Tool Leprechaun (Larry)

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Tool Leprechaun
Released23 October 2006 (Update)
LocationRoof of the Troll Stronghold
League regionAsgarnia Asgarnia
ShopLeprechaun Larry's Farming Supplies.
OptionsTalk-to, Exchange, Trade
ExamineIt's a leprechaun sunbathing on a mountain.
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X/Y: 2825,3685

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Advanced data

Larry Leprechaun is a Tool Leprechaun located near My Arm's disease-free herb patch, on the roof of the Troll Stronghold. He is lying in a chair and relaxing.

He runs a unique farming shop, being the only one to sell cocktail glasses and rocks.

Larry Leprechaun sunbathing and drinking a cocktail.


Sells at: 130.0% • Buys at: 40.0% • Change per: 10.0%
in stock
sold at
bought at
Rake66s (10t) 7 2 117
Seed dibber46s (10t) 7 2 136
Secateurs16s (10t) 6 2 35
Spade36s (10t) 3 1 178
Gardening trowel26s (10t) 15 4 138
Watering can26s (10t) 10 3 137
Compost26s (10t) 26 8 10
Compost pack1030s (50t)Not sold
Plant cure51.8s (3t) 52 16 144
Cocktail glass5231h 40m (10,000t) 1 0 280
Rock (elemental)31h 40m (10,000t)Not sold


This article on an NPC has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations with this NPC.Expression error: Unrecognised word "span".


  • He is the only leprechaun that runs a farming store.
  • When Larry's shop is opened, the cocktail glass quantity increases or decreases by a random number 1–6, depending on if the stock is less than or greater than 600. Due to this, Ironmen can not buy cocktail glasses from his shop upon opening it if it is fully stocked, as the quantity being over 523 makes the shop overstocked.
  • Larry's attire, umbrella, and unusual location could be in reference to the Supertramp album "Crisis? What Crisis?" in which a man sits on a beach chair with an umbrella and cocktail while in an industrial area. Larry's nonchalant pose mirrors that of the album cover, as well as the juxtaposition of bright colours in the otherwise grey and dull Trollheim.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:3 September 2015| |0}} {{#explode:3 September 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:3 September 2015| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

Leprechauns can now hold up-to 255 buckets.

[[{{#explode:28 May 2015| |0}} {{#explode:28 May 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:28 May 2015| |2}}]]

Tool leprechauns can now exchange weeds for bank notes.