Player-owned house

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A player-owned house (often shortened to POH) is the focus of the Construction skill. It can be bought from an Estate agent for 1,000, or received for free upon completion of the miniquest Daddy's Home. Players' houses are located in Rimmington by default but can be moved to one of 8 different cities for a fee by talking to an Estate agent, if the required (unboostable) Construction level is met. Players can enter the house through house portals, labelled on the world map as . For a list of pros and cons on different locations consult the house portal page. Owning a house is required for a player to use an experience lamp on the Construction skill.

Location Level Cost to move Map
Rimmington Construction 1 5,000 <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="3226" x="2952" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2952.5,3224.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"

X/Y: 2952,3224



Taverley Construction 10 5,000 <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="3467" x="2892" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2892.5,3465.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"

X/Y: 2892,3465



Pollnivneach Construction 20 7,500 <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="3003" x="3339" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3339.5,3001.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"

X/Y: 3339,3001



Hosidius[t 1] Construction 25 8,750 <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="3519" x="1740" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[1740.5,3517.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"

X/Y: 1740,3517



Rellekka Construction 30 10,000 <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="3631" x="2669" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2669.5,3629.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"

X/Y: 2669,3629



Aldarin[t 2] Construction 35 12,500 <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="2965" x="1422" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[1422.5,2963.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"

X/Y: 1422,2963



Brimhaven Construction 40 15,000 <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="3178" x="2756" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2756.5,3176.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"

X/Y: 2756,3176



Yanille Construction 50 25,000 <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="3099" x="2545" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2545.5,3097.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"

X/Y: 2545,3097



Prifddinas[t 3] Construction 70 50,000 <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="6079" x="3239" zoom="2" mapID="29"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3239.5,6077.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"29","providerID":0,"group":"pins","description":"

X/Y: 3239,6077



  1. ^ You must visit Great Kourend before you can select this option.
  2. ^ You must visit Varlamore before you can select this option.
  3. ^ Requires completion of Song of the Elves.

House styles

Houses can be redecorated in different styles. This is a cosmetic change which affects the appearance of the ground, walls, and roofs of a house, but not the layout and features of the house. Redecoration can be done by speaking with any of the estate agents. There are multiple styles available to choose from, though they each require a certain construction level, and most cost a fee between 5,000 and 35,000 coins. Some styles have additional special requirements.


There are many different rooms that can be added to houses. The house a player buys will begin with a garden and parlour, but more rooms can be added. Different rooms will require different Construction levels and will cost money. New rooms can be added by right-clicking the door hotspots or using the viewer while in building mode.


Construction Level Room Cost
1 1,000
1 1,000
5 5,000
10 5,000
15 10,000
20 10,000
25 15,000
27 15,000
30 25,000
32 25,000
35 25,000
37 30,000
40 50,000
42 50,000
45 50,000
50 100,000
55 75,000
60 150,000
65 75,000
72 200,000
80 200,000


Construction Level Room Cost
65 150,000
70 7,500
75 250,000

Building a house

The House Options interface can be used to toggle Building Mode

The player's first house starts off with only a parlour and garden, but new rooms and furniture can be easily built.

Building mode

In order to begin customising a house, a player must enter their house with building mode turned on. This can be done either by entering portal in building mode or by changing the building mode settings in house options of the Settings menu. Changing the setting in the Settings menu while not in a house, the player will automatically be in building mode the next time they cast Teleport to House. The player cannot drop items while in building mode and pets are not allowed. Building mode cannot be turned on while guests are in the house.

Adding new rooms

While in building mode, players will see white doors in the entryways of all their rooms. Right-clicking on these and selecting build will allow the player to see a menu of all the rooms that can be built attached to that door. The player will also see the level requirement and the price of the new room. When a room is selected, the player will see a ghost version of the new room and will be able to rotate the room to any desired rotation provided that the doorways line up. If a room is occupying the spot the player wants to build, they are given the option to remove it, unless it is a menagerie or costume room, where it is moved instead to that location for the building fee.

Removing rooms

A room can be removed in building mode by right-clicking the door to the room and selecting the build option. This brings up a prompt asking if you want to remove the room. You cannot remove a room on the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US] that is supporting another room on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US]. This rule does not apply to dungeon rooms under the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US] rooms.

It is advisable to remove all the built items in a room before removing the room. In most cases, nothing is gained by removing items, but in some cases items are recovered. For example, armour, swords, and capes that are part of a display can be recovered.

Moving rooms

Rooms can be moved using the House Viewer, which can be found within the house options in your settings tab.

Planning the layout

The most important point to consider when designing the layout is which rooms are placed next to the garden portal. For beginning players, the workshop or kitchen can be the best rooms next to the portal because they offer fast training methods such as building flatpacks or larders. Portal chambers are very useful to place directly adjacent to the portal, since this allows quick and easy access to teleports for when players wish to use their house as a teleport hub. Another room that is often put near the portal is a chapel, which will allow players to train and recharge prayer more quickly.

Another important point to consider when building a house is which direction that rooms face. While this is not a huge concern for most rooms, some orientations can make moving through the house much faster. For example, normal staircases can be annoying if built facing the wrong direction unlike spiral staircases, which can be accessed from any side. When a staircase is added to a skill hall, it will connect to the room above or below by default if and only if the room is facing the proper direction. This restriction is in effect for both normal staircases and, even though they do not have a "direction", spiral staircases. Another good example is the orientation of the exit portal.

Maximum number of rooms and area

Up to level 49 Construction, a maximum of 24 rooms and gardens can be built. This rises to a maximum of 34 rooms at level 99 Construction.

There is also a maximum area that can be built on that also goes up with Construction level, starting at 3 rooms by 3 rooms up to 7 rooms by 7 rooms.

As your maximum house dimensions goes up, so does your yard space. Yard space increases by adding a row to the top of your current yard space, and a column to the right. You should plan accordingly should you desire a centred house, as increasing your construction over time will off-centre it.

Maximum number
of rooms
Maximum house
Yard space
1 24 3×3 5×5
15 24 4×4 6×6
30 24 5×5 7×7
45 24 6×6 8×8
50 25 6×6 8×8
56 26 6×6 8×8
60 26 7×7 9×9
62 27 7×7 9×9
68 28 7×7 9×9
74 29 7×7 9×9
80 30 7×7 9×9
86 31 7×7 9×9
92 32 7×7 9×9
96 33 7×7 9×9
99 34 7×7 9×9

Notable features

  • The superior garden's spirit tree & fairy ring provides the fastest way to access transportation networks of spirit trees and fairy rings. The ornate rejuvenation pool is extremely convenient when doing player-versus-monster activities, as other alternatives for restoring all drained stats take notably more time.
  • The achievement gallery has several useful hotspots; the jewellery box, when fully upgraded, will provide unlimited teleports for various useful destinations with the ring of dueling, games necklace, skills necklace, combat bracelet, amulet of glory and ring of wealth. The occult altar also allows the player to swap between the Ancient, Arceuus, Lunar, and Standard spellbooks without having to go to their respective areas (or have 99 Magic). The cape hanger, equipped with a proper cape, will provide various useful perks.
  • The chapel may contain an altar, up to a gilded altar (requires 75 construction). In addition to being able to recharge prayer at this altar, players may also train prayer here, by using bones with the altar. With one marble incense burner lit, it gives 300% Prayer experience per bone. When both are lit, it gives 350% Prayer experience. The experience bonus will easily pay itself back with cheaper training.
  • The workshop allows you to build flat-pack furniture at your workbench, make clockwork toys at the clockmakers bench, repair barrows armour for a much cheaper price compared to using NPCs, and less significantly, paint steel and rune armour (this makes them untradeable), and make banners.
  • With a Portal Chamber a player can create portals with any teleports available to them, provided they have met the requirements. This makes it possible to use teleports from different spellbooks without the need for switching spellbook.
    • The Portal Nexus is an upgraded portal chamber that can hold even more teleports depending on the type of portal they've built.
  • A kitchen allows various levels of shelves, which contain unlimited Cooking supplies such as kettles, teapots, teacups, beer glasses, cake tins, bowls, pie dishes, pots, and chef's hats. These allow you to make tea, with the various other items in the kitchen, which gives a temporary boost to Construction. You can also cook here if you wish, and re-building oak larders is a fast method of training Construction.
  • The costume room can be amazingly helpful in storing items that would normally be taking up room in the bank. Considering that all items in this room may be made flat-pack at a workbench, any player may have the best costume room.
  • Players who wish to hire a servant must have at least two bedrooms with beds in them.
  • The study has lectern (levels 47, 57, 67, and 77), which allows you to make magic tablets, providing you have some soft clay, and the runes to cast the spell required. The eagle lectern is used for teleport spells, whilst the demon lectern is used for enchantment spells. The best eagle lectern can create: Lvl-1 Enchant, Varrock Teleport, Lumbridge Teleport, Falador Teleport, Camelot Teleport, Ardougne Teleport, Watchtower Teleport, and House Teleport. The marble lectern can make all tablets from both eagle and demon lecterns.
  • The quest hall may contain an amulet of glory on the wall, which will give you unlimited teleports. This is useful for quick banking once you are finished in your house.
  • A dining room's most notable feature is the bell-pull (level 26), which allows you to summon your servant quickly. You can use the bell-pull directly, but it is quicker to use the "Call Servant" button in the housing menu under the Settings side-panel.
  • Unneeded pets may be stored in menagerie to clear bank space. It also enables hoarding and storing different types of cats.
  • If any player dies within a house (via the combat room or dungeon rooms), they will be teleported to outside the house but will retain all their items and have their Hitpoints and other stats restored. This remains true for anyone who may die inside a player-owned house to another player in a PvP world.


  • House room limit and sizes vary depending on your Construction level. At level 1, you are restricted to a 3×3 grid and 20 room limit, which gradually increases to a 7×7 grid at level 60 and 34 rooms at level 99.
  • Houses can only have a limit of one additional room above or below the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US]. This means you cannot have a 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US] in the house or have two levels underground.
  • Some rooms are limited to certain areas. For example, gardens can only be built on ground level, while dungeon rooms must be placed underground.
  • Players cannot have a room above ground level if there is no room below it. Replacing or removing a room supporting another room must relocate or remove the upper level.
  • Costume rooms cannot be removed until all items placed inside have been taken out.

House planning

The layout of a player-owned house can be changed for free at any time by entering building mode and using the 'Viewer' option in the House Options setting. Players can move rooms to meet their current requirements.

When planning a house layout, particular consideration should be given to the following criteria:

  • The room limit and dimensions of the house, which both depend on construction level. At Construction 99 , there can be up to 34 rooms including gardens in a 7x7 house.
  • Which rooms are useful. You can eventually get rid of the level 1 Parlour and Garden. Other less frequently used rooms can either be removed or moved to the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US].
  • How many doors the rooms have and which way they are facing
    • Rooms with 4 doors such as Gardens have their direction determined by what direction the player faces while being built, but can be rotated using the house viewer mode in the house settings panel.
  • Which rooms to have close to the entrance (for quick access)
  • Oubliette should be below a Throne Room

The following list of rooms shows the number and position of doors:

<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Dining room
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Hall (skill trophies)
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
League hall
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Games room
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Combat room
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Hall (quest trophies)
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Costume room
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Portal chamber
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Formal garden
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Throne room
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Superior garden
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Dungeon (Construction)
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Portal nexus
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Dungeon corridor
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Treasure room
<templatestyles src="Template:POH room/styles.css" />
Achievement gallery

Guest access

Other players may enter a host's house via the House Advertisement board if advertised, or by selecting the 'Friend's house' option on the entrance portal and typing the host's name. Players will be unable to enter if the host's Private setting is off, even if their house is advertised. The guest must be on the same world as the host.

Other players can remain in a house if the host leaves; Guests will not be immediately removed. Hosts may remove any player from their house by using the 'Kick' right-click option, however this will not prevent re-entry. One can also remove all guests with the "Expel Guests" button in the house options. Players added to your Ignore list will not be able to enter.

A player who is teleblocked may still enter via the entrance portal.

Ironmen may not access another player's house.

