Trailblazer Reloaded League

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Trailblazer Reloaded League
Type Leagues
Open date 15 November 2023
End date 10 January 2024
Update blog Leagues IV - Trailblazer Reloaded
Removal update Children of the Sun
Trailblazer Reloaded Misthalin
File:Trailblazer Reloaded League - ? Relic.png Karamja
Guides Asgarnia

The Trailblazer Reloaded League was the fourth league in Old School RuneScape. Development of the league began in August of 2023. The league was announced during the Summer Summit 2023 and was released on 15 November 2023.[1] The league ended on 10 January 2024.[2]

It was a rerun of the Trailblazer League, with one of the main differences being the addition of the Great Kourend and Kebos Lowlands as a new region.


Trailblazer Reloaded was a temporary gamemode with a unique ruleset that fundamentally changed the gameplay experience. Players began with most regions of the game locked, but they were able to unlock new ones by completing tasks and accumulating points. At certain point thresholds, players were able to select powerful relics that affected skilling, combat, or provided extra utility. The league was based on the original Trailblazer League with many changes to the task list, relics, and the inclusion of new content from updates since 2020.

Changes from Trailblazer League


Area restrictions

The Trailblazer Reloaded area interface.

Players will begin their journey with only the regions of Misthalin and Karamja available. Further areas can be unlocked by completing a certain amount of tasks. A maximum of three new regions can be unlocked.

Player restrictions

All players will be an Ironman and come with the same restrictions, including not being able to trade with other players. To accommodate the increased number of Iron players, shops will restock after every transaction.

Players will start with a 5x accelerated experience rate, and begin with level 3 Herblore, 5 Runecraft, and level 10 Agility to enable Herblore training, Runecraft training, and the use of the Draynor Village Rooftop Course. The XP multiplier increases further at specific relic tiers. Players will also be able to claim a free dramen staff from The Sage in the Lumbridge Courtyard to access Zanaris.

Some quests or diary tasks will be automatically unlocked if they require access to inaccessible areas, including Druidic Ritual and Lost City.


Tasks in the Trailblazer Reloaded League allow players to earn League Points and unlock relics and other rewards. Tasks will span five different difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard, Elite, and Master. Some tasks will be area specific while others are more general and can be completed in any region. Every area will have roughly the same number of obtainable points from tasks.

Examples of area specific tasks:

Trailblazer task complete
The jingle that plays upon completing a task.
File:Trailblazer League task completion jingle.ogg

Examples of general tasks that can be completed in any region:


As players progress through the league, further areas are unlocked. All players begin their journey with access to Misthalin and Karamja and may unlock a maximum of three other areas after completing 60, 140, and 300 tasks.

Default areas

Misthalin Misthalin Karamja Karamja

Unlockable areas

Up to three other areas can be unlocked after completing 60, 140, and 300 League tasks.

Asgarnia Asgarnia Fremennik Fremennik Kandarin Kandarin Desert Desert Morytania Morytania Tirannwn Tirannwn Wilderness Wilderness Kourend Kourend



Boosted drops

Items from certain sources are given a boosted drop rate in Trailblazer Reloaded League. The drop rate multiplier increases as more relics are unlocked: the items listed below become 2x as common when the starting first tier relic is chosen; then become 3x as common when unlocking a fourth tier relic; proceeding to 4x as common at sixth tier; and finally 5x as common at the final, eighth tier.

Boosted minigame points

Some minigames have their reward points boosted in Trailblazer Reloaded League. The boost multiplier increases as more relics are unlocked, going from 3x once the tier 2 relic is chosen, to 5x at tier 5, and finally to 8x at tier 7. The following are affected by this buff:


In addition to the league-to-league rewards, players can unlock several rewards for use in the main game. Several rewards have been polled and all proposed rewards have passed.[4]

Reward League points Description
500 The banner representing Trailblazer Reloaded League.
1,000 The tier 1 set of clothing representing Trailblazer Reloaded League.
5,000 The tier 2 set of clothing representing Trailblazer Reloaded League.
18,000 The tier 3 set of clothing representing Trailblazer Reloaded League. Includes the Trailblazer reloaded torch.
6,000 Cosmetic upgrade to change the toxic blowpipe to the blazing blowpipe.
10,000 Cosmetic upgrade to change Dinh's bulwark to Dinh's blazing bulwark.
2,000 Cosmetic upgrade to change the animation of alchemy spells.
3,000 Cosmetic upgrade to change the player's death animation.
1,000 Cosmetic upgrade to change the player's Home Teleport animation.
9,000 Cosmetic upgrade to change the ornate rejuvenation pool to a Fiery Ornate Pool of Rejuvenation.
7,000 Cosmetic upgrade to change the animation of Vengeance.


