Tithe Farm/Strategies

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This article is a guide to Tithe Farm. Always remember to include a spade, a seed dibber (or completed Bare-handed planting), and enough filled watering cans in your inventory.

If you are new to the minigame, it might be worthwhile to try a few rounds with fewer plants (for example, 8 per run) until you have gotten some practice.

There are three different seed types that each require a certain Farming level to plant:

Basic strategy

Requires 8+ filled watering can or Gricoller's can, a spade, and a seed dibber (or partial completion of the Farming portion of the Barbarian Training miniquest).

Starting off

  • Take from the table seeds for your level (up to 10,000).
  • Enter through the door.
  • Drop Gricoller's fertiliser (using this item makes this type of run undoable).
  • If not already, fill your 8 watering cans.
  • Head to the starting location depicted in the image.
A strategy for planting 20 seeds. If 20 is tedious, players can cut off at 16.

Performing a run

The basic strategy uses the plant layout and order in the image to the right (you do not need to use these specific patches, just any five in this pattern).

  1. Plant and water on the first round.
  2. After reaching plant 20, start back at 1 and water each plant.
  3. Repeat watering (alternate watering cans to skip animation).
  4. Harvest.
  5. Deposit the fruits and refill the watering cans.
  6. Repeat from step 1.

Before leaving, try to deposit 100 fruits into the sack; 2 bonus points are awarded for every 100 fruits deposited. When you exit the minigame, the number of fruits deposited resets. Logging out does not reset the count but will clear every plant from the farm.

When planting seeds or watering plants, you do not need to wait for the animation to finish. You can cut the time spent doing a run by almost half if you do this, making it key to managing 20 plants at once. It can take some practice to master, but as a starting point, the watering animation "finishes" as soon as the ground appears soaked, allowing you to water the next spot.

To grow more than 20 plants per run, or to replant faster, see the "Advanced strategies" section below.


A "zig-zag" strategy for planting 20 seeds. Cast Humidify after harvesting the last plant.
  • If you find yourself struggling to water the plants at the start, it is possible to still do a 20 crop run by planting 2 seeds across and then watering. This makes the timing much less precise compared to planting and then watering, allowing for a more relaxed gameplay without drawbacks.
  • Full graceful is invaluable here. While you should not use all of your energy if you start each run at 100%, you will be able to do consecutive runs more quickly if you have the full outfit. Alternatively, stamina potions may help.
  • The Humidify spell from the Lunar spellbook allows for much faster refilling of watering cans. (This requires completion of the Dream Mentor quest.) You can end the spell's animation early by using a watering can on a plant.
  • It is a good idea to have your camera rotated to be as far above you as possible, as this makes it easier to plant seeds and water plants in adjacent spots. If you use the RuneLite client, enable "Expand pitch limit" in the Camera plugin settings to allow the camera to be directly overhead.
  • If using the Farmer's outfit, you only need to equip it when harvesting the plants or depositing the fruit. At all other times, the graceful outfit or other weight-reducing clothing should be worn. The extra experience from harvesting the fruit is very minimal (under 200 experience per hour), so don't worry if you forget to change outfits. However, the extra experience from depositing the fruit in the sack is well worth changing outfits for.
  • If you purchase Gricoller's can, which only needs refilling every 333 plants, you can omit the 8 watering cans and reduce your weight by several units. With level ~90+ Agility, this is enough to wear the Farmer's outfit for the duration of the minigame without the need for stamina potions. You can reach 0 kilograms by only bringing the essential weight-bearing items, along with at least the graceful cape and gloves.

Gricoller's fertiliser strategy

Requires 4 filled watering can or Gricoller's can, a spade.

There are two benefits to using Gricoller's fertiliser. The first is that it results in a much shorter period of game time between planting and harvesting. The basic strategy approach requires at least 3 minutes of constant play time before harvesting. Gricoller's fertiliser can result in a < 2 minute play time to harvest. It's fairly easy to plant 10 plants with the fertiliser, resulting in a fairly easy playstyle that is only somewhat slower than the basic method.

The second benefit is that the graceful outfit isn't as necessary. Only 4 watering cans are necessary with the fertiliser, so the general player weight should be minimal. Planting only 10 at a time means the majority of the run will be spent walking. Using the Farmer's outfit is a great alternative for this method, as this method is generally slower than the basic strategy. The overall experience difference between this strategy and the basic strategy is around a 20–30% slower XP/hr rate.