Max houses

A max house is a house containing the highest level features that are considered useful to the average player. These include:

83 Construction is currently considered to be the lowest Construction level needed for a max house, as it allows players to boost with a crystal saw and spicy stew to build an ornate jewellery box. 84 Construction allows players to build a crystalline portal nexus with both boosts, and 90 Construction allows players to plant a Spirit tree & fairy ring with a spicy stew boost.

In official house party worlds, many players who do not own a max house use other player's houses for the above amenities.

Players can view whose house is available by viewing the house advertisement board next to each house portal. This will list the above information in a menu that the player can select from to pick a house to go to.

Players typically teleport to outside of the house with Teleport to house tablets and set Teleport Inside turned off in the House Options, as seen in the image below.

Teleport outside of the house option is the second option in the house options interface


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:10 January 2024| |0}} {{#explode:10 January 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:10 January 2024| |2}}]]

House loading times have been improved, and are now consistent regardless of the house's size[1] or presence of upper floors or dungeons.[2]

[[{{#explode:19 November 2015| |0}} {{#explode:19 November 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:19 November 2015| |2}}]]

Wintumber trees and Pet rocks now respond more appropriately when a POH instance changes size.

[[{{#explode:12 November 2015| |0}} {{#explode:12 November 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:12 November 2015| |2}}]]

Player-owned houses should now render more reliably for players who've lost Construction XP.

[[{{#explode:5 November 2015| |0}} {{#explode:5 November 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:5 November 2015| |2}}]]

It is no longer possible to cause a POH throne to disappear by sitting on the adjacent throne.

[[{{#explode:22 October 2015| |0}} {{#explode:22 October 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:22 October 2015| |2}}]]

Building mode can now be activated more consistently inside a player-owned house.

[[{{#explode:10 September 2015| |0}} {{#explode:10 September 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:10 September 2015| |2}}]]

It is now possible to toggle whether teleporting to your house will place you inside your house or by the house portal.

[[{{#explode:3 September 2015| |0}} {{#explode:3 September 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:3 September 2015| |2}}]]

Doors in player-owned houses can now only be closed by the host.

[[{{#explode:20 August 2015| |0}} {{#explode:20 August 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:20 August 2015| |2}}]]
  • Switching weapons while you're sitting down in a player-owned house now updates your weapon holding stance correctly when you stand up.
  • Chairs will no longer disappear if a player uses the leave house button or is evicted.
  • You will no longer stand up from a chair when talking to another player's servant.
[[{{#explode:19 March 2015| |0}} {{#explode:19 March 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:19 March 2015| |2}}]]

Watchtower & Camelot player-owned house portals & teleport tablets now teleport you to the new teleport location if you have them set.

[[{{#explode:14 November 2013| |0}} {{#explode:14 November 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 November 2013| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The player-owned house options menu now has a new toggle button, allowing you to have your house rendered with its doors already open.

[[{{#explode:7 November 2013| |0}} {{#explode:7 November 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 November 2013| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

Owners now have a 'Kick' option to expel unwanted guests

[[{{#explode:5 March 2013| |0}} {{#explode:5 March 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:5 March 2013| |2}}]]

Player-Owned Houses are now accessible enabling the proper training of Construction.

[[{{#explode:22 February 2013| |0}} {{#explode:22 February 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:22 February 2013| |2}}]]

Old School RuneScape servers are officially launched, with player-owned houses and the Construction skill disabled.


  • If a player is poisoned either before or while in a POH, exiting the POH in any way will remove this debuff, removing the potential need to wait for death or a recovery pool.


  1. ^ Mod Light. "Children of the Sun - Weekly Game Update, 10th January 2024". Reddit. 10 January 2024. Archived from the original on 10 January 2024. Mod Light: "I've got confirmation that the size of the house no longer affects the loading time of the house so yeah it should allow people to build homes that are bigger because the efficiency no longer relies on size :)"
  2. ^ Mod Light. "Children of the Sun - Weekly Game Update, 10th January 2024". Reddit. 10 January 2024. Archived from the original on 10 January 2024. Mod Light: "Just asked the devs. Any room in your house won't affect loading times so I believe they won't affect it!" In response to the question "Do dungeons affect loading times or is that also fixed?"

See also