Bloodthirsty Turoth

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Bloodthirsty Turoth
Released15 November 2023 (Update)
Removal10 January 2024 (Update)
Combat level366
ExamineHe's one huge leg short!
League regionFremennik Fremennik
Combat info
Max hit43
Attack styleMelee
Attack speed4 ticks (2.4 seconds)
Slayer info
Slayer level55
Slayer XP2,993 xp
Assigned by File:Konar chathead.png
Combat stats
Aggressive stats
Monster attack bonusMonster strength bonusMonster magic strength bonusMonster ranged strength bonus
Melee defence
Magic defence
No elemental weakness
+0No elemental weakness
Ranged defence
Advanced data
Monster ID12583

The bloodthirsty turoth is a superior variant of the turoth that may appear for players who have unlocked the Bloodthirsty relic.

It has a 25% chance of spawning in place of a spiked turoth, which have a 4% chance of appearing.


Drop rates estimated based on samples from the Drop Rate Project, unless otherwise cited.


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Bones.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Bones with rarity Always in quantity 1Bones1Always1130


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Raw lobster.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Raw lobster with rarity 5/76 in quantity 60-80 (noted)Raw lobster60–80 (noted)5/764,440–5,9202,520–3,360
Snape grass.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Snape grass with rarity 10/76 in quantity 60-150 (noted)Snape grass60–150 (noted)10/7633,600–84,000360–900
Irit seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Irit seed with rarity 10/76 in quantity 10-15Irit seed10–1510/76630–94530–45
Unicorn horn.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Unicorn horn with rarity 5/76 in quantity 60-150 (noted)Unicorn horn60–150 (noted)5/7627,240–68,100720–1,800
Limpwurt root.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Limpwurt root with rarity 10/76 in quantity 60-150 (noted)Limpwurt root60–150 (noted)10/7631,860–79,650240–600
Yew logs.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Yew logs with rarity 15/76 in quantity 70-90 (noted)Yew logs70–90 (noted)15/7618,200–23,4006,720–8,640
Raw monkfish.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Raw monkfish with rarity 15/76 in quantity 60-80 (noted)Raw monkfish60–80 (noted)15/7611,940–15,9208,280–11,040
White berries.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops White berries with rarity 6/76 in quantity 60-150 (noted)White berries60–150 (noted)6/7657,720–144,300360–900

Weapons and armour

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Steel platelegs.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Steel platelegs with rarity 9 × 7/128 in quantity 1Steel platelegs19 × 7/128332600
Mithril axe.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Mithril axe with rarity 9 × 3/128 in quantity 1Mithril axe19 × 3/128113312
Mithril kiteshield.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Mithril kiteshield with rarity 9 × 1/128 in quantity 1Mithril kiteshield19 × 1/1281,0531,326
Adamant full helm.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Adamant full helm with rarity 9 × 1/128 in quantity 1Adamant full helm19 × 1/1281,7672,112
Rune dagger.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Rune dagger with rarity 9 × 1/128 in quantity 1Rune dagger19 × 1/1284,3824,800
Leaf-bladed sword.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Leaf-bladed sword with rarity 9 × 1/500 in quantity 1Leaf-bladed sword19 × 1/50040,58740,800
Mystic robe bottom (light).png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Mystic robe bottom (light) with rarity 9 × 1/512 in quantity 1Mystic robe bottom (light)19 × 1/51247,06148,000


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Law rune.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Law rune with rarity 9 × 6/128 in quantity 3Law rune39 × 6/128381432
Nature rune.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Nature rune with rarity 9 × 5/128 in quantity 15Nature rune159 × 5/1281,6051,620
Nature rune.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Nature rune with rarity 9 × 1/128 in quantity 37Nature rune379 × 1/1283,9593,996


