
models [217, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181] [215, 248, 299, 159, 176, 254, 181, 533]
Rogue 518
name Shop keeper Rogue
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', 'Pickpocket', None, None]
combatLevel 0 15
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,4550,-11139 25238,8741,-22464
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,5784,4645,4645,4391 10508,5784,4550
models [215, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181, 245] [230, 248, 311, 159, 176, 254, 181, 533]
Monk of Zamorak 519
name Shop assistant Monk of Zamorak
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 22
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,4550,-11139 25238,8741,6798
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,10508,4645,4645,4391 805,805,127
models [217, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181] [230, 246, 292, 170, 176, 256]
chatheadModels [55] [63]
Monk of Zamorak 520
name Fairy shop keeper Monk of Zamorak
standingAnimation 112 808
walkingAnimation 106 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 17
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 22753,9447 25238,8741,6798
recolorToReplace -11083,5045 687,687,127
models [2857] [230, 181, 246, 292, 170, 176, 260]
Monk of Zamorak 521
name Fairy shop assistant Monk of Zamorak
standingAnimation 112 808
walkingAnimation 106 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 45
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 22753,9447 25238,8741,6798
recolorToReplace -11083,5045 924,924,127
models [2857] [208, 246, 292, 170, 176, 256]
Tribesman 522
name Valaine Tribesman
standingAnimation 808 813
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 32
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464 4550,-22464
recolorToReplace 10508,-26391,6854,4550 6806,6806
models [390, 456, 332, 353, 421, 358] [231, 181, 246, 315, 173, 176, 279, 540, 201]
Dark warrior 523
name Scavvo Dark warrior
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 8
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464 4550,10128,41,61,926,57
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,45,4550 4657,10508,10508,24,24,24
models [206, 254, 253, 292, 151, 176, 181] [219, 306, 164, 179, 268, 185, 518, 246]
Chaos druid warrior 524
name Peksa Chaos druid warrior
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 37
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 943,939,6798,935 8741,25238,6798
recolorToReplace 1944,1944,6854,1944 687,687,82
models [11741, 214, 11746, 252, 11759, 11727, 11732, 11810, 11736, 11764] [206, 181, 246, 294, 170, 176, 260, 502]
Necromancer 525
name Silk trader Necromancer
actions ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 26
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 4550,25238,6798,8741 25238,8741,6798
recolorToReplace 4647,-19229,10508,-10814 687,687,127
models [215, 254, 250, 170, 176, 181, 292] [230, 181, 250, 292, 170, 176, 260, 328]
Bandit 526
name Gem trader Bandit
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 22
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 4550,25238,6798,8741 25238,8741,7700,11200
recolorToReplace 4647,29506,10508,22049 10508,-22116,10508,10508
models [215, 254, 250, 170, 176, 181, 324, 292, 188] [215, 248, 292, 151, 176, 254, 185, 243, 323, 518]
Guard Bandit 527
name Zeke Guard Bandit
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 22
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 4550,11200,6798,8741,25238 25238,8741,7700,11200
recolorToReplace 4647,926,10508,1950,926 10508,-22116,10508,10508
models [215, 265, 250, 170, 176, 181, 292, 191, 323] [215, 248, 292, 151, 176, 254, 185, 243, 323, 518, 517]
Barbarian guard 528
name Louie Legs Barbarian guard
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 8
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 4550,8741,6798,4626 25238,926,6798,8741,-22464,4550
recolorToReplace 4647,10508,7700,24 5652,61,6854,4769,33,6709
models [207, 268, 249, 170, 176, 185, 292] [219, 252, 301, 159, 176, 274, 242, 185, 550]
[[]] 529
name Karim [[]]
standingAnimation 808 -1
walkingAnimation 819 -1
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
isMinimapVisible True False
widthScale 128 1
heightScale 128 1
hasRenderPriority True False
models [235, 254, 249, 305, 151, 176, 181] [6318]
[[<col=00ffff>Portal</col>]] 530
name Ranael [[<col=00ffff>Portal</col>]]
standingAnimation 808 504
walkingAnimation 819 -1
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Use', None, None, None, None]
isMinimapVisible True False
hasRenderPriority True False
ambient 0 100
contrast 0 100
models [390, 478, 332, 353, 428, 361, 376] [2318]
null 531
name Dommik null
standingAnimation 808 504
walkingAnimation 819 -1
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
isMinimapVisible True False
hasRenderPriority True False
varbitId -1 2313
[[<col=00efef>Portal</col>]] 532
name Zaff [[<col=00efef>Portal</col>]]
standingAnimation 813 504
walkingAnimation 819 -1
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Exit', None, None, None, None]
isMinimapVisible True False
hasRenderPriority True False
ambient 0 100
contrast 0 100
models [215, 251, 299, 4952, 4953, 553, 11338, 181] [2318]
Fungi 533
name Baraek Fungi
standingAnimation 808 3328
walkingAnimation 819 3328
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None] ['Pick', None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 74
widthScale 128 220
heightScale 128 220
hasRenderPriority True False
rotationSpeed 32 900
models [230, 244, 248, 299, 25866, 25680, 177, 254, 19947] [12640]
Fungi 535
name Horvik Fungi
standingAnimation 808 3328
walkingAnimation 819 3328
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 74
widthScale 128 220
heightScale 128 220
hasRenderPriority True False
rotationSpeed 32 900
models [215, 246, 305, 25856, 19329, 19332, 491, 12138, 181] [12640]
null 536
name Lowe null
standingAnimation 808 3328
walkingAnimation 819 3328
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 74
hasRenderPriority True False
rotationSpeed 32 900
varpIndex -1 1306
Zygomite 537
name Shop keeper Zygomite
standingAnimation 808 3324
walkingAnimation 819 3323
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 74
hasRenderPriority True False
ambient 0 10
contrast 0 10
rotationSpeed 32 900
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-11139,-22464,78 6371,7386,7376,10301,3491
recolorToReplace 5652,1686,6854,5551,4550,8877 10448,15434,21563,24751,1843
models [5736, 248, 305, 25856, 25853, 15929, 12138, 181] [12641]
Fungi 538
name Shop assistant Fungi
standingAnimation 808 3328
walkingAnimation 819 3328
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Pick', None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 86
widthScale 120 220
heightScale 120 220
hasRenderPriority True False
rotationSpeed 32 900
models [14340, 246, 305, 25856, 10980, 10218, 12138, 181] [12640]
Fungi 637
name Aubury Fungi
standingAnimation 808 3328
walkingAnimation 819 3328
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', 'Teleport', None] [None, None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 86
widthScale 130 220
heightScale 124 220
hasRenderPriority True False
