Money making guide/Creating forester's rations

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Creating forester's rations
Cooking 35 Woodcutting 35
ProfitExperience gained
257,337, after taxCooking 97,407
Inputs (3,036,577)Outputs (3,293,914, after tax)
1,906 × Shark (1,667,925)1,906 × Magic leaves (1,368,652)68,623 × Forester's ration (3,293,914)

It takes 3 ticks to make a set of rations. Assuming you keep a stack of magic leaves in your inventory as they are stackable: for each set you are able to withdraw 27 sharks to make 972 rations, open your bank to deposit your rations and withdraw more sharks, and repeat. Assuming that each significant bank action takes a full tick, it takes 85 ticks per cycle, allowing for around 70.6 cycles per hour on average. Over a long period of time, this equates to ~68611.8 rations created per hour.

3x Foods
Shark Sea turtle Anglerfish Dark crab Manta ray
Rations Created 36 36 36 36 36
Materials Cost 1,593 2,130 2,571 2,297 2,799
Outputs Value 1,728 1,728 1,728 1,728 1,728
Profit (per action) 135 −402 −843 −569 −1,071
2x Foods
Tuna Lobster Bass Monkfish
Rations Created 24 24 24 24
Materials Cost 836 876 862 1,024
Outputs Value 1,152 1,152 1,152 1,152
Profit (per action) 316 276 290 128