Stone tablet (The Garden of Death)

From Illerai

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Mount QuidamortemLake Molch IslandKebos SwampRuins of Morra
Stone tablet
Released30 November 2022 (Update)
Quest itemThe Garden of Death
OptionsRead, Destroy
DestroyYou can obtain another from the dungeon south east of Mount Quidamortem.
ExamineAn ancient tablet found in a ruin south east of Mount Quidamortem.
Value30 coins
AlchemyNot alchemisable
Weight1 kg
Advanced data
Item ID27519

Stone tablets are items obtained during The Garden of Death, where players find them throughout the dungeons built by the Old Ones, an ancient race who inhabited modern-day Varlamore.

The tablets can be read, and are automatically translated as players find new translations during and after the quest via the word translations scroll. When read, translated words in blue indicate that the word is incorrect in context, whilst words in green indicate the word is correct in context.

The only untranslatable phrase is "Zema-Tal" in the last tablet found. Though players infer "Tal" to mean life or soul, "Zema" is not translatable during the quest, but is instead revealed during The Heart of Darkness to mean together, people, and one. With the context of both words and the discovery of the Stranglewood during Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire, one possible meaning of Zema-Tal may be what the Old Ones called themselves (ex. Zema-Tal tepat -> We [the Old Ones are] destroyed).


The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Stone tablet (The Garden of Death).
Mount Quidamortem tablet

Amok miki. Tal toka kemo. Lini toka makt. Tal tlane osto ates ikam.

Little time. Soul vessel success. Send vessel north. Life garden below lake island.

Lake Molch Island tablet

Siua olkat moki. Olkat moki tal. Kualt olkat tal toka. Moki yoka tlane lini kamat. Silam osto achi ates xali.

Many body needed. Body need life. Feed body soul vessel. Need knowledge garden transfer method. West below poison water land.

Kebos Swamp tablet

Lini kamat kemo. Olkat kemo. Tal toka kemo. Miki xita. Miki achi moki. Miki chua tal. Miki tlane lini. Uitt takam osto tlane tasol.

Transfer method success. Body success. Soul vessel success. Time arrived. Death poison needed. Death create life. Death garden deliver. South east below forest building.

Ruins of Morra tablet

Miki achi ami. Tlane chua rani miki. Lini antil. Antil tepat. Ami tal. Tal toka ami. Zema-Tal tepat.

Death poison fail. Plant create dark death. Send home. Home destroyed. No life. Soul vessel fail. Zema-Tal destroyed.



Date Changes
[[{{#explode:7 December 2022| |0}} {{#explode:7 December 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 December 2022| |2}}]]
  • Reading the stone tablet is now clearer; blue translated words now indicate words in incorrect context, whilst new, green translated words indicate the word is correct in context.