rotationSpeed 32 900
models [14340, 238, 251, 299, 19102, 151, 177, 12138, 181, 18947] [12640]
null 1023
name Fancy dress shop owner null
standingAnimation 808 3328
walkingAnimation 819 3328
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', 'Fur Clothing', None] [None, None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 86
widthScale 134 128
heightScale 111 128
hasRenderPriority True False
rotationSpeed 32 900
varpIndex -1 1306
Zygomite 1024
name Shop keeper Zygomite
size 1 2
standingAnimation 808 3324
walkingAnimation 819 3322
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 86
widthScale 128 220
heightScale 128 220
hasRenderPriority True False
ambient 0 10
contrast 0 10
rotationSpeed 32 900
models [230, 247, 292, 151, 176, 254, 181, 326] [12641]
null 1025
name Grum null
standingAnimation 808 504
walkingAnimation 819 -1
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
isMinimapVisible True False
hasRenderPriority True False
varbitId -1 2313
null 1026
name Wydin null
standingAnimation 808 504
walkingAnimation 819 -1
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
isMinimapVisible True False
hasRenderPriority True False
varbitId -1 2313
Banker 1027
name Gerrant Banker
standingAnimation 813 808
walkingAnimation 1205 808
rotate180Animation 1206 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 1207 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 1208 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,933,-22464,7073 25238,8741,61,6798
recolorToReplace 14490,7475,10508,2374,4548,7483 45,45,4550,41
models [186, 217, 302, 3190, 151, 176, 562, 254, 185, 246] [215, 246, 292, 162, 176, 254, 181, 320]
chatheadModels [55, 28] [53]
Banker 1028
name Brian Banker
walkingAnimation 819 808
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,-22464,-11139 25238,8741,6798,8741
recolorToReplace 13601,5545,4550,5400 45,45,41,45
models [230, 254, 247, 302, 173, 176, 181] [378, 470, 343, 353, 419, 358]
chatheadModels [63, 79] [103]
Banker 1029
name Jiminua Banker
walkingAnimation 819 808
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 4550,-22464,25238,926,7056,4626 25238,8741,6798,8741,4550
recolorToReplace 4645,4541,4541,121,4541,4645 45,45,7690,45,4647
models [404, 453, 478, 351, 353, 429, 358] [408, 470, 343, 353, 419, 358]
chatheadModels [121] [125]
Banker 1030
name Shop keeper Banker
walkingAnimation 819 808
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,-22464 25238,8741,6798,8741,4550
recolorToReplace 10508,10345,8472 45,45,7690,45,4560
models [208, 253, 299, 159, 179, 254, 181, 329] [378, 470, 343, 353, 419, 358]
chatheadModels [48, 85] [103]
Banker 1031
name Candle maker Banker
walkingAnimation 819 808
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 6798,-22464,8741,25238,4626,-11139 25238,8741,61,6798,4550
recolorToReplace 7070,4550,-32684,8,8,4391 45,45,4550,7690,4510
models [217, 302, 167, 176, 274, 185, 249] [235, 246, 292, 162, 176, 254, 181, 320]
chatheadModels [55, 81] [67]
Banker 1032
name Arhein Banker
walkingAnimation 819 808
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 6798,-22464,8741,25238,4626,-11139 25238,8741,61,6798,4550
recolorToReplace 8,4550,7070,8,8,4391 45,45,4550,41,4647
models [215, 305, 167, 176, 254, 185, 246] [215, 246, 292, 162, 176, 254, 181, 320]
Banker 1033
name Jukat Banker
standingAnimation 112 808
walkingAnimation 106 808
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 22753,9447 25238,8741,6798,8741,4550
recolorToReplace 23492,-26682 45,45,41,45,4647
models [2857] [378, 470, 343, 353, 419, 358]
chatheadModels [13] [103]
Banker 1034
name Lunderwin Banker
walkingAnimation 106 112
actions ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None]
hasRenderPriority True False
models [2857] [2860]
Banker 1035
name Irksol Banker
walkingAnimation 819 808
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,-26722,8741 25238,8741,61,6798,4550
recolorToReplace 10508,10508,10508 45,45,4550,41,4785
models [292, 170, 260, 202] [206, 246, 292, 162, 176, 271, 181, 320]
chatheadModels [44] [46]
Banker 1036
name Fairy Banker
standingAnimation 112 808
walkingAnimation 106 808
actions ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 22753,4550,9447 25238,8741,61,6798
recolorToReplace 7070,1259,6055 45,45,4550,41
models [2857] [215, 246, 292, 162, 176, 254, 181, 320]
chatheadModels [11] [53]
Snake 1037
name Zambo Snake
standingAnimation 808 277
walkingAnimation 819 274
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 35
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind -7885,-20305 10413,10644,10512,10646
recolorToReplace -15798,-17989 7083,7083,24,0
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Monkey 1038
name Silver merchant Monkey
standingAnimation 808 222
walkingAnimation 819 219
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 3
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 9152,11183,-22464,-11139,25238 7721,6932,926
recolorToReplace 107,107,4550,5555,5584 6684,7721,8094
models [214, 302, 252, 159, 179, 274, 185, 281, 238] [3004]
chatheadModels [52, 84, 70] [4661]
Albino bat 1039
name Gem merchant Albino bat
size 1 2
standingAnimation 808 4914
walkingAnimation 819 4913
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 52
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,10128,4550 5157,5161,5165,35,5169,5177
recolorToReplace 6038,7395,7395,5551 -6045,-6041,-6037,-6062,66,72
models [230, 292, 251, 151, 179, 254, 185, 283, 238, 186, 320] [18898]
Crab 1040
name Baker Crab
standingAnimation 808 3424
walkingAnimation 819 3426
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
isMinimapVisible True False
widthScale 128 50
heightScale 128 50
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,107,8741 2859,3408,2739,2624
recolorToReplace 127,127,6470 4762,6695,5914,6938
models [206, 302, 247, 159, 179, 254, 185, 283, 199] [13799]
Giant mosquito 1041
name Spice seller Giant mosquito
standingAnimation 808 2395
walkingAnimation 819 2396
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
isMinimapVisible True False
combatLevel 0 13
hasRenderPriority True False
models [217, 292, 250, 162, 176, 260, 185, 280, 201] [15965]
Jungle horror 1042
name Fur trader Jungle horror
size 1 2
standingAnimation 808 4231
walkingAnimation 819 4236
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 70
hasRenderPriority True False
models [230, 299, 250, 159, 176, 254, 185] [15653, 15656]
Jungle horror 1043
name Silk merchant Jungle horror
standingAnimation 808 4231
walkingAnimation 819 4236
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 70
widthScale 128 80
heightScale 128 80
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 4550,25238,6798,8741,10659 14490,13596,920
recolorToReplace 4647,-19229,10508,-10814,-10814 14627,13617,9152
models [215, 198, 254, 248, 170, 176, 181, 292, 181] [15653, 15656]
Jungle horror 1044
name Hickton Jungle horror
size 1 2
standingAnimation 808 4231
walkingAnimation 819 4236
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 70
hasRenderPriority True False
models [230, 274, 247, 173, 179, 185, 307, 322, 18937] [15652, 15655]
Jungle horror 1045
name Harry Jungle horror
standingAnimation 808 4231
walkingAnimation 819 4236