There is a 31/128 chance of rolling the herb drop table. When the drop table is rolled, there is a 15/31 chance of dropping 1 herb, 10/31 chance of dropping 2 herbs, and a 6/31 chance of dropping 3 herbs, leading to an average of 1.71 herbs per roll.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Grimy guam leaf.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Grimy guam leaf with rarity 9 × 1/16.5 in quantity 1-3Grimy guam leaf1–39 × 1/16.5326–9787–21
Grimy marrentill.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Grimy marrentill with rarity 9 × 1/22 in quantity 1-3Grimy marrentill1–39 × 1/22398–1,1948–24
Grimy tarromin.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Grimy tarromin with rarity 9 × 1/29.4 in quantity 1-3Grimy tarromin1–39 × 1/29.4379–1,1379–27
Grimy harralander.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Grimy harralander with rarity 9 × 1/37.8 in quantity 1-3Grimy harralander1–39 × 1/37.8676–2,0289–27
Grimy ranarr weed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Grimy ranarr weed with rarity 9 × 1/48 in quantity 1-3Grimy ranarr weed1–39 × 1/486,709–20,12718–54
Grimy irit leaf.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Grimy irit leaf with rarity 9 × 1/66.1 in quantity 1-3Grimy irit leaf1–39 × 1/66.11,472–4,41610–30
Grimy avantoe.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Grimy avantoe with rarity 9 × 1/88.1 in quantity 1-3Grimy avantoe1–39 × 1/88.13,263–9,78910–30
Grimy kwuarm.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Grimy kwuarm with rarity 9 × 1/105.7 in quantity 1-3Grimy kwuarm1–39 × 1/105.73,574–10,72212–36
Grimy cadantine.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Grimy cadantine with rarity 9 × 1/132.1 in quantity 1-3Grimy cadantine1–39 × 1/132.12,987–8,96113–39
Grimy lantadyme.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Grimy lantadyme with rarity 9 × 1/176.2 in quantity 1-3Grimy lantadyme1–39 × 1/176.21,861–5,58313–39
Grimy dwarf weed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Grimy dwarf weed with rarity 9 × 1/176.2 in quantity 1-3Grimy dwarf weed1–39 × 1/176.22,036–6,10814–42


There is a 18/128 chance of rolling the rare seed drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Toadflax seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Toadflax seed with rarity 9 × 1/35.7 in quantity 1Toadflax seed19 × 1/35.71,4066
Irit seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Irit seed with rarity 9 × 1/52.4 in quantity 1Irit seed19 × 1/52.4633
Belladonna seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Belladonna seed with rarity 9 × 1/54.1 in quantity 1Belladonna seed19 × 1/54.1175106
Poison ivy seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Poison ivy seed with rarity 9 × 1/76.3 in quantity 1Poison ivy seed19 × 1/76.31699
Avantoe seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Avantoe seed with rarity 9 × 1/76.3 in quantity 1Avantoe seed19 × 1/76.32,4864
Cactus seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Cactus seed with rarity 9 × 1/79.9 in quantity 1Cactus seed19 × 1/79.96759
Potato cactus seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Potato cactus seed with rarity 9 × 1/111.9 in quantity 1Potato cactus seed19 × 1/111.91284
Kwuarm seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Kwuarm seed with rarity 9 × 1/111.9 in quantity 1Kwuarm seed19 × 1/111.93,8206
Snapdragon seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Snapdragon seed with rarity 9 × 1/167.8 in quantity 1Snapdragon seed19 × 1/167.841,65936
Cadantine seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Cadantine seed with rarity 9 × 1/239.7 in quantity 1Cadantine seed19 × 1/239.73,9874
Lantadyme seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Lantadyme seed with rarity 9 × 1/335.6 in quantity 1Lantadyme seed19 × 1/335.64515
Snape grass seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Snape grass seed with rarity 9 × 1/419.6 in quantity 3Snape grass seed39 × 1/419.622,698168
Dwarf weed seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Dwarf weed seed with rarity 9 × 1/559.4 in quantity 1Dwarf weed seed19 × 1/559.48833
Torstol seed.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Torstol seed with rarity 9 × 1/839.1 in quantity 1Torstol seed19 × 1/839.16,38142


