Temporary skill boost/Prayer

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Boost Level
increase[d 1]
Visibility Other info
+1 Visible Activating the cape's effect will increase the corresponding skill by 1.
1 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 16
Attack Attack -5
Thieving Thieving -1
Edgeville Monastery and Nature Grotto
+2 Visible Monastery requires 31 Prayer, and is available to free players.
Altar of nature requires completion of Nature Spirit.
±0-5 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 11
Depending on type of stew, any skill except Hitpoints can be boosted or reduced by 0 to 5 levels randomly.
God Wars Dungeon altars +0-11 Visible Gaining a boost requires a god item in correspondence to the aligned god, restoring +1 for every item worn
(e.g. 2 Armadyl items worn restores +2 extra prayer if praying at the Armadyl altar).
Ambrosia 5-24 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.25)
Prayer Prayer 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.2)
Any lost Hitpoints or prayer points are fully restored prior to the boosts.
Only usable within the Tombs of Amascut
+1-42 Visible Requires completion of Another Slice of H.A.M.
Uses 100% of Special attack bar and restores Prayer equal to the damage dealt.
This can fill your Prayer up to your Prayer level + the damage dealt. For maximum effect, it's advised to use the special attack on an Undead combat dummy in conjunction with a high strength bonus and Salve amulet (e) prior to entering combat.
+1-60 Visible Uses 55% of Special attack bar and restores Prayer equal to 50% of the damage dealt. Similar to the Ancient mace, this can boost Prayer above the base level up to a maximum of 120.
  1. ^ Extra prayer points do not enable use of a higher level prayer and do not decay.