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 70
widthScale 128 90
heightScale 128 90
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 8741,25238,-11139,-22464,6798 18368
recolorToReplace 5014,6709,-28765,4550,78 -21544
models [215, 263, 246, 159, 176, 185, 302] [15652, 15655]
Jungle horror 1046
name Cassie Jungle horror
size 1 2
standingAnimation 808 4231
walkingAnimation 819 4236
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 70
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 8741,6024,10138,5532,-22464,6798 14490,13596,920
recolorToReplace -4774,8,8,8,8,6852 10529,14494,-7208
models [393, 469, 351, 356, 435, 414] [15653, 15656]
Cave horror 1047
name Frincos Cave horror
size 1 2
standingAnimation 808 4231
walkingAnimation 819 4236
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 80
hasRenderPriority True False
models [230, 181, 246, 292, 170, 176, 260] [15651, 15654]
Cave horror 1048
name Drogo dwarf Cave horror
size 1 2
standingAnimation 101 4231
walkingAnimation 98 4236
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 80
widthScale 128 110
heightScale 128 110
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 803 7952,10394
recolorToReplace 5652 0,26677
models [2970, 2981, 2979, 2983, 2985, 2990] [15651, 15654]
Cave horror 1049
name Flynn Cave horror
size 1 2
standingAnimation 808 4231
walkingAnimation 819 4236
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 80
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 4550,8741,6798,4626,25238,-11139 10277,10394,7952
recolorToReplace 4647,10508,7700,24,5281,-11238 10289,10512,7830
models [215, 254, 249, 170, 176, 185, 305, 10741] [15651, 15654, 15658]
Cave horror 1050
name Wayne Cave horror
size 1 2
standingAnimation 808 4231
walkingAnimation 819 4236
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 80
widthScale 128 110
heightScale 128 110
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-11139 10277,10394,7952
recolorToReplace 5652,5652,61,4769 10411,24,78
models [215, 254, 252, 305, 159, 176, 181, 491] [15651, 15654, 15658]
Cave horror 1051
name Dwarf Cave horror
size 1 2
standingAnimation 101 4231
walkingAnimation 98 4236
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 80
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind -22464,7473,61 10394
recolorToReplace 4550,803,-29403 7952
models [2971, 2981, 2979, 2983, 2985, 2990] [15651, 15654, 15657]
Cavey Davey 1052
name Betty Cavey Davey
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None]
recolorToFind -22464,6798,8741,25238,9104,4550 8741,-26391,11162
recolorToReplace 4550,0,-10350,0,127,5466 920,22158,4
models [378, 446, 469, 332, 353, 421, 361] [211, 252, 14187, 151, 10218, 259]
chatheadModels [103] [50, 84]
Patchy 1053
name Herquin Patchy
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Sew', None, None]
widthScale 128 130
heightScale 128 130
models [235, 11748, 9620, 11760, 11769, 11326, 10218, 11869, 181, 11770] [15931, 15934, 15936, 15939, 15925, 15927, 15937, 15926, 15930]
chatheadModels [67, 9449, 11868] [15919]
[[]] 1172
name Rommik [[]]
standingAnimation 808 -1
walkingAnimation 819 -1
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
hasRenderPriority True False
models [217, 254, 253, 305, 151, 176, 181, 529] [8236]
Chicken 1173
name Gaius Chicken
standingAnimation 808 5386
walkingAnimation 819 5385
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 1
widthScale 128 80
heightScale 128 80
hasRenderPriority True False
models [214, 250, 254, 294, 159, 176, 181, 491] [23905]
Chicken 1174
name Jatix Chicken
standingAnimation 808 5386
walkingAnimation 819 5385
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 1
widthScale 128 80
heightScale 128 80
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 8741,25238,61,908 6474,6470,6466
recolorToReplace 127,127,-25124,-25124 5662,5786,5910
models [207, 292, 170, 265, 250, 176, 181, 552] [23905]
Rooster 1175
name Davon Rooster
standingAnimation 808 5386
walkingAnimation 819 5385
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 3
widthScale 128 100
heightScale 128 100
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 8741,25238,4626,908 6466,8896,935,929,6474,6470
recolorToReplace -22196,-19560,-22196,-8364 3996,6720,685,679,3879,4003
models [299, 170, 245, 281, 290, 230, 246, 263, 176, 181] [23905]
Li'l lamb 1176
name Zenesha Li'l lamb
standingAnimation 808 5339
walkingAnimation 819 5340
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
widthScale 128 88
heightScale 128 88
hasRenderPriority True False
ambient 0 20
models [393, 468, 352, 356, 432, 414, 361] [20272]
Lamb 1177
name Aemad Lamb
standingAnimation 808 5339
walkingAnimation 819 5340
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
widthScale 128 88
heightScale 128 88
hasRenderPriority True False
ambient 0 20
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,11200,926 115,5231,107,99,41
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,45,4550,6798,6798 16,24,20,28,28
models [206, 274, 253, 292, 167, 176, 185, 323] [20272]
Sheep 1178
name Kortan Sheep
standingAnimation 808 5339
walkingAnimation 819 5340
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
hasRenderPriority True False
models [215, 254, 253, 292, 151, 176, 181] [20283, 20289, 20285]
Sheep 1299
name Roachey Sheep
standingAnimation 808 5339
walkingAnimation 819 5340
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 8741,25238,-21967,6798,4550,-11139 0,20,24,28,33,37
recolorToReplace 4626,8472,4626,103,6709,-31842 22,5272,5157,5165,5169,3127
models [230, 299, 151, 179, 267, 185, 194, 251, 562, 236, 320] [20283, 20289, 20285]
Sheep 1300
name Frenita Sheep
standingAnimation 808 5339
walkingAnimation 819 5340
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind -22464,6798,8741,25238,4626,5652 0,20,24,28,33,37
recolorToReplace 4550,127,-7635,11185,-7635,11844 22,5272,5173,5181,5186,3144
models [378, 465, 346, 353, 428, 358] [20283, 20289, 20285]
Sheep 1301
name Nurmof Sheep
standingAnimation 101 5339
walkingAnimation 98 5340
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
hasRenderPriority True False
models [2970, 2983, 2979, 2981, 2985] [20283, 20289, 20285]
Sheep 1302
name Tea seller Sheep
standingAnimation 808 5339
walkingAnimation 819 5340
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,-22464,-11139 0,20,24,28,33,37
recolorToReplace 5652,4769,10508,4550,8111 22,5272,5157,5165,5169,3127
models [235, 254, 247, 25674, 25681, 25642, 176, 181] [20283, 20289, 20285]
Sheep 1303
name Fat Tony Sheep
standingAnimation 808 5339
walkingAnimation 819 5340
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 25238,8741,107,4550 0,20,24,28,33,37
recolorToReplace 10508,1950,127,3550 22,5272,5173,5181,5186,3144
models [230, 247, 302, 159, 176, 254, 199, 181] [20283, 20289, 20285]
Sheep 1304
name Noterazzo Sheep
standingAnimation 808 5339
walkingAnimation 819 5340
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
hasRenderPriority True False
models [207, 181, 247, 292, 170, 176, 254, 326] [20283, 20289, 20285]
Sheep 1308
name Diango Sheep
standingAnimation 808 5339
walkingAnimation 819 5340
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', 'Holiday-items', 'Redeem-code'] [None, None, None, None, None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 6798,8741,9104,25238,7073,10004 0,20,24,28,33,37
