Shades of Mort'ton/Quick guide

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Start pointMap icon Find the Diary of Herbi Flax on a shelf in a house at the village of Mort'ton. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3281" x="3481" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3481.5,3279.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3481,3279

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyIntermediate
Official lengthShort
DescriptionThe townsfolk of Mort'ton have some form of strange affliction and the town is full of Shades. Can you find some way to reverse this?
  • Completion of the following quests:
  • Crafting 20 Crafting (boostable) (not required to start)
  • Herblore 15 Herblore (boostable) (not required to start)
  • Firemaking 5 Firemaking (boostable) (not required to start)
  • Must be able to defeat 5 level-40 Loar Shades.
  • Must be able to survive an onslaught when rebuilding the Temple (Being surrounded by many players makes this much easier).
  • Access to Mort'ton
Items required
Enemies to defeat
League notes

Morytania Morytania — location requirement



Serum 207

  • Make two Serum 207 by adding clean tarromin to a vial of water and then adding ashes.
  • Use one dose on Razmire (afflicted) in the general store. (Chat 41) (Recommended to not use official Mort'ton temple World 377 yet to not get interrupted talking to the NPCs, until the step with repairing.)
  • Kill five loar shades and pick up their remains. Note: any shades that you killed before talking to Razmire will not count.
  • Return to Razmire and give him the remains. He may require more Serum 207.
  • Right click and open his General store, buy an Olive oil.
  • Open his builders' store, buy 5 timber beams, 5 limestone bricks, 25 swamp paste and optionally a Flamtaer hammer.
  • Use the serum on Ulsquire Shauncy, located in the house east of the general store. Talk to him with Loar Remains.
  • Talk to him again and ask about the remains and the temple. (Chat 12)

Repairing the temple

  • Head north-east of Mort'ton and repair the temple until you reach 100% repair and at least 20 sanctity. (Recommended to use official world 377.)
  • Light the sacred altar in the centre of the temple (or wait until someone else lights it if you don't have level 5 firemaking)
  • Use your olive oil on the flame to make sacred oil.
  • (Recommended) Use Serum 207 on the flame to make Serum 208, which permanently cures NPCs.

Burning a shade

  • Use the sacred oil on a log to create a pyre log.
  • Head west of Mort'ton general store, to any grouping of 4 stone funeral pyres. Use the pyre log, then Loar remains on a funeral pyre.
  • Light the funeral pyre. Note: This will grant 25 Prayer XP.
  • Collect the reward.
  • (Recommended) Use the Serum 208 on Razmire.
  • Use the Serum 208 on Ulsquire and finish the dialogue.
  • Congratulations, quest complete!