At the end of the League players can claim a cosmetic wieldable trophy representing the tier they placed in. These trophies will not cost any Trailblazer League Reward Points. Bronze to Mithril trophies are shield slot items, while Adamant to Dragon trophies are two-handed items. The trophies have a unique emote that can be activated by right-clicking the trophy. All trophies are untradeable and can be claimed for free.

Unlike past Leagues, the point thresholds are static rather than being based on a fixed percentage of players.

Trophy Required points

Reveals and teasers

The official reveal advent calendar.

From 1 November until 15 November, Jagex released daily reveals and teasers on their official Twitter account. The table below provides a list of the reveals given:

Date Reveal Useful links
November 1st UI Changes

Mod Husky did some fantastic work on QOL for various Leagues interfaces, allowing you to resize the Tasks menu and browse while you're skilling!

November 2nd Trickster

A brand new relic that significantly enhances Thieving, Agility, Hunter & Firemaking.

November 3rd Passive Effects

It wouldn't be Leagues without some passive-tively overpowered bonuses! XP boosts and unlimited Run Energy are a given, but here are some passive effects we've taken further than ever before!

November 4th Combat Styles

Your Combat relic choice is one of the most important decisions you'll make all League, so choose wisely...

November 5th Undying Retribution

Cheat death and devastate any nearby foes.

November 6th Globetrotter

Teleport anywhere your heart desires with a single piece of jewelry.

November 7th Last Recall

Unfortunately, Last Recall won't be returning as a relic during Trailblazer Reloaded. The Crystal of Memories will be making a return however, keep an eye out for a video over the coming days to learn about the specifics!

November 7th Tier 1 Relics

Your first Relic choice will stick with you for the entirety of Trailblazer Reloaded... Take a look at the detailed descriptions of all three and figure out what you're going to choose!

November 8th Banker's Note

Note and un-note items from the comfort of your inventory.

November 9th Guardian

Summons an exceptionally powerful ally.

November 10th Weapon Master

Special attack with 100% accuracy. Sacrifice HP for additional special attacks.

November 11th Amped Up PvM Challenge

What if in Leagues, Hard Mode had a Hard Mode?

Get ready for:

  • Phosani's Nightmare's Nightmare
  • Harder Mode Theatre of Blood
  • More Challenging Mode Chambers of Xeric
  • Tombs of Amascut Money 1000s
November 12th Fire Sale

All item shops with coins as currency are free. These items can be automatically noted.

November 13th Ruinous Powers

Channel the power of a fallen empire.