Plant 10 seeds as shown in the image to the right. Only plant during the first round, then water and fertilise (it is fastest in that order). After the second round, the player just needs to continue watering in the order of the image until harvest.

During the harvest run, it's possible to plant the next round. This requires more focus than harvesting separately from planting. But, if done correctly, this can raise the XP/hr close to the basic strategy, although again, this is likely a slower overall strategy by about 10%.

Advanced strategies

These are click-intensive strategies which require a bit of practice and a stable internet connection.

Two methods are important for these strategies:

  1. When planting seeds at the start, you can manually use the watering can on plants instead of left-clicking the new plant. Manually watering each plant will skip the seed dibber animation, saving 1 tick per plant. There's a very small time window to skip the animation, so water quickly after planting. If done perfectly, this will save 15s for a 25x4 run or 12s for a 20x5 combo run.
  2. Use an efficient movement route and make small movements before tending to each plant. Click the ground and plant or water after your character is heading to the right tile. Tile markers are helpful, but not necessary. See below for several routes.

Combo method

This strategy combines harvesting and replanting into one route by harvesting your plant, then replanting and watering that plant before harvesting the next plant (we will call this a combo route). To accomplish this, you must save as many game ticks as possible throughout all of your actions during the minigame.

Since each plant spans three squares, if you are able to click to move one square diagonally before you action the next plant without losing any ticks, you save time walking north (or south) to your next plant on that row, as it becomes only two squares away from you instead of three. This, combined with the time saved by casting Humidify while running to the first plant again (only do this right before you start on your combo route), will give you enough leeway to harvest, replant, and water each plant, saving you the time of running one whole route again between each harvest and replant. There is room for very few errors, as you need to continuously be either busy acting on a plant or covering the distance to the next plant.

For the final row (plants 17–20), it can save you two extra game ticks per route if you run four squares at least two times while running to the next plant, as it consumes the same amount of time as running three squares. Keep in mind: there is an even amount of tiles between the middle tile of the 20th plant and the closest tile of the 1st plant, so there is no need to walk the extra tile to the corner of the 20th plant.

To practice this strategy, it is more than possible to use the general strategy by doing separate harvest and replant routes. If you apply the techniques used in this strategy to the normal strategy, you will find you can eventually start "catching up" to the plants you have previously watered. This can be an indication of how fast you are making your routes.

Generally speaking, you should always be forced to wait on the final couple of plants to grow before you can water them and move on (this only applies to watering routes after your first combo route, as a combo route takes more time to complete than the initial planting route). If your 11th or less plant has just grown as you begin making your way from the 20th plant back to the first, then you are able to combine your next replant and harvest routes. When you make your initial planting route, you spend less time at each plant than you do during the combo routes, so the initial plant and water may seem more click-intensive than the combo routes, but you have much more room for error.

This method has a round trip of 19 minutes and 30 seconds. Providing no plants die, this grants 107 points per hour and the following experience rates per hour:

Condition Golovanova Farming 34 Bologano Farming 54 Logavano Farming 74
Without farmer's outfit 28,273 65,970 108,380
With outfit (on deposit only) 28,936 67,517 110,921
With outfit (on deposit and harvest) 28,980 67,619 111,090

The only other requirement for this method is Humidify (or Gricoller's can) and potentially stamina potions. At ~70 Agility and full graceful, only a few points of run energy are lost each round, so energy/super energy potions or even an occasional energy restore via the functions of an Explorer's Ring of any tier are viable alternatives to stamina potions.

With the tithe farm changes from 23 of May, 2024, fully grown plants no longer decay. This allows this method to be done without having humidify, as you refilling the watering cans can easily be done before the harvesting phase.

25x4 method

Tithe Farm 25x4 method route.
Tithe Farm 25x4 method; alternative route that saves 3 ticks.

The 25x4 method uses the time saved from efficient movement to do four rounds of 25 seeds instead of the usual five rounds of 20 seeds. Manual watering and efficient movement routes are used, but it does not combine harvesting and replanting as in the combo method.

Bring 10 watering cans to be able to do the full run without refilling, as the 25x4 route is too dense to allow easily casting Humidify mid-run.