recolorToReplace 3862,4626,7566,-32362,4502,908 22,5272,5157,5165,5169,3127
models [186, 217, 253, 292, 320, 167, 179, 3329, 730] [20283, 20289, 20285]
Sheep 1309
name Brian Sheep
standingAnimation 808 5339
walkingAnimation 819 5340
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
hasRenderPriority True False
recolorToFind 8741,25238,-22464,6798,17294,15252 0,20,24,28,33,37
recolorToReplace 12698,12942,4550,5537,6806,8088 22,5272,5173,5181,5186,3144
models [206, 252, 292, 326, 163, 176, 254, 4929, 9607] [20283, 20289, 20285]
Sheep 2691
name [[]] Sheep
standingAnimation -1 5339
walkingAnimation -1 5340
models [8236] [20283, 20288, 20284]
Sheep 2692
name Chicken Sheep
standingAnimation 5386 5339
walkingAnimation 5385 5340
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 1 0
widthScale 80 128
heightScale 80 128
models [23905] [20283, 20289, 20285]
Sheep 2693
name Chicken Sheep
standingAnimation 5386 5335
walkingAnimation 5385 5334
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Shear', None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 1 0
widthScale 80 128
heightScale 80 128
models [23905] [20290, 20291]
Sheep 2694
name Rooster Sheep
standingAnimation 5386 5335
walkingAnimation 5385 5334
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Shear', None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 3 0
widthScale 100 128
heightScale 100 128
recolorToFind 6466,8896,935,929,6474,6470 0,20,24,28,33,37
recolorToReplace 3996,6720,685,679,3879,4003 22,5272,5157,5165,5169,3127
models [23905] [20290, 20291]
Sheep 2695
name Li'l lamb Sheep
standingAnimation 5339 5335
walkingAnimation 5340 5334
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Shear', None, None, None, None]
widthScale 88 128
heightScale 88 128
ambient 20 0
models [20272] [20290, 20291]
Sheep 2696
name Lamb Sheep
standingAnimation 5339 5335
walkingAnimation 5340 5334
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Shear', None, None, None, None]
widthScale 88 128
heightScale 88 128
ambient 20 0
models [20272] [20292, 20295, 20293]
Sheep 2697
standingAnimation 5339 5335
walkingAnimation 5340 5334
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Shear', None, None, None, None]
models [20283, 20289, 20285] [20292, 20295, 20293]
Sheep 2698
standingAnimation 5339 5335
walkingAnimation 5340 5334
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Shear', None, None, None, None]
recolorToReplace 22,5272,5157,5165,5169,3127 22,5272,5173,5181,5186,3144
models [20283, 20289, 20285] [20292, 20295, 20293]
Sheep 2699
standingAnimation 5339 5335
walkingAnimation 5340 5334
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Shear', None, None, None, None]
models [20283, 20289, 20285] [20292, 20295, 20293]
Sheep 2786
standingAnimation 5339 5335
walkingAnimation 5340 5334
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Shear', None, None, None, None]
models [20283, 20289, 20285] [20292, 20295, 20293]
Sheep 2787
standingAnimation 5339 5335
walkingAnimation 5340 5334
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Shear', None, None, None, None]
recolorToReplace 22,5272,5157,5165,5169,3127 22,5272,5173,5181,5186,3144
models [20283, 20289, 20285] [20292, 20295, 20293]
Sheep 2788
standingAnimation 5339 5345
walkingAnimation 5340 5344
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Shear', None, None, None, None]
recolorToFind 0,20,24,28,33,37 8526,8396,7479,7467,7463
recolorToReplace 22,5272,5173,5181,5186,3144 6356,8394,8386,7353,7331
models [20283, 20289, 20285] [20282, 20288, 20284]
Sheep 2789
standingAnimation 5339 5345
walkingAnimation 5340 5344
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Shear', None, None, None, None]
models [20283, 20289, 20285] [20282, 20289, 20285]
Cow 2790
name Sheep Cow
size 1 2
standingAnimation 5339 5852
walkingAnimation 5340 5848
actions [None, None, None, None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 2
models [20283, 20289, 20285] [23889]
Cow 2791
name Sheep Cow
size 1 2
standingAnimation 5339 5852
walkingAnimation 5340 5848
actions [None, None, None, None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 2
models [20283, 20289, 20285] [23895]
Cow calf 2792
name Sheep Cow calf
size 1 2
standingAnimation 5339 5852
walkingAnimation 5340 5856
actions [None, None, None, None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 2
widthScale 128 68
heightScale 128 68
models [20283, 20288, 20284] [23890]
Cow 2793
name Sheep Cow
size 1 2
standingAnimation 5339 5852
walkingAnimation 5340 5848
actions [None, None, None, None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 2
models [20283, 20289, 20285] [23893]
Cow calf 2794
name Sheep Cow calf
size 1 2
standingAnimation 5335 5852
walkingAnimation 5334 5856
actions ['Shear', None, None, None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 2
widthScale 128 68
heightScale 128 68
models [20290, 20291] [23890]
Cow 2795
name Sheep Cow
size 1 2
standingAnimation 5335 5852
walkingAnimation 5334 5848
actions ['Shear', None, None, None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 2
models [20290, 20291] [23896]
Pig 2796
name Sheep Pig
standingAnimation 5335 2166
walkingAnimation 5334 2165
actions ['Shear', None, None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
ambient 0 15
models [20290, 20291] [7363]
Pig 2797
name Sheep Pig
size 1 2
standingAnimation 5335 2166
walkingAnimation 5334 2165
actions ['Shear', None, None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
widthScale 128 200
heightScale 128 200
ambient 0 15
models [20292, 20295, 20293] [7363]
Piglet 2798
name Sheep Piglet
standingAnimation 5335 2166
walkingAnimation 5334 2165
actions ['Shear', None, None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
widthScale 128 50
heightScale 128 50
ambient 0 15
models [20292, 20295, 20293] [7364]
Piglet 2799
name Sheep Piglet
standingAnimation 5335 2166
walkingAnimation 5334 2165
actions ['Shear', None, None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
widthScale 128 70
heightScale 128 70
ambient 0 15
recolorToFind 0,20,24,28,33,37 2380,2372
recolorToReplace 22,5272,5173,5181,5186,3144 3532,3524
models [20292, 20295, 20293] [7364]
Piglet 2800
name Sheep Piglet
standingAnimation 5335 2166
walkingAnimation 5334 2165
actions ['Shear', None, None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
widthScale 128 64
heightScale 128 64
ambient 0 15
models [20292, 20295, 20293] [7364]
Cow calf 2801
name Sheep Cow calf
standingAnimation 5335 5852
walkingAnimation 5334 5856
actions ['Shear', None, None, None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 2
widthScale 128 68
heightScale 128 68
models [20292, 20295, 20293] [23890]
Sheepdog 2802
name Sheep Sheepdog
standingAnimation 5335 2268
walkingAnimation 5334 -1
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models [20292, 20295, 20293] [7755]
Rooster 2803
name Sheep Rooster
standingAnimation 5345 2298
walkingAnimation 5344 2297
actions ['Shear', None, None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
widthScale 128 32
heightScale 128 32
ambient 0 15
models [20282, 20288, 20284] [7728]
Chicken 2804
name Sheep Chicken
