Level 2 certificate

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Level 2 certificate
Released9 July 2003 (Update)
Quest itemThe Dig Site
OptionsLook-at, Drop
ExamineThe owner has passed Earth Sciences level 2 exam.
Value1 coin
High alch0 coins
Low alch0 coins
Weight0.02 kg
Advanced data
Item ID692

The level 2 certificate is a quest item used during the Digsite Quest. Players may obtain one after completing the second archaeology exam. The certificate allows players to dig at level 2 sites in the Digsite.

After completing the quest, players may bring the certificate to the Varrock Museum curator along with the Level 1 certificate and Level 3 certificate to get a Fruit blast or a Chocolate cake. Note: the item will be consumed once given to the museum's curator.

Currently, there is no method to recover the item should it be lost. Players should be careful if they wish to claim the post-quest rewards or keep the item as a souvenir.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:22 August 2006| |0}} {{#explode:22 August 2006| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:22 August 2006| |2}}]]
  • The item was graphically updated with the rework of The Dig Site.
  • The "Look-at" option was added, allowing players to read the certificate.
[[{{#explode:5 July 2005| |0}} {{#explode:5 July 2005| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:5 July 2005| |2}}]]

The item's examine was changed from "The owner has passed earth sciences level 2 exam." to "The owner has passed Earth Sciences level 2 exam."

Gallery (historical)

29 March 2004 ⁠–
22 August 2006
22 August 2006 ⁠–


  • There seems to be a typo when examining the item, with the correction being: "The owner has passed the Earth Sciences level 2 exam."