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Limpwurt root.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Limpwurt root with rarity 9 × 7/128 in quantity 1Limpwurt root19 × 7/1285314


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Coins_25.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Coins with rarity 9 × 29/128 in quantity 44Coins449 × 29/1284444
Coins_100.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Coins with rarity 9 × 12/128 in quantity 132Coins1329 × 12/128132132
Coins_250.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Coins with rarity 9 × 1/128 in quantity 440Coins4409 × 1/128440440

Gem drop table

There is a 5/128 chance of rolling the gem drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
This does not exist.NothingN/A9 × 1/51.29; Never[d 1]N/AN/A
Uncut sapphire.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Uncut sapphire with rarity 9 × 1/102.4 in quantity 1Uncut sapphire19 × 1/102.4; 1/52[d 2]23815
Uncut emerald.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Uncut emerald with rarity 9 × 1/204.8 in quantity 1Uncut emerald19 × 1/204.8; 1/104[d 2]46330
Uncut ruby.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Uncut ruby with rarity 9 × 1/409.6 in quantity 1Uncut ruby19 × 1/409.6; 1/208[d 2]98860
Chaos talisman.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Chaos talisman with rarity 9 × 1/1,092.27 in quantity 1Chaos talisman19 × 1/1,092.27; 1/554.67[d 2]3092
Uncut diamond.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Uncut diamond with rarity 9 × 1/1,638.4 in quantity 1Uncut diamond19 × 1/1,638.4; 1/832[d 2]2,142120
Loop half of key.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Loop half of key with rarity 9 × 1/3,276.8 in quantity 1Loop half of key19 × 1/3,276.8; 1/1,664[d 2]11,91960
Tooth half of key.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Tooth half of key with rarity 9 × 1/3,276.8 in quantity 1Tooth half of key19 × 1/3,276.8; 1/1,664[d 2]11,92560
Rune javelin.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Rune javelin with rarity 9 × 1/3,276.8 in quantity 5Rune javelin59 × 1/3,276.8; 1/1,664[d 2]9501,200
Rune spear.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Rune spear with rarity 9 × 1/52,428.8 in quantity 1Rune spear19 × 1/52,428.8; 1/3,120[d 2][d 3]11,87112,480
Shield left half.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Shield left half with rarity 9 × 1/104,857.6 in quantity 1Shield left half19 × 1/104,857.6; 1/6,240[d 2][d 3]65,39466,000
Dragon spear.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Dragon spear with rarity 9 × 1/139,810.13 in quantity 1Dragon spear19 × 1/139,810.13; 1/8,320[d 2][d 3]38,85437,440
  1. ^ The "nothing" drop is removed while wearing a ring of wealth.
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 The drop rate is increased while wearing a ring of wealth due to the "nothing" drop being removed.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Only dropped if Legends' Quest has been finished; if not, a talisman is dropped instead.


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Clue scroll (hard).png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Clue scroll (hard) with rarity Always in quantity 1Clue scroll (hard)1AlwaysNot sold12
Brimstone key.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Brimstone key with rarity 1/57 in quantity 1Brimstone key11/57[d 1]Not soldN/A
  1. ^ Brimstone keys are only dropped if killed on a Slayer task given by Konar quo Maten.

Superior Slayer tertiary

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Mist battlestaff.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Mist battlestaff with rarity 3/238 in quantity 1Mist battlestaff13/23852,8939,300
Dust battlestaff.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Dust battlestaff with rarity 3/238 in quantity 1Dust battlestaff13/23816,8689,300
Eternal gem.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Eternal gem with rarity 3/832 in quantity 1Eternal gem13/8328,682,4035,700
Imbued heart.png: Bloodthirsty Turoth drops Imbued heart with rarity 3/832 in quantity 1Imbued heart13/832105,502,562300,000