Planting 25 seeds without having any plants die requires using both the diagonal movement technique and the seed dibber animation skip. Executing this without major mistakes leaves 10 to 15 seconds of leeway before the first plants start to die. Common mistakes include not manually watering the new seed fast enough to skip the seed dibber animation, being slow to plant a new seed after a small movement, and accidentally using a seed on an existing patch.

Both the 25x4 method and the combo route method allow players to grow 100 fruit in 16 full runs of their respective routes, that is, runs to plant, water, and harvest. The main difference is in the margin of error, which is already small on the combo strategy but is even less forgiving in the 25x4 run. The player is never standing and waiting on plants to grow with the 25x4 method, whereas the combo route method always involves waiting a few seconds for the 20th plant to grow.

With near-perfect performance using Logavano fruit, this method allows the player to gain up to 115k experience/hr. It takes about 19 minutes to gain 100 fruit, leading to 110 points gained per hour. If no mistakes are made, the two methods are almost identical in terms of speed.

This method offers an edge in earning rates through its capacity to "overlap" runs. If the plants are being harvested with flawless performance, the player may recognise they have time to spare in the harvest run and may decide to harvest and immediately re-plant and water the last few patches, akin to the tick-perfect method, effectively shifting the starting point of the route. Using this method to overlap up to 16 plants can save 1 minute per full run, improving experience and point rates by up to 5%.

24x method

With the removal of the 100-seed limit, some of the spare time left at the end of a 20x5 non-combo run can be used to efficiently farm up to four additional plants while leaving more room for error than 25 plants. Since the movement is the same but simply skips the single-plant patch at the end, this method can be used to practice for the 25x4 method.

24x Combo method

With near perfect execution of manually watering seeds after they've been planted and through efficient pathing, it is possible to run a combo route of up to 24 plants. The path is similar to that of the alternative 25x4 method, only starting at the north end of the centre field and simply skipping one of the plots. This method requires extreme precision and focus, as the route only leaves a few seconds before plants start dying and a single mistake can be enough to miss the timing. As such, it is only recommended for those with a good amount of experience with the 25x4 route and manually watering seeds, as well as a good internet connection. One cycle of planting/harvest 24 plants takes approximately 4 minutes and 10 seconds with run energy restoration and Gricoller's can, giving roughly 14.4 runs per hour for 345 fruit/120 points. This route also significantly reduces run energy usage, as one less lap of the fields is needed to harvest, and may be useful ironmen/accounts without easy access to run regeneration. This route works best when used in long sessions, as the 24 fruit yield does not cleanly add up to 100 for the bonus fruit and the route is hindered slightly by the initial setup/final harvest runs.

Route of the 24x Combo route, beginning at the north end of the center field, and moving south along the eastern field while cutting back to the center field's 3rd, 6th, and 8th plot in between. It then goes to the singular plot, then return north along the western plots, cutting back to cover the center's 2nd, 5th, and 7th plots.
Tithe Farm 24x Combo route.

To begin, simply plant/water the field with 25 plants, then either harvest the empty plot as indicated or leave fully grown and harvest at the end of a growth cycle. Afterwards, follow the steps below:

  1. Starting at the SOUTHERN END of plot 1, harvest the previous plant, plant the seed, and manually water the seedling as soon as possible. Note that starting on the southern end of plot one will move you to the southern end of tile 2, allowing you to move 2 tile to the location for plot 3.
  2. Move onto the next plant as indicated, and harvest, plant and water. Repeat until all indicated fields are planted.
  3. Following the route as indicated, water all plant EXCEPT FOR PLOT 23 (move directly to Plot 24, this will give more time to complete the cycle, and plot 23 can be watered in the final cycle without any time loss).
  4. Repeat step 3, watering all plants one more time (including plot 23). If you skipped plot 23 in the previous cycle, move to water it before watering plot 4.

After this, all plants should be fully grown and the cycle can be started again from step 1. If you need to refill water cans or restore energy, or simply take a break, do so now as all plants will be fully grown and will not decay.

Note that skipping plot 23 is not strictly necessary, but doing so will only allow for 1 tick to be lost when performing the route before plants will begin to die. When getting used to the run it is recommended to start with fewer plants, simply skipping planting the plot as needed, then slowing adding more until you are comfortable with the route. It is also recommended to harvest plant 2 prior to starting the cycle, as this will give a slight bit (2 ticks) more lenience to allow for mistakes, at a very minimal increase in time per cycle.