standingAnimation 5345 5386
walkingAnimation 5344 5385
actions ['Shear', None, None, None, None] [None, 'Attack', None, None, None]
combatLevel 0 1
widthScale 128 85
heightScale 128 85
ambient 0 15
recolorToFind 8526,8396,7479,7467,7463 6466,6470,6474
recolorToReplace 6356,8394,8386,7353,7331 6577,6697,6817
models [20282, 20289, 20285] [23905]
Chicken 2805
name Cow Chicken
size 2 1
standingAnimation 5852 5386
walkingAnimation 5848 5385
combatLevel 2 1
widthScale 128 85
heightScale 128 85
ambient 0 15
models [23889] [23905]
Chicken 2806
name Cow Chicken
size 2 1
standingAnimation 5852 5386
walkingAnimation 5848 5385
combatLevel 2 1
widthScale 128 85
heightScale 128 85
ambient 0 15
models [23895] [23905]
Pig 2807
name Cow calf Pig
size 2 1
standingAnimation 5852 2166
walkingAnimation 5856 2165
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 2 0
widthScale 68 128
heightScale 68 128
ambient 0 15
models [23890] [8227]
Pig 2808
name Cow Pig
standingAnimation 5852 2166
walkingAnimation 5848 2165
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 2 0
widthScale 128 200
heightScale 128 200
ambient 0 15
models [23893] [8227]
Piglet 2809
name Cow calf Piglet
size 2 1
standingAnimation 5852 2166
walkingAnimation 5856 2165
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 2 0
widthScale 68 50
heightScale 68 50
ambient 0 15
models [23890] [8228]
Piglet 2810
name Cow Piglet
size 2 1
standingAnimation 5852 2166
walkingAnimation 5848 2165
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] [None, None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 2 0
widthScale 128 70
heightScale 128 70
ambient 0 15
models [23896] [8228]
Piglet 2811
name Pig Piglet
widthScale 128 64
heightScale 128 64
models [7363] [8228]
Bob 2812
name Pig Bob
size 2 1
standingAnimation 2166 808
walkingAnimation 2165 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', 'Repair', None]
widthScale 200 128
heightScale 200 128
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
recolorToFind 2380,2372 25238,8741,4550,6798,-22464
recolorToReplace 2376,2368 1934,794,6806,10508,6806
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Shop keeper 2813
name Piglet Shop keeper
standingAnimation 2166 808
walkingAnimation 2165 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
widthScale 50 128
heightScale 50 128
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
models [7364] [215, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181]
Shop assistant 2814
name Piglet Shop assistant
standingAnimation 2166 808
walkingAnimation 2165 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
widthScale 70 128
heightScale 70 128
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
recolorToFind 2380,2372 25238,8741,6798,-22464,-11139
recolorToReplace 3532,3524 5652,4769,10508,4550,4391
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Shop keeper 2815
name Piglet Shop keeper
standingAnimation 2166 808
walkingAnimation 2165 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
widthScale 64 130
heightScale 64 124
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
models [7364] [215, 245, 246, 305, 25867, 10301, 177, 12138, 181]
Shop assistant 2816
name Cow calf Shop assistant
standingAnimation 5852 808
walkingAnimation 5856 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 2 0
widthScale 68 120
heightScale 68 120
hasRenderPriority False True
models [23890] [217, 246, 305, 25867, 10980, 177, 11339, 181]
Shop keeper 2817
name Sheepdog Shop keeper
standingAnimation 2268 808
walkingAnimation -1 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
models [7755] [215, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181]
Shop assistant 2818
name Rooster Shop assistant
standingAnimation 2298 808
walkingAnimation 2297 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
widthScale 32 128
heightScale 32 128
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
models [7728] [390, 421, 467, 332, 353, 358]
Shop keeper 2819
name Chicken Shop keeper
standingAnimation 5386 808
walkingAnimation 5385 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 1 0
widthScale 85 128
heightScale 85 128
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
recolorToFind 6466,6470,6474 25238,8741,6798,-22464,4550,-11139
recolorToReplace 6577,6697,6817 5652,4769,10508,4647,4647,4391
models [23905] [215, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181]
Shop assistant 2820
name Chicken Shop assistant
standingAnimation 5386 808
walkingAnimation 5385 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 1 0
widthScale 85 128
heightScale 85 128
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
recolorToFind 6474,6470,6466,8896 25238,8741,6798,-22464,4550,-11139
recolorToReplace 5660,6932,7056,8121 5652,4769,10508,4647,4647,4391
models [23905] [390, 421, 467, 332, 353, 358]
Shop keeper 2821
name Chicken Shop keeper
standingAnimation 5386 808
walkingAnimation 5385 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 1 0
widthScale 85 128
heightScale 85 128
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
recolorToFind 6474,6470,6466,6080 25238,8741,6798,-22464,-11139
recolorToReplace 7485,7481,7601,8121 5652,4769,127,4550,4391
models [23905] [215, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181]
Shop assistant 2822
name Pig Shop assistant
standingAnimation 2166 808
walkingAnimation 2165 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
models [8227] [390, 421, 467, 332, 353, 358]
Shop keeper 2823
name Pig Shop keeper
size 2 1
standingAnimation 2166 808
walkingAnimation 2165 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
widthScale 200 128
heightScale 200 128
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
recolorToFind 2380,2372 25238,8741,6798,-22464,-11139,4626
recolorToReplace 2376,2368 5652,4769,10326,4550,5551,5648
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Shop assistant 2824
name Piglet Shop assistant
standingAnimation 2166 808
walkingAnimation 2165 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
widthScale 50 128
heightScale 50 128
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
models [8228] [217, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181]
Shop keeper 2825
name Piglet Shop keeper
standingAnimation 2166 808
walkingAnimation 2165 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
widthScale 70 128
heightScale 70 128
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
recolorToFind 2380,2372 25238,8741,6798,-22464,4550,-11139
recolorToReplace 3532,3524 5652,4769,5784,4645,4645,4391
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Shop assistant 2826
name Piglet Shop assistant
standingAnimation 2166 808
walkingAnimation 2165 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
widthScale 64 128
heightScale 64 128
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 15 0
models [8228] [217, 254, 246, 305, 151, 176, 181]
Fairy shop keeper 2868
name Dark wizard Fairy shop keeper
standingAnimation 808 112
walkingAnimation 819 106
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 20 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798 22753,9447
recolorToReplace 10508,10508,10508 -11083,5045
models [208, 181, 251, 292, 170, 176, 265] [2857]