November 14th Executioner

Strike instant killing blows to enemies with less than 20% HP.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:6 December 2023| |0}} {{#explode:6 December 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:6 December 2023| |2}}]]
  • Added a toggle to the Guardian horn which automatically summons the Guardian during combat.
  • Region-specific Combat Achievements will now be auto-completed.
  • Using Globetrotter's last destination will now correctly account dragonstone jewellery teleports, so it can be used in up to level 30 Wilderness.
  • The maximum amount of Soul Wars points players can use at one time has been reduced to 1,000 to prevent glitches caused by players receiving too much XP at once.
  • Players who reach the point threshold for Combat Achievement tiers will now correctly unlock that tier, instead of needing at least one point over the threshold.
  • The non-Leagues Vengeance spell now uses the original sound instead of the Trailblazer version.
  • Equipping any combination of the gold or normal prospector outfit parts now correctly completes the ’Equip a Full Prospector Outfit’ task.
  • Tumeken's shadow now benefits from the attack speed increase from Superior Sorcerer in Soul Wars.
  • The Guardian will now stun the Abyssal Sire correctly.
  • Corrected the ‘Create 100 Divine Super Potions’ task to ‘Create 50 Divine Super Combat Potions’.
  • The Leagues IV emote will now correctly show if the player has the full set of Trailblazer Reloaded Relic Hunter on their League outfit stand.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Equip Every Draconic Shield’ task could not be completed.
  • Having a clue nest, clue geode or clue bottle in your bank will now allow you to pick up a clue scroll.
  • The ‘Complete all Muspah Combat Achievements’ task will now be checked off when the requirements are met.
  • Fixed an issue where Zimberfizz would try to escape the Soul Wars tutorial.
  • Removed the Kourend task ‘Equip a Full Angler’s Outfit’ as there is a global task with the same requirements.
  • Nex will now count towards the 100/250/500 God Wars Dungeon kill count tasks.
  • The PoH League accomplishments scroll now correctly states the player's rank from previous Leagues.
  • Hit splats on the Guardian and thralls will now no longer show incorrect max hits.
  • A clipping issue has been fixed that occurred when performing the new alchemy animations while wearing items in both hands.
  • Using Purge as one of three different Prayer drain methods will now count towards completing the ‘Versatile Drainer’ Combat Achievement.
  • The League Firsts Board has been updated.
  • A warning has been added if your Guardian has the rare outfit when you reroll.
[[{{#explode:29 November 2023| |0}} {{#explode:29 November 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:29 November 2023| |2}}]]
  • The Soul Wars experience cap on League worlds has been removed.
  • Additional inaccessible clue scroll steps have been resolved.
  • The Leagues Reward Shop is now available on main game worlds.
  • Removed the penalty applied to marks of grace when a player is 20 Agility levels above a course's requirement, on League worlds only.
  • Adjusted Guardian behaviour at Kree'arra so that it attacks with Magic rather than Ranged.
  • Increased the explosion radius of Undying Retribution's explosion radius by 1 tile. The description has been adjusted accordingly.
  • Players can now correctly complete kill count tasks for normal Chambers of Xeric in cases where they had obtained CM Chambers of Xeric kill count before finishing a normal raid.
  • Fixed a display error where some unlocked destinations on the fairy ring interfaces were crossed out despite being accessible.
  • On League worlds, dying to revenants no longer drops some inventory items to the ground instead of your gravestone.
  • The rune pouch and divine rune pouch are no longer deleted upon death in the Wilderness region.
  • Players can no longer obtain both a rune pouch and divine rune pouch simultaneously.
  • The Guardian no longer causes demonic gorillas to lose aggression towards players.
  • Harvesting a fruit tree or bush patches with a full inventory and Farmer's Fortune will no longer crash the game.
[[{{#explode:23 November 2023| |0}} {{#explode:23 November 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:23 November 2023| |2}}]]
  • Treasure Trail steps are now limited to the regions that a player has unlocked.
  • The Guardian should now attack the following NPCs: Zuk, Kree'Arra, Vespula.
  • A toggle has been added to all the Trailblazer tool that will turn off the auto-burn effect.
  • The Osmumten's fang special attack should now hit it's max hit correctly.
  • Using Slayer points to extend the revenant task should correctly make your tasks longer.
  • The magers and rangers in the TzHaar-Ket-Rak Leagues challenge will now attack you correctly.
