Item Retrieval Service

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Arno's Item Retrieval Service interface.

Item Retrieval Services, commonly known as deathbanks, are in-game services offered outside of dangerous, instanced boss fights and other challenges. If a player dies during one of these activities, their items will be saved and made available to retrieve at a later time, usually after the player pays a certain fee. This system prevents the player from permanently losing items due to an instanced area ceasing to exist after the player dies. Any items stored at an Item Retrieval Service will be permanently lost should the player die anywhere in an unsafe death. Thus it is recommended that players retrieve their items as soon as possible if planning to continue dangerous activities. Dying in an activity with an Item Retrieval Service will let the player keep their three most valuable items (affected by skull and Protect Item) but not additional untradeable items, unlike standard deaths outside PvP scenarios.

Retrieval fees can be paid using Death's Coffer. Fees will be first taken from the coffer and any remaining amount from your bank.

Item Retrieval Services are notably used by ultimate ironmen to store all of their items in lieu of a bank while performing activities with no risk of death, such as skilling.

Regular Item Retrieval Services

The following Item Retrieval Services are available at all times, once the player has unlocked the activity they are associated with.

Activity Retrieval point Cost Notes
Alchemical Hydra Orrvor quo Maten 100,000 Requires a dangerous run past the normal Hydra room if the player does not have 88 Agility. If a player dies due to potentially recurring external issues, e.g. storms, it is strongly recommended not to retrieve items until issues are resolved, as a second disconnection can easily result in a second death.
Grotesque Guardians Magical Chest 50,000 Located outside the roof entrance unlocked by the brittle key. The player must run past Aberrant spectres to access this location, so a nosepeg is strongly recommended to avoid a second death.
Hallowed Sepulchre Mysterious Stranger 25,000
Hespori Arno 25,000 The most common Item Retrieval Storage for Ultimate Ironman usage, due to its easily accessible location and low cost.
The Mimic Strange casket 90,000
Nex Chest 100,000 Located in the safe room immediately after entering the frozen door, or in the safe room before Nex's chamber. The player must pass through the central chamber of God Wars Dungeon on their way, so god-related items are recommended to prevent a second death.
The Nightmare Shura 60,000
Phosani's Nightmare Sister Senga 60,000
Theatre of Blood Chest 100,000 Located north of Ver Sinhaza's bank.
Tombs of Amascut Chest Varies, up to 500,000 If team is killed without attempts remaining, reclaim fee on unprotected items is based on the items' respective Grand Exchange values, up to a maximum fee of 500,000 coins.
Volcanic Mine Petrified Pete 150
Vorkath Torfinn 100,000
Zulrah Priestess Zul-Gwenwynig 100,000 No cost is incurred for players with a Zulrah kill count of less than 50 (to not discourage learners). No cost is incurred for Ultimate Ironmen, regardless of their kill count.[1]

Quest Item Retrieval Services

The following Item Retrieval Services are only available during certain quests, for specific boss fights or challenges.

Quest NPC/Object Cost Notes
Dragon Slayer II Torfinn 100,000 Retrieves items lost during the quest fight with Vorkath, as well as during any part of the final combat sequence against various dragons and Galvek.
Item Chest 100,000 Retrieves items lost during the fight with Robert the Strong. Located next to the Ceremonial Brazier.
A Taste of Hope Chest 20,000 Retrieves items lost in the final fight with Ranis Drakan. Located in Ver Sinhaza's courtyard.
Sins of the Father Veliaf Hurtz 50,000 Retrieves items lost in the final fight with Vanstrom Klause. Veliaf can be found at the Icyene Graveyard.
Song of the Elves Rebel Scout 80,000 Retrieves items lost during the fight against Arianwyn, during the siege in the Underground Pass, the fight against Essyllt, and the final fight against the Fragment of Seren.
The Fremennik Exiles Brundt the Chieftain 50,000 Retrieves items lost during the fight against The Jormungand. Brundt can be found on the Island of Stone.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:3 August 2022| |0}} {{#explode:3 August 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:3 August 2022| |2}}]]

Players with items stored in an Item Retrieval Service will now be told of this when logging in, as to remind players that said items will be lost if they die before reclaiming them.

[[{{#explode:3 November 2021| |0}} {{#explode:3 November 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:3 November 2021| |2}}]]

A "Yes, and don't ask again" option has been added to item reclaim chests when coins are used to unlock them at bosses like The Nightmare and Vorkath.



  1. ^ "Death Changes". RuneScape News. Jagex. 25 June 2020. Archived from the original. "One major change affects the priestess at Zul-Andra. She previously offered her services for free, but we no longer feel that's appropriate, since Zulrah is so generous with its loot. Once a non-Ultimate Iron player has a Zulrah kill count of 50 or more, she will start charging 100,000 coins to return your items, matching Torfinn's fee. This charge will not apply to Ultimate Iron players."