Fairy shop assistant 2869
name Invrigar the Necromancer Fairy shop assistant
standingAnimation 808 112
walkingAnimation 819 106
rotate180Animation 820 -1
rotate90RightAnimation 821 -1
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 -1
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 20 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798 22753,9447
recolorToReplace 10508,10508,10508 -11083,5045
models [208, 181, 251, 292, 170, 176, 265] [2857]
Valaine 2870
name Dark wizard Valaine
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 7 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798 25238,8741,6798,-22464
recolorToReplace 10508,10508,10508 10508,-26391,6854,4550
models [208, 181, 246, 292, 170, 176, 265] [390, 456, 332, 353, 421, 358]
Scavvo 2871
name Mugger Scavvo
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 6 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 17825,8741,10341,10324,19986,10353 25238,8741,6798,-22464
recolorToReplace 6674,1569,6554,6554,6554,6674 5652,4769,45,4550
models [20749, 310, 9450, 176, 25665] [206, 254, 253, 292, 151, 176, 181]
Peksa 2872
name Witch Peksa
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 25 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,-26722,27548,8741 943,939,6798,935
recolorToReplace 10508,10508,10508,4550,10508 1944,1944,6854,1944
models [405, 470, 348, 353, 428, 361, 377] [11741, 214, 11746, 252, 11759, 11727, 11732, 11810, 11736, 11764]
Silk trader 2873
name Witch Silk trader
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 25 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,-26722,8741 4550,25238,6798,8741
recolorToReplace 10508,10508,10508,10508 4647,-19229,10508,-10814
models [405, 470, 348, 353, 428, 361, 377] [215, 254, 250, 170, 176, 181, 292]
Gem trader 2874
name Black Knight Gem trader
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 33 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 61,10004,24,41,57,4626 4550,25238,6798,8741
recolorToReplace 8,8,8,0,8,8 4647,29506,10508,22049
models [218, 306, 164, 179, 268, 185, 518] [215, 254, 250, 170, 176, 181, 324, 292, 188]
Zeke 2875
name Black Knight Zeke
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 33 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 61,10004,24,41,57,4626 4550,11200,6798,8741,25238
recolorToReplace 8,8,8,0,8,8 4647,926,10508,1950,926
models [218, 306, 164, 179, 268, 185, 518] [215, 265, 250, 170, 176, 181, 292, 191, 323]
Louie Legs 2876
name Highwayman Louie Legs
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 5 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 7700,11200,926,8741,25238 4550,8741,6798,4626
recolorToReplace 12,-10860,12,8076,-1627 4647,10508,7700,24
models [215, 246, 292, 170, 176, 254, 185, 243, 323, 519] [207, 268, 249, 170, 176, 185, 292]
chatheadModels [53, 76] [47, 81]
Karim 2877
name Highwayman Karim
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 5 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 7700,11200,926,8741 25238,8741,6798,-22464,4550,-11139
recolorToReplace 12,-10860,12,8076 5652,-12900,10508,4647,4647,4769
models [215, 246, 292, 170, 176, 254, 185, 243, 4604, 519] [235, 254, 249, 305, 151, 176, 181]
chatheadModels [48, 76] [67, 81]
Ranael 2878
name Chaos druid Ranael
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 13 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798 4550,8741,6798,7056,25238,-22464
recolorToReplace 687,687,127 4647,1950,10508,1950,33,4647
models [235, 181, 249, 292, 170, 176, 260] [390, 478, 332, 353, 428, 361, 376]
Dommik 2879
name Pirate Dommik
actions ['Talk-to', 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 23 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741 25238,8741,6798,-22464,4550,-11139
recolorToReplace 1950,5652 10659,5652,5921,4647,4647,4769
models [211, 246, 292, 173, 176, 271, 181, 490, 236] [217, 254, 253, 305, 151, 176, 181]
chatheadModels [50, 68] [55, 85]
Zaff 2880
name Pirate Zaff
standingAnimation 808 813
actions ['Talk-to', 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 23 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 6798,8741,-22464 4550,0,-24618,-25152,119,-26527
recolorToReplace 10508,10508,4550 6806,10508,8613,7838,7341,8617
models [215, 252, 299, 159, 176, 259, 193, 236, 518] [215, 251, 299, 4952, 4953, 553, 11338, 181]
chatheadModels [53, 84, 68, 36] [53, 83]
Baraek 2881
name Pirate Baraek
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 26 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 6798,8741,-22464 6798,8741,25238,-22464
recolorToReplace 10508,937,4550 5784,5921,6457,4550
models [215, 250, 299, 159, 179, 259, 190, 236, 518] [230, 244, 248, 299, 25866, 25680, 177, 254, 19947]
chatheadModels [53, 82, 68, 31] [63, 77, 80]
Horvik 2882
name Pirate Horvik
actions ['Talk-to', 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 23 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 8741,6798,-26391 25238,8741,6798,-11139,-22464
recolorToReplace 8078,6854,8078 5652,5652,6854,4769,4550
models [388, 469, 348, 353, 434, 417, 410, 490] [215, 246, 305, 25856, 19329, 19332, 491, 12138, 181]
chatheadModels [111, 136, 126] [53]
Lowe 2883
name Thug Lowe
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 10 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741 25238,5532,6798,8741
recolorToReplace -22116,10508 5652,10508,6854,1950
models [215, 248, 299, 159, 176, 254, 181, 533] [235, 236, 246, 293, 173, 177, 257, 181]
Shop keeper 2884
name Rogue Shop keeper
actions [None, 'Attack', 'Pickpocket', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 15 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,-22464 25238,8741,6798,-11139,-22464,78
recolorToReplace 10508,5784,4550 5652,1686,6854,5551,4550,8877
models [230, 248, 311, 159, 176, 254, 181, 533] [5736, 248, 305, 25856, 25853, 15929, 12138, 181]
Shop assistant 2885
name Monk of Zamorak Shop assistant
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 22 0
widthScale 128 120
heightScale 128 120
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798 25238,8741,6798,-11139,-22464,8860
recolorToReplace 805,805,127 152,16916,10508,4769,4550,18062
models [230, 246, 292, 170, 176, 256] [14340, 246, 305, 25856, 10980, 10218, 12138, 181]
chatheadModels [63] [14337]
Aubury 2886
name Monk of Zamorak Aubury
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', 'Teleport', None]
combatLevel 17 0
widthScale 128 130
heightScale 128 124
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798 6798,9104,8741,3604,11183,25238
recolorToReplace 687,687,127 86,5404,6439,6331,20,6331
models [230, 181, 246, 292, 170, 176, 260] [14340, 238, 251, 299, 19102, 151, 177, 12138, 181, 18947]
Fancy dress shop owner 2887
name Monk of Zamorak Fancy dress shop owner
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', 'Fur Clothing', None]
combatLevel 45 0
widthScale 128 134
heightScale 128 111
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798 25238,8741,-27500,-32506,937,4550
recolorToReplace 924,924,127 10760,123,-10719,-10843,-10719,5338
models [208, 246, 292, 170, 176, 256] [7743, 230, 245, 247, 11811, 10301, 10218, 12138, 181]
Shop keeper 2888
name Tribesman Shop keeper
standingAnimation 813 808
