Forester's rations are a stackable item used in Woodcutting. When in the inventory or stored in a forestry kit, a player using a felling axe will receive 10% more Woodcutting experience each time they successfully chop a tree and gain a 20% chance not to receive a log. One ration is consumed each time a tree is successfully chopped with a felling axe (meaning Woodcutting experience is received), whether or not logs are gathered. When this happens, a game message in the chatbox will state You consume a Forester's ration to fuel a mighty chop. You strike a clean cut without gathering any material.
Sulliusceps are also affected by forester's rations in the same way as trees which grant logs.
Additionally, if your run energy is under 90%, there is a 30% chance of consuming a forester's ration to restore 20% of your run energy when successfully chopping a tree. Both regular axes and felling axes can trigger this effect. When this happens, a game message in the chatbox will state You consume a Forester's ration and feel energised.
Forester's rations can be created by using any type of tree leaves with only cooked meat, cooked chicken, or any non-blighted cooked fish as explained in-depth below. This requires level 35 Woodcutting and Cooking, with each set producing a certain amount of rations depending on the type of leaves used.
Each type of leaf gives a base number of rations. The food used with the leaves acts as a multiplier based on the type of food used. For example, using magic leaves with manta rays, a fish that requires level 91 Cooking, gives 36 rations.
Along with Hunter meats and blighted fish, both of which are not compatible with any type of leaves, there are more types of meats that may or may not be compatible listed below: