Abbot Langley

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Abbot Langley
Released12 July 2001 (Update)
LocationEdgeville Monastery
League regionAsgarnia Asgarnia
ExamineA holy man.
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NPCAbbot Langley

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Advanced data
NPC ID2577

Abbot Langley is the head of the Edgeville Monastery in northern Asgarnia. He prevents players with less than 31 Prayer from entering the guild (this cannot be boosted in any way). He can restore 4 + 12 % of the player's hitpoints if they are injured.

He can also attach a sigil to a blessed spirit shield for a fee of 1,500,000 coins, as well as remove sigils from them, though this destroys the blessed spirit shield; this is usually done to the arcane spirit shield in order to use the sigil to fortify Elidinis' ward.

Players can speak to him with a soft clay, leather boots, and a bowl of hot water to receive a corrupted helm.

Treasure Trails


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Click here for a transcript of possible conversations with this NPC.Expression error: Unrecognised word "span".


  • Abbot Langley is named after Abbots Langley, a parish in Hertfordshire about 85 kilometres (~52.8 miles) from Cambridge, where Jagex is based.
  • Abbot Langley doesn't cure poison when he heals players.
  • Unlike other monks, Abbot Langley will heal players if they are on a PvP or Deadman world.