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 32 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 4550,-22464 25238,8741,-22464
recolorToReplace 6806,6806 10508,10345,4550
models [231, 181, 246, 315, 173, 176, 279, 540, 201] [230, 247, 292, 151, 176, 254, 181, 326]
Grum 2889
name Dark warrior Grum
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 8 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 4550,10128,41,61,926,57 -22464,8741,25238,10659,9104,5652
recolorToReplace 4657,10508,10508,24,24,24 4550,-12377,-19172,-19172,-10949,-10358
models [219, 306, 164, 179, 268, 185, 518, 246] [198, 215, 245, 247, 292, 327, 151, 176, 257]
Wydin 2890
name Chaos druid warrior Wydin
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 37 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 8741,25238,6798 25238,8741,6798,4550,-22464
recolorToReplace 687,687,82 6435,-25429,5921,5578,5578
models [206, 181, 246, 294, 170, 176, 260, 502] [217, 305, 151, 176, 254, 181, 246]
Gerrant 2891
name Necromancer Gerrant
standingAnimation 808 813
walkingAnimation 819 1205
rotate180Animation 820 1206
rotate90RightAnimation 821 1207
rotate90LeftAnimation 822 1208
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 26 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798 25238,8741,6798,933,-22464,7073
recolorToReplace 687,687,127 14490,7475,10508,2374,4548,7483
models [230, 181, 250, 292, 170, 176, 260, 328] [186, 217, 302, 3190, 151, 176, 562, 254, 185, 246]
Brian 2892
name Bandit Brian
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 22 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,7700,11200 25238,8741,-22464,-11139
recolorToReplace 10508,-22116,10508,10508 13601,5545,4550,5400
models [215, 248, 292, 151, 176, 254, 185, 243, 323, 518] [230, 254, 247, 302, 173, 176, 181]
Jiminua 2893
name Guard Bandit Jiminua
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 22 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,7700,11200 4550,-22464,25238,926,7056,4626
recolorToReplace 10508,-22116,10508,10508 4645,4541,4541,121,4541,4645
models [215, 248, 292, 151, 176, 254, 185, 243, 323, 518, 517] [404, 453, 478, 351, 353, 429, 358]
Shop keeper 2894
name Barbarian guard Shop keeper
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 8 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,926,6798,8741,-22464,4550 25238,8741,-22464
recolorToReplace 5652,61,6854,4769,33,6709 10508,10345,8472
models [219, 252, 301, 159, 176, 274, 242, 185, 550] [208, 253, 299, 159, 179, 254, 181, 329]
Candle maker 3199
name Snake Candle maker
standingAnimation 277 808
walkingAnimation 274 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 35 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 10413,10644,10512,10646 6798,-22464,8741,25238,4626,-11139
recolorToReplace 7083,7083,24,0 7070,4550,-32684,8,8,4391
models [3002] [217, 302, 167, 176, 274, 185, 249]
Arhein 3200
name Monkey Arhein
standingAnimation 222 808
walkingAnimation 219 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Talk-to', 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 3 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 7721,6932,926 6798,-22464,8741,25238,4626,-11139
recolorToReplace 6684,7721,8094 8,4550,7070,8,8,4391
models [3004] [215, 305, 167, 176, 254, 185, 246]
chatheadModels [4661] [53]
Jukat 3201
name Albino bat Jukat
size 2 1
standingAnimation 4914 112
walkingAnimation 4913 106
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 52 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 5157,5161,5165,35,5169,5177 22753,9447
recolorToReplace -6045,-6041,-6037,-6062,66,72 23492,-26682
models [18898] [2857]
Lunderwin 3202
name Crab Lunderwin
standingAnimation 3424 112
walkingAnimation 3426 106
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None]
isMinimapVisible False True
widthScale 50 128
heightScale 50 128
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 2859,3408,2739,2624 4550,9447,22753,908
recolorToReplace 4762,6695,5914,6938 6057,528,4023,11191
models [13799] [2857]
Irksol 3203
name Giant mosquito Irksol
standingAnimation 2395 808
walkingAnimation 2396 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
isMinimapVisible False True
combatLevel 13 0
hasRenderPriority False True
models [15965] [292, 170, 260, 202]
Fairy 3204
name Jungle horror Fairy
size 2 1
standingAnimation 4231 112
walkingAnimation 4236 106
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 70 0
hasRenderPriority False True
models [15653, 15656] [2857]
Zambo 3205
name Jungle horror Zambo
standingAnimation 4231 808
walkingAnimation 4236 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 70 0
widthScale 80 128
heightScale 80 128
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 14490,13596,920 -7885,-20305
recolorToReplace 14627,13617,9152 -15798,-17989
models [15653, 15656] [235, 249, 14933, 14934, 14932, 10218, 14378, 185]
Silver merchant 3206
name Jungle horror Silver merchant
size 2 1
standingAnimation 4231 808
walkingAnimation 4236 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 70 0
hasRenderPriority False True
models [15652, 15655] [214, 302, 252, 159, 179, 274, 185, 281, 238]
Gem merchant 3207
name Jungle horror Gem merchant
standingAnimation 4231 808
walkingAnimation 4236 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 70 0
widthScale 90 128
heightScale 90 128
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 18368 25238,8741,10128,4550
recolorToReplace -21544 6038,7395,7395,5551
models [15652, 15655] [230, 292, 251, 151, 179, 254, 185, 283, 238, 186, 320]
Baker 3208
name Jungle horror Baker
size 2 1
standingAnimation 4231 808
walkingAnimation 4236 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 70 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 14490,13596,920 25238,107,8741
recolorToReplace 10529,14494,-7208 127,127,6470
models [15653, 15656] [206, 302, 247, 159, 179, 254, 185, 283, 199]
Spice seller 3209
name Cave horror Spice seller
size 2 1
standingAnimation 4231 808
walkingAnimation 4236 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 80 0
hasRenderPriority False True
models [15651, 15654] [217, 292, 250, 162, 176, 260, 185, 280, 201]
Fur trader 3210
name Cave horror Fur trader
size 2 1
standingAnimation 4231 808
walkingAnimation 4236 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 80 0
widthScale 110 128
heightScale 110 128
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 7952,10394 8741
recolorToReplace 0,26677 6057
models [15651, 15654] [230, 299, 250, 159, 176, 254, 185]
Silk merchant 3211
name Cave horror Silk merchant
size 2 1
standingAnimation 4231 808
walkingAnimation 4236 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None]
combatLevel 80 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 10277,10394,7952 4550,25238,6798,8741,10659
recolorToReplace 10289,10512,7830 4647,-19229,10508,-10814,-10814
models [15651, 15654, 15658] [215, 198, 254, 248, 170, 176, 181, 292, 181]
Hickton 3212
name Cave horror Hickton
size 2 1
standingAnimation 4231 808
walkingAnimation 4236 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 80 0
widthScale 110 128
heightScale 110 128
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 10277,10394,7952 5442,926,25238,-22464,6798