  • The HP at hard mode Phosani's Nightmare should now correctly scale.
  • The kill count tasks for the Kalphite Queen have had their names updated to 1, 50 and 150 times respectively to be corrrect.
  • Protecting the tree patch for the elite Western Diary can now be done with Farmer's Fortune.
    • You'll still need to pay 25 coconuts to complete this task.
  • Fixed a graphical issue with the new animations for Low and High Alchemy.
  • Players using the Farmer’s Fortune Relic can now complete the ‘Cast Resurrect Crops’ task.
  • Added Bloodvelds into the slayer list for players with Kourend unlocked.
  • Updated the interface to state that bloodvelds are also available in Kandarin.
  • Reduced the kill counts required to complete various low-level, undesirable Slayer tasks.
  • Bolt special attacks will now correctly heal players with the Soul Stealer relic.
  • The granite maul’s special attack now hits correctly.
  • The ‘Obtain a Magic Seed from a Bird Nest’ task now completes correctly.
  • Players who have unlocked Kourend and Kebos may now filter their task list via 'Unlocked'.
  • West Ardougne is now accessible for anyone with Kandarin, regardless of whether or not you've completed Biohazard.
  • Players will now be able to complete the 'Equip a Full Angler's Outfit' by equipping it anywhere.
  • A bug where the Trailblazer pickaxe was equivalent or worse than an adamant pickaxe at Guardians of the Rift and the Path of Het has been fixed.
  • Queen points from Barbarian Assault now correctly apply the minigame modifier.
  • Players chopping Sulliceps can now roll a Mushroom and Fossil simultaneously.
  • Unlocking Fremennik will now correctly complete the ‘Complete Client of Kourend’ and ‘Complete Ghosts Ahoy’ tasks.
  • The task ‘Kill a Creature in Mount Quidamortem’ Task has been renamed ‘Kill a Creature in Mount Karuulm’. The description has also been changed.
  • Superior hydras now give Slayer points correctly to players with the Bloodthirsty relic.
  • The ‘Obtain a Boss Pet’ task can now be completed by obtaining pets from the Tombs of Amascut. This should be unlocked retroactively for anyone that has gotten the pet before via opening the interface.
  • Players using the crystal of memories to return to Nex will now appear inside the inner area near the bank.
  • Bloodthirsty superiors will now have the correct icon above them.
  • An issue where expanding tasks in the task interface changed the background colour has been fixed on mobile clients.
  • Corrected spelling errors.
[[{{#explode:21 November 2023| |0}} {{#explode:21 November 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:21 November 2023| |2}}]]
  • The Flex emote now unlocks automatically with the Desert region, allowing players to complete the ‘Flex in front of The Guns’ task.
  • Players are now correctly addressed by their chosen gender rather than a particularly spacious comma in certain NPC dialogues.
  • The ‘Pray at an altar in Molch while poisoned’ task can now be completed after selecting the Brawler's Resolve relic.
  • Unlocking the Fremennik area now auto-completes the ‘Complete Rune Mysteries’ task.
  • An issue has been fixed in which some Hot/Cold clue steps were leading players into the Desert even when this region was locked.
  • Soul Wars XP modifiers and caps now apply multipliers correctly. Players can gain up to 1,000,000 XP per day.
  • Doors in the Barrows’ crypts no longer get ‘stuck’.
  • Krystilia now provides appropriate tasks for players’ combat level.
  • The task for completing 10 Combat Achievements now completes properly.
  • Removed the task for completing Elemental Workshop I, as it was auto-completed during the Leagues tutorial.
  • Herbs planted within Chambers of Xeric are now properly harvested by players with the Farmer's Fortune relic.
  • Players with the Trickster relic can now progress through the Barbarian Firemaking section of Otto’s barbarian training.
  • Players can now be assigned Hydra Slayer tasks.
  • The following items now scale correctly with modified drop rates:



Post Date
Update:More Leagues IV Changes 6 December 2023
Update:Leagues IV - Post-Launch 23 November 2023
Update:Leagues IV - Trailblazer Reloaded 15 November 2023
Update:Leagues IV FAQs & Teasers - Releasing November 15th 1 November 2023
Update:Leagues IV - Release Date + FAQs 4 October 2023
Update:Leagues IV: Trailblazer Reloaded - Rewards 31 August 2023
Update:Leagues IV: Trailblazer Reloaded 19 August 2023


  1. ^ "Leagues IV - Release Date + FAQs". RuneScape News. Jagex. 4 October 2023. Archived from the original. "Leagues IV - Trailblazer Reloaded launches on Wednesday, November 15th."
  2. ^ "Leagues IV - Release Date + FAQs". RuneScape News. Jagex. 4 October 2023. Archived from the original. "8 weeks of League-y goodness!"
  3. ^
  4. ^ "Leagues IV Rewards & Scar Essence Mine". 1 September 2023. Archived from the original. Old School RuneScape Polls. Jagex.