recolorToReplace 10411,24,78 -95,25238,25379,6798,900
models [15651, 15654, 15658] [230, 274, 247, 173, 179, 185, 307, 322, 18937]
Harry 3213
name Cave horror Harry
size 2 1
standingAnimation 4231 808
walkingAnimation 4236 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, 'Attack', None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 80 0
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 10394 8741,25238,-11139,-22464,6798
recolorToReplace 7952 5014,6709,-28765,4550,78
models [15651, 15654, 15657] [215, 263, 246, 159, 176, 185, 302]
Cassie 3214
name Cavey Davey Cassie
actions ['Talk-to', None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
recolorToFind 8741,-26391,11162 8741,6024,10138,5532,-22464,6798
recolorToReplace 920,22158,4 -4774,8,8,8,8,6852
models [211, 252, 14187, 151, 10218, 259] [393, 469, 351, 356, 435, 414]
chatheadModels [50, 84] [115, 131]
Frincos 3215
name Patchy Frincos
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Sew', None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
widthScale 130 128
heightScale 130 128
models [15931, 15934, 15936, 15939, 15925, 15927, 15937, 15926, 15930] [230, 181, 246, 292, 170, 176, 260]
chatheadModels [15919] [63]
Drogo dwarf 5895
name Banker Drogo dwarf
standingAnimation 808 101
walkingAnimation 808 98
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,61,6798 803
recolorToReplace 45,45,4550,41 5652
models [215, 246, 292, 162, 176, 254, 181, 320] [2970, 2981, 2979, 2983, 2985, 2990]
chatheadModels [53] [0]
Flynn 5896
name Banker Flynn
walkingAnimation 808 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,8741 4550,8741,6798,4626,25238,-11139
recolorToReplace 45,45,41,45 4647,10508,7700,24,5281,-11238
models [378, 470, 343, 353, 419, 358] [215, 254, 249, 170, 176, 185, 305, 10741]
chatheadModels [103] [53, 81, 10739]
Wayne 5897
name Banker Wayne
walkingAnimation 808 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,8741,4550 25238,8741,6798,-11139
recolorToReplace 45,45,7690,45,4647 5652,5652,61,4769
models [408, 470, 343, 353, 419, 358] [215, 254, 252, 305, 159, 176, 181, 491]
chatheadModels [125] [53, 84]
Dwarf 5904
name Banker Dwarf
standingAnimation 808 101
walkingAnimation 808 98
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,8741,4550 -22464,7473,61
recolorToReplace 45,45,7690,45,4560 4550,803,-29403
models [378, 470, 343, 353, 419, 358] [2971, 2981, 2979, 2983, 2985, 2990]
chatheadModels [103] [1]
Betty 5905
name Banker Betty
walkingAnimation 808 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,61,6798,4550 -22464,6798,8741,25238,9104,4550
recolorToReplace 45,45,4550,7690,4510 4550,0,-10350,0,127,5466
models [235, 246, 292, 162, 176, 254, 181, 320] [378, 446, 469, 332, 353, 421, 361]
chatheadModels [67] [103]
null 6523
configs [5895, 6517, -1] [1027, 6517, -1]
null 6528
configs [5895, 6517, -1] [1027, 6517, -1]
Herquin 6529
name Banker Herquin
walkingAnimation 808 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
models [215, 246, 292, 162, 176, 254, 181, 320] [235, 11748, 9620, 11760, 11769, 11326, 10218, 11869, 181, 11770]
chatheadModels [53] [67, 9449, 11868]
Rommik 6530
name Banker Rommik
walkingAnimation 808 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,6798,8741,4550 25238,8741,-22464,-11139
recolorToReplace 45,45,41,45,4647 10659,5652,4647,4769
models [378, 470, 343, 353, 419, 358] [217, 254, 253, 305, 151, 176, 181, 529]
chatheadModels [103] [55, 85]
null 6560
configs [5895, 6518, -1] [1027, 6518, -1]
Gaius 7798
name Ancient Fungi Gaius
standingAnimation 3328 808
walkingAnimation 3328 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Pick', None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
combatLevel 109 0
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 10 0
contrast 10 0
rotationSpeed 900 32
models [33265] [214, 250, 254, 294, 159, 176, 181, 491]
Jatix 8532
name Leke quo Keran Jatix
standingAnimation 8210 808
walkingAnimation 8211 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
widthScale 108 128
heightScale 108 128
models [36178] [207, 292, 170, 265, 250, 176, 181, 552]
chatheadModels [36180] [47, 82]
Davon 8680
name Banker Davon
standingAnimation 112 808
walkingAnimation 112 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
models [2860] [299, 170, 245, 281, 290, 230, 246, 263, 176, 181]
chatheadModels [14] [63, 78]
Zenesha 8681
name Banker Zenesha
walkingAnimation 808 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,61,6798,4550 8741,6798
recolorToReplace 45,45,4550,41,4785 103,6852
models [206, 246, 292, 162, 176, 271, 181, 320] [393, 468, 352, 356, 432, 414, 361]
chatheadModels [46] [115, 131]
Aemad 8682
name Banker Aemad
walkingAnimation 808 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Talk-to', None, 'Bank', 'Collect', None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
hasRenderPriority False True
recolorToFind 25238,8741,61,6798 25238,8741,6798,-22464,11200,926
recolorToReplace 45,45,4550,41 5652,4769,45,4550,6798,6798
models [215, 246, 292, 162, 176, 254, 181, 320] [206, 274, 253, 292, 167, 176, 185, 323]
chatheadModels [53] [46, 85]
Kortan 8683
name [[]] Kortan
standingAnimation -1 808
walkingAnimation -1 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
isMinimapVisible False True
widthScale 1 128
heightScale 1 128
hasRenderPriority False True
models [6318] [215, 254, 253, 292, 151, 176, 181]
Roachey 8684
name [[<col=00ffff>Portal</col>]] Roachey
standingAnimation 504 808
walkingAnimation -1 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions ['Use', None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
isMinimapVisible False True
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 100 0
contrast 100 0
models [2318] [230, 299, 151, 179, 267, 185, 194, 251, 562, 236, 320]
Frenita 8685
name null Frenita
standingAnimation 504 808
walkingAnimation -1 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
isMinimapVisible False True
hasRenderPriority False True
varbitId 2313 -1
Nurmof 8686
name [[<col=00efef>Portal</col>]] Nurmof
standingAnimation 504 101
walkingAnimation -1 98
actions ['Exit', None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
isMinimapVisible False True
hasRenderPriority False True
ambient 100 0
contrast 100 0
models [2318] [2970, 2983, 2979, 2981, 2985]
Tea seller 8687
name null Tea seller
standingAnimation 504 808
walkingAnimation -1 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
isMinimapVisible False True
hasRenderPriority False True
varbitId 2313 -1
Fat Tony 8688
name null Fat Tony
standingAnimation 504 808
walkingAnimation -1 819
rotate180Animation -1 820
rotate90RightAnimation -1 821
rotate90LeftAnimation -1 822
actions [None, None, None, None, None] ['Talk-to', None, 'Trade', None, None]
isMinimapVisible False True
hasRenderPriority False True
varbitId 2313 -1


New Objects

New Objects
Name ID Options
Mysterious pool 30395 None
Larran's small chest 33343 Unlock, Check
Larran's small chest 34828 None
Larran's big chest 34829 Unlock, Check
Larran's big chest 34830 None
null 34831 None
null 34832 None

Removed Objects

Removed Objects
Name ID

Diff Objects

Diff Objects
Name ID Key Previous Value New Value
Cave web 727
mergeNormals False True